  KMmKYbIfxJ2Q 2023年11月02日 49 0

 改 错 题







#include <stdio.h>

double fun ( int m )

{  double   y = 1.0 ;

   int  i ;


   for(i = 2 ; i < m ; i++) 改为:for(i = 2 ; i <= m ; i++)


      y -= 1 /(i * i) ; 改为:y -= 1.0 /(i * i) ;

   return( y ) ;


main( )

{  int n = 5 ;

   printf( "\nThe result is %lf\n", fun ( n ) ) ;




#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>


void fun (char  s, char  t) 改为:void fun (char  * s, char  * t)

{  int   i, d;

   d = strlen(s);

   for (i = 0; i<d; i++)  t[i] = s[i];

   for (i = 0; i<d; i++)  t[d+i] = s[d-1-i];


   t[2*d-1] = '\0'; 改为:t[2*d] = '\0';



{  char   s[100], t[100];

   printf("\nPlease enter string S:"); scanf("%s", s);

   fun(s, t);

   printf("\nThe result is: %s\n", t);  }



#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

#define   N     80

void fun(char *s, char t[])

{  int  i, j=0;

   for(i=0; i<strlen(s); i++)


   if(i%2 && s[i]%2==0) 改为:if(i%2= =0 || s[i]%2= =0)



   t[i]='\0'; 改为:t[j]='\0';



{  char  s[N], t[N];

   printf("\nPlease enter string s : "); gets(s);

   fun(s, t);

   printf("\nThe result is : %s\n",t);



#include <stdio.h>

double fun ( int n )

{ double result = 1.0 ;


  if n = = 0 改为:if (n == 0)

    return 1.0 ;

  while( n >1 && n < 170 )


    result *= n-- 改为:result *= n--;

  return result ;


main ( )

{ int n ;

  printf("Input N:") ;

  scanf("%d", &n) ;

  printf("\n\n%d! =%lf\n\n", n, fun(n)) ;



#include <stdio.h>

int fun()

{  int a[3][3],sum;

   int i,j;


   ______; 改为:sum=0

   for (i=0;i<3;i++)

   {  for (j=0;j<3;j++)


       scanf("%d",a[i][j]); 改为:scanf("%d",&a[i][j]);


   for (i=0;i<3;i++)





{  fun();  }

6、给定程序中fun函数的功能是:求 ,(此处aa…aa表示n个a,a和n的值在1至9之间)。例如,a=3,n=6,则以上表达式为:


#include <stdio.h>

long fun (int a, int n)

{  int  j ;


   long  s = 0,  t = 1 ;                      改为:long  s = 0,  t = 0 ;


   for ( j = 0 ; j <=n ; j++) 改为:for ( j = 0 ; j <n ; j++)

      t = t * 10 + a ;

   s = t ;

   for ( j = 1 ; j < n ; j++) {


     t = t % 10 ; 改为:t = t / 10 ;

     s = s - t ;  }

   return(s) ;


main( )

{  int  a, n ;

   printf( "\nPlease enter a and n:") ;

   scanf(  "%d%d", &a, &n ) ;

   printf( "The value of  function is: %ld\n", fun ( a, n ) );



#include <stdio.h>

long  fun ( int   k)



   if  k > 0 改为:if(k > 0)

      return (k*fun(k-1));


   else if ( k=0 ) 改为:else if ( k==0 )

     return 1L;



{  int k = 10 ;

   printf("%d!=%ld\n", k, fun ( k )) ;  }



#include <stdio.h>

int fun(float x[], int n)



  int j, c=0, float xa=0.0; 改为:int j, c=0; float xa=0.0;

   for (j=0; j<n; j++ )

     xa += x[j]/n;

   printf("ave =%f\n",xa);

   for (j=0; j<n; j++ )


     if (x[j] => xa) 改为:if (x[j] >= xa)


   return c;


main ( )

{  float x[100] = { 193.199, 195.673, 195.757, 196.051,

196.092, 196.596, 196.579, 196.763 };

   printf("%d\n", fun (x, 8));  }


#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

char* fun( char tt[] )

{  int i;

   for( i = 0; tt[i]; i++ )


    if(( 'a' <= tt[i] )||( tt[i] <= 'z' ) ) 改为:if((tt[i] >= 'a')&&( tt[i] <= 'z' ) )


      tt[i] += 32; 改为:tt[i] - = 32;

  return( tt );


main( )

{  char tt[81];

   printf( "\nPlease enter a string: " );

   gets( tt );

   printf( "\nThe result string is:\n%s", fun( tt ) );  }


#include <stdio.h>


fun( char *p )             改为:void fun( char *p )

{   char   max,*q;   int   i=0;


    while( p[i]!=0 )

    {   if( max<p[i] )

       {  max=p[i];


          q=p+I 改为:q=p+i;


        i++;   }


    wihle(  q>p ) 改为:while(q>p )

    {  *q=*(q-1);

       q--;  }




{  char   str[80];

   printf("Enter a string:  "); gets(str);

   printf("\nThe original string:      ");  puts(str);


   printf("\nThe string after moving:  ");  puts(str); printf("\n\n");  }


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

typedef  struct  aa

{  int  data;  struct  aa  *next; }NODE;

int  fun(NODE  *h)

{ int   sum = 0 ;

  NODE  *p;


  p=h; 改为:p=h->next;


  while(p->next) 改为:while(p)

  {  if(p->data%2==0)  sum +=p->data;


     p=h->next; 改为:p=p->next;


  return  sum;


NODE  *creatlink(int  n)

{  NODE  *h, *p, *s, *q;

   int  i, x;

   h=p=(NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE));

   for(i=1; i<=n; i++)

   {  s=(NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE));

      s->data=rand()%16;   s->next=p->next;

      p->next=s;   p=p->next;  }


   return  h;


outlink(NODE  *h, FILE  *pf) 

{  NODE *p;

   p = h->next;

   fprintf(pf ,"\n\nTHE  LIST :\n\n  HEAD " );


     {  fprintf(pf ,"->%d ",p->data ); p=p->next; }

   fprintf (pf,"\n");


outresult(int  s, FILE *pf)

{  fprintf(pf,"\nThe sum of even numbers  :  %d\n",s);}

main( )

{  NODE  *head;    int  even;



   outlink(head , stdout);


   printf("\nThe  result  :\n"); outresult(even, stdout); 


12、给定程序中fun函数的功能是:求三个数的最小公倍数。例如,给主函数中的变量x1,x2,x3分别输入15 11 2,则输出结果应当是:330。

#include <stdio.h>


fun(int  x, y, z ) 改为:fun(int  x, int  y, int  z )

{  int  j,t ,n ,m;

   j = 1 ; 改为:j = x;

   t=j%x;  m=j%y ;   n=j%z;


   while(t!=0&&m!=0&&n!=0)               改为:while(t!=0||m!=0||n!=0)

   {  j = j+1; t=j%x;  m=j%y; n=j%z;  }


   return i; 改为:return j;


main( )

{  int   x1,x2,x3,j ;

   printf("Input x1  x2  x3:  ");  scanf("%d%d%d",&x1,&x2,&x3);

   printf("x1=%d, x2=%d, x3=%d \n",x1,x2,x3);


   printf("The minimal common multiple is : %d\n",j);  }


#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

void fun (char  *s, char  *t)

{   int i, sl;

    sl = strlen(s);


    for( i=0; i<=s1; i ++) 改为:for( i=0; i< sl; i ++)

         t[i] = s[i];

    for (i=0; i<sl; i++)

      t[sl+i] = s[sl-i-1];


    t[sl] = '\0'; 改为:t[2*sl] = '\0';



{  char s[100], t[100];

   printf("\nPlease enter string s:"); scanf("%s", s);

   fun(s, t);

   printf("The result is: %s\n", t);  



#include <stdio.h>

void  fun( char  *s )

{   int  i,j;

    for(i=j=0; s[i]!='\0'; i++)



  s[j]=s[i]; 改为:s[j++]=s[i];


    s[i]='\0'; 改为:s[j]='\0';



{  char  s[80];

   printf("Enter a string:       "); gets(s);

   printf("The original string:  "); puts(s);


   printf("The string after deleted :  "); puts(s);printf("\n\n");  



#include <stdio.h>


fun( int  *b )   改为:int fun( int  *b )            

{  int   k,a1,a2,i=0;


   for(k=10; k<=55; k++) { 改为:for(k=10; k<55; k++) {


      a2=k/1O; 改为:a2=k/10;


      if((k%3==0 && a2==5)||(k%3==0 && a1==5))

      {  b[i]=k; i++; }



   return  k; 改为:return  i;


main( )

{  int  a[100],k,m;

   m=fun( a );

   printf("The result is :\n");

   for(k=0; k<m; k++) printf("%4d",a[k]);  printf("\n");  




#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>


void fun( int  k ) 改为:float fun( int  k )

{  int n; float s,  w, p, q;

   n = 1;

   s = 1.0;

   while ( n <= k )

   { w = 2.0 * n;

     p = w - 1.0;

     q = w + 1.0;

     s = s * w *w/p/q;




   return  s 改为:return  s;


main ( )

{  printf("%f\n", fun (10));  }



#include <conio.h>

#include <stdio.h>


fun( int m, int k ) 改为:void fun( int m, int k )

{  int aa[20], i;

   for( i = 0; m; i++ )



     aa[i] =  m/k; 改为:aa[i] =  m% k;

     m /= k;


  for( ; i; i-- )


    printf( "%d", aa[ i ] ); 改为:printf( "%d", aa[ i-1] );


main( )

{  int b, n;

   printf( "\nPlease enter a number and a base:\n" );  scanf(  "%d %d", &n, &b );

   fun( n, b );   printf("\n");  }



#include <stdio.h>


int  fun ( int n ) 改为:float  fun ( int n )

{  float  A=1; int i;


   for (i=2; i<n; i++) 改为:for (i=2; i<=n; i++)

     A = 1.0/(1+A);

   return A ;  }

main( )

{  int  n ;

   printf("\nPlease enter n: ") ; 

   scanf("%d", &n ) ;   printf("A%d=%f\n", n, fun(n) ) ;  }


#include <stdio.h>

#define  M   5


int  fun(int  n, int  xx[][]) 改为:int  fun(int n, int xx[M][M])

{  int  i, j, sum=0;

   printf( "\nThe %d x %d matrix:\n", M, M );

   for( i = 0; i < M; i++ )

    {  for( j = 0; j < M; j++ )


          printf( "%f ", xx[i][j] ); 改为:printf( "%4d ", xx[i][j] );

       printf("\n");  }

  for( i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ )

     sum += xx[i][i]+xx[i][ n-i-1 ];

  return( sum );


main( )

{  int  aa[M][M]={{1,2,3,4,5},{4,3,2,1,0}, {6,7,8,9,0},{9,8,7,6,5},{3,4,5,6,7}};

   printf ( "\nThe sum of all elements on 2 diagnals is %d.",fun( M, aa ));  }


例如:当字符串中的内容为:“abcdabfabcdx”,t中的内容为“ab”时,输出结果为:abcdx。当字符串中的内容为:“abcdabfabcdx”,t中的内容为“abd”时,则程序输出未打到住处:not be found!

#include  <stdio.h>

#include  <string.h>

char * fun (char  *s,  char *t )

{  char   *p , *r, *a;


  a = Null; 改为:a = NULL;

  while ( *s )

  {   p = s;   r = t;

      while ( *r )


         if ( r == p ) 改为:if ( r* ==* p )

             { r++;  p++; }

         else  break;

      if ( *r == '\0' ) a = s;

      s++;  }

  return  a ;



{  char   s[100], t[100], *p;

   printf("\nPlease enter string S :"); scanf("%s", s );

   printf("\nPlease enter substring t :"); scanf("%s", t );

   p = fun( s, t );

   if ( p )  printf("\nThe result is :  %s\n", p);

   else    printf("\nNot found !\n" );



#include <stdio.h>

int  fun(unsigned  n, int  *zero)

{  int  count=0,max=0,t;


   {  t=n%10;


      if(t=0) 改为:if(t==0)


      if(max<t)  max=t;




   zero=count; 改为:* zero=count;

   return  max;


main( )

{  unsigned  n;    int  zero,max;

   printf("\nInput n(unsigned):  ");  scanf("%d",&n);

   max = fun( n,&zero );

   printf("\nThe result:  max=%d    zero=%d\n",max,zero);



#include <stdio.h>

long  fun(int  x, int  y, long  *p )

{  int  i;

   long  t=1;


   for(i=1; i<y; i++) 改为:for(i=1; i<=y; i++)




   t=t/1000; 改为:t=t%1000;

   return  t;


main( )

{  long   t,r;    int  x,y;

   printf("\nInput x and y: ");  scanf("%ld%ld",&x,&y);


   printf("\n\nx=%d, y=%d, r=%ld, last=%ld\n\n",x, y,r,t );



4 1 2 3

3 4 1 2

2 3 4 1

1 2 3 4

#include <stdio.h>

#define    M    4


void fun(int  a) 改为:void fun(int  a[M])

{  int  i,j,k,m;

   printf("Enter 4 number :  ");

   for(i=0; i<M; i++)  scanf("%d",&a[i]);

   printf("\n\nThe result  :\n\n");


   {  k=a[M-1];



         aa[j]=a[j-1]; 改为:a[j]=a[j-1];


      for(m=0; m<M; m++)  printf("%d  ",a[m]);





{  int  a[M];

   fun(a); printf("\n\n");   }


#include <stdio.h>

double fun ( int x[])



  int sum = 0.0; 改为:double sum = 0.0;

  int c=0, i=0;

  while (x[i] != 0)

  {   if (x[i] > 0) { sum += x[i]; c++; }

      i++;   }


  sum \= c; 改为:sum /= c;

  return sum;


main( )

{  int x[1000];  int i=0;

   printf( "\nPlease enter some data (end with 0): " );

   do {  scanf("%d", &x[i]);  } while (x[i++] != 0);

   printf("%f\n", fun ( x ));




#include <stdio.h>

double  fun ( int   m )

{  double  y = 1.0 ;

   int i;


   for(i = 2 ; i < m ; i++) 改为:for(i = 2 ; i <= m ; i++)


      y += 1 / (i * i) ; 改为:y += 1.0 / (i * i) ;

   return( y ) ;


main( )

{  int n = 5 ;

   printf( "\nThe result is %lf\n", fun ( n ) ) ;  }

26、给定程序中fun函数的功能是:将p所指字符串中每个单词的最后一个字母改成大写。(这里的“单词”是指由空格隔开的字符串)。例如,若输入“I am a student to take the examination.”,则应输出“I aM A studenT tO takE thE examinatioN.”。

#include <ctype.h>

#include <stdio.h>

void fun( char *p )

{  int k = 0;

   for( ; *p; p++ )

     if( k )



       if( p == ' ' ) 改为:if(* p == ' ' )

       {  k  = 0;


         * (p-1) = toupper( *( p - 1 ) ) 改为:* (p-1) = toupper( *( p - 1 ) );



     else  k = 1;


main( )

{ char chrstr[64];

  int d ;

  printf( "\nPlease enter an English sentence within 63 letters: ");

  gets(chrstr);    d=strlen(chrstr) ;

  chrstr[d] = ' ' ;    chrstr[d+1] = 0 ;

  printf("\n\nBefore changing:\n  %s", chrstr);


  printf("\nAfter changing:\n  %s", chrstr);



#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

fun ( int  n, int  *a )

{  int  i, j, p, t;

   for ( j = 0; j<n-1 ; j++ )

   {  p = j;


      for ( i=j+1; i<n-1 ; i++ ) 改为:for ( i=j+1; i<n ; i++ )

         if ( a[p]>a[i] )


            t=i; 改为:p=i;

      if ( p!=j ) { t = a[j]; a[j] = a[p]; a[p] = t; }



putarr( int  n,  int  *z )

{ int  i;

  for ( i = 1; i <=  n; i++, z++ )

  {  printf( "%4d", *z );

    if ( !( i%10 ) )  printf( "\n" ); }



main( )

{  int  aa[20]={9,3,0,4,1,2,5,6,8,10,7}, n=11;

   printf( "\n\nBefore sorting %d numbers:\n", n ); putarr( n, aa );

   fun( n, aa );

   printf( "\nAfter sorting %d numbers:\n", n ); putarr( n, aa );  }


#include <stdio.h>

#include <ctype.h>

void  fun (char  *s)



  while(*s!='@') 改为:while(*s!='\0')

  {  if(*s>='A' & *s<='Z' || *s>='a' && *s<='z')

     { if(*s=='Z')     *s='A';

       else if(*s=='z')  *s='a';

       else           *s += 1;



     (*s)++; 改为:s++;



main( )

{  char  s[80];

   printf("\n  Enter a string with length < 80.  :\n\n  "); gets(s);

   printf("\n  The  string :  \n\n  ");  puts(s);

   fun ( s );

   printf ("\n\n  The  Cords :\n\n  ");  puts(s);



#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>


void  fun (  char  s[], int  n ) 改为:void  fun ( char *s, int  n )

{  char  a[80] , *p;

   int  i;


   s=p; 改为:p=s;

   for(i=0; i<n; i++)  a[i]='*';


   {  a[i]=*p;

      i++; }


   while(*p); 改为:while(*p++);




main( )

{  int  n;        char  s[80];

   printf("\nEnter a string  :  "); gets(s);

   printf("\nThe string \"%s\"\n",s);

   printf("\nEnter n ( number of * )  :  ");  scanf("%d",&n);


   printf("\nThe string after inster : \"%s\" \n" ,s);


30、给定程序中fun函数的功能是:实现两个整数的交换。例如给a和b分别输入60和65,输出结果为a=65  b=60。

#include <stdio.h>


void  fun ( int  a, b ) 改为:void  fun ( int  * a, int  * b )

{ int   t;


  t = b;  b = a ;   a = t; 改为:t = *b;  *b = *a ;   *a = t;


main ( )

{  int    a, b;

   printf ( "Enter  a , b :  "); scanf ( "%d%d", &a, &b );

   fun ( &a , &b ) ;

   printf (" a = %d   b = %d\n ", a, b );



#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

void fun( char  *a, char  *b, char  *c )

{ int   i , j;     char   ch;

  i = 0;    j = strlen(b)-1;


  while ( i > j ) 改为:while ( i < j )

  {   ch = b[i]; b[i] = b[j]; b[j] = ch;

      i++;    j--;  }

  while ( *a || *b ) {

     if ( *a ) { *c = *a;  c++; a++; }

     if ( *b )   { *c = *b;  c++; b++; }



   c = 0; 改为:*c = ‘\0'


main( )

{  char   s1[100],s2[100],t[200];

   printf("\nEnter s1 string : ");scanf("%s",s1);

   printf("\nEnter s2 string : ");scanf("%s",s2);

   fun( s1, s2, t );

   printf("\nThe result is : %s\n", t );



#include <stdio.h>

void fun( char t[] )

{  char c;

   int  i, j;


   for( i = strlen( t ); i; i-- ) 改为:for( i = strlen( t ); i>0; i-- )

     for( j = 0; j < i; j++ )


       if( t[j] < t[ j + 1 ] ) 改为:if( t[j] > t[ j + 1 ] )

       {  c = t[j]; t[j] = t[ j + 1 ]; t[j + 1 ] = c;  }


main( )

{  char s[81];

   printf( "\nPlease enter a character string: " );

   gets( s );

   printf( "\n\nBefore sorting:\n  \"%s\"", s );

   fun( s );

   printf( "\nAfter sorting decendingly:\n  \"%s\"", s );



#include <stdio.h>

int  fun( char *p )

{   int   n;


    n= *P-'o'; 改为:n= *p-'0';


    while( *p!=0 ) {


      n=n*7+*P-'o'; 改为:n=n*8+*p-'0';

    p++;  }

    return  n;



{   char   s[6];     int  i;   int   n;

    printf("Enter a string (Ocatal digits):  "); gets(s);

    if(strlen(s)>5){ printf("Error: String too longer !\n\n");exit(0); }

    for(i=0; s[i]; i++)


          {  printf("Error: %c not is ocatal digits!\n\n",s[i]);exit(0); }

    printf("The original string:  "); puts(s);


    printf("\n%s is convered to integer number: %d\n\n",s,n);




#include <stdio.h>


fun (int n ) 改为:double fun (int n )

{   int  a = 2, b = 1, c, k ;

    double  s=0.0 ;

    for ( k = 1; k <= n; k++ )

    {  s = s + 1.0 * a / b ;


       c = a;  a += b; b += c; 改为:c = a;  a += b; b = c;


    return(s) ;


main( )

{   int   n = 5 ;

    printf( "\nThe value of  function is: %lf\n",  fun (  n ) ) ;  }


#include  <stdio.h>

#include  <string.h>

int fun (char  *s,  char *t)

{  int   n;  char  *p , *r;

   n = 0;

   while ( *s )

   {   p = s;   r = t;

while ( *r )


        if ( r == p )  { 改为:if ( *r == *p )  {


          r++;  p++ 改为:r++;  p++;


        else  break;


      if ( r == '\0' ) 改为:if ( *r == '\0' )




  return  n;



{  char   s[100],  t[100];     int   m;

   printf("\nPlease enter string S:"); scanf("%s", s);

   printf("\nPlease enter substring t:"); scanf("%s", t);

   m = fun( s,  t);

   printf("\nThe result is:  m = %d\n", m);  }


#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

void fun (char  *s, char  *t)



    int   i; 改为:int   i, s1;

    sl = strlen(s);

    for (i=0; i<sl; i++)


       t[i] = s[sl-i]; 改为:t[i] = s[sl-i-1];

    for (i=0; i<sl; i++)

    t[sl+i] = s[i];

    t[2*sl] = '\0';


main( )

{  char s[100], t[100];

   printf("\nPlease enter string s:"); scanf("%s", s);

   fun(s, t);

   printf("The result is: %s\n", t);  }


#include <stdio.h>

void  fun(char  *s)

{  int  i,j;

   for(i=0,j=0; s[i]!='\0'; i++)

        if(s[i]>='0' && s[i]<='9')


            s[j]=s[i]; 改为:s[j++]=s[i];


        s[j]="\0"; 改为:s[j]= ‘\0’;


main( )

{  char  item[80];

   printf("\nEnter a string  :  ");gets(item);

   printf("\n\nThe  string  is  : \"%s\"\n",item);


   printf("\n\nThe string of changing is  : \"%s\"\n",item );  }

38、给定程序中fun函数的功能是:统计字符串中各元音字母(即A,E,I,O,U)的个数。注意,字母不分大小写。例如输入:THIs is a boot,则输出应该是:1、0、2、2、0。

#include <stdio.h>


fun ( char   *s,  int   num[5] )  改为:void fun(char *s, int num[5] )

{  int  k, i=5;

   for ( k = 0; k<i; k++ )


     num[i]=0; 改为:num[k]=0;

   for (; *s; s++)

     {  i = -1;


       switch ( s ) 改为:switch ( *s )

    {  case 'a': case 'A': {i=0; break;}

       case 'e': case 'E': {i=1; break;}

       case 'i': case 'I': {i=2; break;}

       case 'o': case 'O': {i=3; break;}

       case 'u': case 'U': {i=4; break;} }

       if (i >= 0) num[i]++; }


main( )

{  char  s1[81];    int  num1[5], i;

   printf( "\nPlease enter a string: " );  gets( s1 );

   fun ( s1, num1 );

   for ( i=0; i < 5; i++  ) printf ("%d ",num1[i]); printf ("\n");  }


#include <stdio.h>

long  fun (long num)



  long k; 改为:long k=1;


  {  k*=num%10 ;


     num\=10 ; 改为:num/=10 ;

   } while(num) ;

  return  (k) ;


main( )

{  long n ;

   printf("\Please enter a number:") ;  scanf("%ld",&n) ;

   printf("\n%ld\n",fun(n)) ;  }


#include <stdio.h>

#define   N  20

fun(int *a,int n,int x)

{   int   p=0,i;


    while( x!=a[p] )



    if(P==n)   return -1; 改为:if(p==n) return -1;


             {   for(i=p;i<n;i++)


               a[i+1]=a[i]; 改为:a[i]=a [i+1];

                  return n-1; }


main( )

{  int  w[N]={-3,0,1,5,7,99,10,15,30,90},x,n,i;


   printf("The original data :\n");

   for(i=0;i<n;i++) printf("%5d",w[i]);

   printf("\nInput x (to delete): "); scanf("%d",&x);

   printf("Delete  :  %d\n",x);


   if ( n==-1 ) printf("***Not be found!***\n\n");


   {  printf("The data after deleted:\n");

      for(i=0;i<n;i++) printf("%5d",w[i]);printf("\n\n"); }


41、给定程序中fun函数的功能是:计算并输出下列级数的前N项之和 直到 大于q为止,q的值通过形参传入。


#include <stdio.h>

double  fun( double q )

{  int n; double  s,t;

   n = 2;

   s = 2.0;

  while (s<=q)

    {  t=s;


       s=s+(n+1)/n; 改为:s=s+(double)(n+1)/n;

       n++;  }



  return s; 改为:return t;


main ( )

{  printf("%f\n", fun(50));  }


#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>


void fun(int  a,int  b,int  c) 改为:int  fun(int  a,int  b,int  c)

{  if(a+b>c && b+c>a && a+c>b) {

if(a==b && b==c)


         return  1;  改为:return 3;

      else if(a==b||b==c||a==c)

         return  2;


      else  retrun  1 改为:else  return  1;


   else  return  0;



{  int  a,b,c,shape;

   printf("\nInput a,b,c:  ");  scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c);

   printf("\na=%d,  b=%d,  c=%d\n",a,b,c);

   shape =fun(a,b,c);

   printf("\n\nThe shape  :  %d\n",shape);  }


#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>

int  fun( int  n ,int  *value )

{  int  d,s,i;


   d=0;  s=0; 改为:d=1;  s=0;

   for(i=1; i<=5; i++)  d=d*n;


   for(i=1; i<=3; i++)

   {  s=s+d%10;


      d=d\10; 改为:d=d/10;


   return  s;


main( )

{  int  n, sum, v;


   {  printf("\nEnter n( 2<n<8):  ");scanf("%d",&n);  }


   sum=fun( n,&v );

   printf("\n\nThe result:\n  value=%d  sum=%d\n\n",v,sum);  }

44、给定程序中fun函数的功能是:判断一个整数是否是素数,若是返回1,否则返回0。在main( )函数中,若fun返回1输出YES,若返回0则输出NO!。

#include <stdio.h>

int  fun ( int m )

{  int k = 2;

   while ( k <= m && (m%k))


     k++ 改为:k++;


   if (m = k ) 改为:if (m == k )

     return 1;

   else   return  0;


main( )

{  int  n;

   printf( "\nPlease enter n: " );   scanf(  "%d", &n );

   if (  fun (  n ) )  printf( "YES\n" );

   else printf( "NO!\n" );  }


#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>


void fun(char str, char ch ) 改为:void fun(char * str, char ch )

{   while (  *str && *str != ch ) str++;


    if ( *str == ch  )   改为:if ( *str == ‘\0’  )

    {  str [ 0 ] = ch;


       str[1] = '0'; 改为:str[1] = '\0';



main( )

{    char  s[81],  c ;

     printf( "\nPlease enter a string:\n" );  gets ( s );

     printf ("\n Please enter the character to search : " );

     c = getchar();     fun(s, c) ;

     printf( "\nThe result  is %s\n",  s);  }


#include <stdio.h>

#define   SIZE   20

fun(double  *s, double  *w)

{  int   k,i;    double  sum;


   {   s[i]=k;   k+=2;   }


   sun=0.0; 改为:sum=0.0;


   {  sum+=s[i];


      if(i+1%5==0) 改为:if((i+1)%5==0)

      {  w[k]=sum/5;  sum=0;  k++; } 


   return  k;


main( )

{  double  a[SIZE],b[SIZE/5];

   int   i, k;

   k = fun(a,b);

   printf("The original data:\n");

   for(i=0; i<SIZE; i++)

   {  if(i%5==0) printf("\n");

      printf("%4.0f", a[i]);  }

   printf("\n\nThe result :\n");

   for(i=0; i<k; i++) printf("%6.2f  ",b[i]);

   printf("\n\n");  }



#include <stdio.h>


fun ( n ) 改为:int fun ( int n )

{  int  c;


   if(n=1) 改为:if(n==1)

     c = 10 ;

   else   c= fun(n-1)+2;  



main( )

{  int   n;

   printf("Enter  n :  "); scanf("%d",&n);

   printf("The result : %d\n\n", fun(n));  }

48、给定程序中fun函数的功能是:用二分法求方程 的一个根,并要求绝对误差不超过0.001。例如,若给m输入-100,给n输入90,则函数求得一个根值为2.000。

#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>

double funx(double  x)

{   return(2*x*x*x-4*x*x+3*x-6);  }

double fun( double  m, double  n)



    int  r; 改为:double  r;



    while(fabs(n-m)<0.001) 改为:while(fabs(n-m)>0.001)

    {   if(funx(r)*funx(n)<0)  m=r;

      else  n=r;

      r=(m+n)/2;  }

    return  r;


main( )

{  double  m,n, root;

   printf("Enter  m  n :  \n"); scanf("%lf%lf",&m,&n);

   root=fun( m,n );

   printf("root = %6.3f\n",root); }


#include <stdio.h>

#define  N  20

void  fun(int a[], int n)

{ int i, j, t, p;

  for (j = 0 ;j < n-1 ;j++) {


    p = j 改为:p = j;

    for (i = j;i < n; i++)

      if(a[i] < a[p])


        p = j; 改为:p = i;

    t = a[p] ; a[p] = a[j] ; a[j] = t;  }


main( )

{  int a[N]={9,6,8,3,-1},i, m = 5;

   printf("排序前的数据:") ;

   for(i = 0;i < m;i++) printf("%d ",a[i]); printf("\n");


   printf("排序后的数据:") ;

   for(i = 0;i < m;i++) printf("%d ",a[i]); printf("\n"); }


#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>

#include <stdlib.h>


#define   FU(m,n)   (m/n) 改为:#define   FU(m,n)   (m)/(n)

float fun(float a,float b,float c)

{  float  value;



   Return(Value); 改为:return(value);


main( )

{  float  x,y,z,sum;

   printf("Input  x  y  z:  ");



   if (x==y||y==z){printf("Data error!\n");exit(0);}


   printf("The result is : %5.2f\n",sum); }



#include <stdio.h>

double fun( int m )

{  double t = 1.0;

   int i; 

   for( i = 2; i <= m; i++ )


      t +=  1.0/k; 改为:t +=  1.0/i;


  ________ 改为:return t;


main( )

{  int m;

   printf( "\nPlease enter 1 integer number:" );

   scanf(  "%d", &m );

   printf( "\nThe result is %lf\n", fun( m ) );  }



#include <stdio.h>

long fun(int  g)



    switch(g);  改为:switch(g)

    {  case 0: return 0;


       case 1 ;case 2 : return 1 ;  改为:case 1 :case 2 : return 1 ;


    return( fun(g-1)+fun(g-2) );


main( )

{  long   fib;    int   n;

   printf("Input n:  "); scanf("%d",&n); printf("n = %d\n",n);


   printf("fib = %d\n\n",fib);  } 


#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

#define MAXLINE 20


fun ( char *pstr[6])   改为:void fun ( char *pstr[6])

{   int  i, j ;

    char *p ;

    for (i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ ) {


      for (j = i + 1, j < 6, j++) 改为:for (j = i + 1;j < 6;j++)



       if(strcmp(*(pstr + i), (pstr + j)) > 0) 改为:if(strcmp(*(pstr + i), *(pstr + j)) > 0)

        {   p = *(pstr + i) ;


            *(pstr + i) = pstr + j ;  改为:*(pstr + i) = *(pstr + j) ;

            *(pstr + j) = p ;  }




main( )

{   int i ;

    char *pstr[6], str[6][MAXLINE] ;

    for(i = 0; i < 6 ; i++) pstr[i] = str[i] ;

    printf( "\nEnter 6 string(1 string at each line): \n" ) ;

    for(i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++) scanf("%s", pstr[i]) ;

    fun(pstr) ;

    printf("The strings after sorting:\n") ;

    for(i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++) printf("%s\n", pstr[i]) ;  }


#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>


int fun ( char str[][10], int m, char *pt ) 改为:void fun ( char str[][10], int m,char *pt )



    Int  k, q, i ;  改为:int  k, q, i ;

    for ( k = 0; k < m; k++ )

    {  q = strlen ( str [k] );

       for (i=0; i<q; i++)


         pt[i] = str[k,i] ;  改为:pt[i] = str[k][i] ;

       pt += q ;  pt[0] = 0 ;  }


main( )

{    int  m, h ;

     char s[10][10], p[120] ;

     printf( "\nPlease enter  m:" ) ;

     scanf("%d", &m) ;  gets(s[0]) ;

     printf( "\nPlease enter  %d string:\n", m ) ;

     for ( h = 0; h < m; h++ ) gets( s[h]) ;

     fun(s, m, p) ;

     printf( "\nThe result  is :  %s\n", p) ;  }


#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>


fun(int n)  改为:double fun(int n)

{  double   sum,  s0, s1, s2, s; int k;

   sum = 1.0;

   if (n <= 2) sum = 0.0;

   s0 = 0.0; s1 = 0.0; s2 = 1.0;

   for (k = 4; k <= n; k++)

   {  s = s0 + s1 + s2;

      sum += sqrt(s);

      s0 = s1; s1 = s2; s2 = s;   }


   return sum 改为:return sum;


main ( )

{  int n;

   printf("Input N=");

   scanf("%d", &n);

   printf("%f\n", fun(n) );  }


#include <stdio.h>

int  fun(int  a,int  b)

{  int   r,t;

   if(a<b) {


     t=a; b=a; a=t;  改为:t=a; a=b; a=t;




   {  a=b; b=r; r=a%b; }


   return(a);  改为:return(b);


main( )

{  int  num1, num2,a;

   printf("Input  num1  num2:   "); scanf("%d%d",&num1,&num2);

   printf("num1= %d  num2= %d\n\n",num1,num2);


   printf("The maximun common divisor is %d\n\n",a);  }


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

typedef  struct  aa

{  int  data;

   struct  aa  *next;


NODE *Creatlink(int  n, int  m)

{  NODE  *h=NULL, *p, *s;

   int  i;


   p=(NODE )malloc(sizeof(NODE));  改为:p=(NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE));



   p->next=NULL;  改为:p=s;

   for(i=1; i<=n; i++)

   {  s=(NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE));


s->data=rand()%m;   改为:s->data=rand()%(m-1);   






   return  p;  改为:return  h;


outlink(NODE  *h)

{  NODE  *p;


   printf("\n\nTHE  LIST :\n\n  HEAD ");


   {  printf("->%d ",p->data);

      p=p->next;   }



main( )

{  NODE  *head;


   outlink(head);  }


#include <stdio.h>

double fun(int n)

{  double result=1.0;

   while (n>1 && n<170)


    result*=--n;  改为:result*=n--;


  return _____; 改为:return result;


main( )

{  int n;

   printf("Enter an integer: ");


   printf("\n\n%d!=%lg\n\n",n,fun(n));  }


#include <string.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <ctype.h>

fun ( char *p)

{  int i,t;  char c[80];


   For (i = 0,t = 0; p[i] ; i++) 改为:for (i = 0,t = 0; p[i] ; i++)

      if(!isspace(*(p+i))) c[t++]=p[i];


   c[t]="\0"; 改为:c[t]=’\0’;



main( )

{  char c,s[80];

   int i=0;

   printf("Input a string:");  c=getchar();


   {  s[i]=c;i++;c=getchar(); }

   s[i]='\0';   fun(s);   puts(s);  }


#include <stdio.h>

#define    N    20

int  fun(int  n,int  *a)

{  int  i,j,k,sum;


   sum=j==0;  改为:sum=j=0;


   {  sum=sum+k;


      if(sum%4=2)  改为:if(sum%4==2)

         a[j++]=sum;  }

   return  j;


main( )

{  int  a[N],d,n,i;

   printf("\nEnter  n (4<n<=50):  ");scanf("%d",&n);


   printf("\n\nThe result :\n");

   for(i=0; i<d; i++)printf("%6d",a[i]);printf("\n\n");  }


#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>


f( double x)  改为:double f( double x)

{  if (x == 0.0 || x == 2.0)  return 0.0;

   else if (x < 0.0)        return (x -1)/(x-2);

   else  return (x +1)/(x-2); }

double fun(  int  n )

{  int i;  double   s=0.0, y;

   for (i= -n; i<=n; i++)

    {y=f(1.0*i); s += y;}


   return s 改为:return s;


main ( )

{  printf("%f\n", fun(5) );  }


#include <stdio.h>

#define  N   20


int  fun ( int  * a, int   n )  改为:void fun ( int  * a, int   n )

{  int i, m, t, k ;

  for(i=0;i<2;i++) {


    m=0;  改为:m=i+1;



      if(a[k]>a[m]) k=m;  改为:if(a[k]>a[m]) m=k;

    t=a[i];a[i]=a[m];a[m]=t;  }


main( )

{  int  x, b[N]={11,5,12,0,3,6,9,7,10,8}, n=10, i;

   for ( i=0; i<n; i++ ) printf("%d  ", b[i]);


   fun ( b, n );

   for ( i=0; i<n; i++ ) printf("%d  ", b[i]);

   printf("\n");  }


#include <stdio.h>

int fun(int m)

{  int i, k ;

   for (i = m + 1 ; ; i++) {

      for (k = 2 ; k < i ; k++)


         if (i % k != 0)  改为:if (i % k == 0)

            break ;


         if (k < i)  改为:if (k >= i)

           return(i);  }


main( )

{  int n;

   clrscr( );   printf(“\n please enter n: “);

   scanf(“%d”,&n);   printf(“%d\n”,fun(n));  }

64、给定程序中fun函数的功能是:将p所指字符串中的所有字符复制到b中,要求复制三个字符之后插入一个空格。例如,在调用fun函数之前给a输入字符串:ABCDEFGHIJK,调用函数之后,字符数组b中的内容则为:ABC DEF GHI JK。

#include <stdio.h>

void  fun(char  *p, char  *b)

{  int   i, k=0;



i=1;  改为:i=0;


while( i<=3 ||*p ) 改为:while( i<3 && *p )



          b[k]=p;  改为:b[k]=*p;

          k++; p++; i++;





         b[k++]=" "; 改为:b[k++]=’ ‘;





main( )

{  char  a[80],b[80];

   printf("Enter a string:      ");  gets(a);

   printf("The original string: ");  puts(a);


   printf("\nThe string after insert space:   ");  puts(b); printf("\n\n");  }


#include <stdio.h>

int fun( int  k )

{  int m=0,  mc=0, j ;

   while ((k >= 2) && (mc < 10))



     if ((k%13 = 0) || (k%17 = 0))  改为:if ((k%13 == 0) || (k%17 == 0))

        { m = m+ k;  mc++; }



   return m;


_____ 改为:}

main ( )

{  printf("%d\n", fun (500));  }


#include <stdio.h>

void fun (long  s, long *t)

{ int   d;

   long  sl=1;


  t = 0;  改为:*t = 0;

  while ( s > 0)

  {  d = s%10;


     if (d%2 == 0)  改为:if (d%2 != 0)

       {  *t = d * sl + *t;  sl *= 10;  }

     s /= 10;  }


main( )

{  long s, t;


   printf("\nPlease enter s:"); scanf("%ld", &s);

   fun(s, &t);

   printf("The result is: %ld\n", t);  }


#include <stdio.h>


int fun(int x,int y)  改为:int fun(int *x,int *y)

{  int t;


   t=x;x=y;y=t;  改为:t=*x;*x=*y;*y=t;


main( )

{  int a,b;

  a=8;b=3;   fun(&a,&b);  printf("%d,  %d\n",a,b);  }


#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

#define    N   80

void  insert(char  *aa)

{  int  i,j,n;     char  ch;


   n=strlen[ aa ];  改为:n=strlen(aa);

   for( i=1; i<n ;i++ ) {


       c=aa[i];  改为:ch=aa[i];


       while ((j>=0) && ( ch<aa[j] ))

       {   aa[j+1]=aa[j];

           j--;  }

       aa[j+1]=ch;  }


main( )


    int   i ;

    printf ("The original string :       %s\n", a);

    insert(a) ;

    printf("The string after sorting :  %s\n\n",a );  }


#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>

void  fun(int  a,int  *b,int  *c)

{  int  i,j,d,y;

   for(i=3;i<=a/2;i=i+2) {


      Y=1;  改为:y=1;


         if(i%j==0)  y=0;

      if(y==1) {


         d==a-i;  改为:d=a-i;


            if(d%j==0)  y=0;

         if(y==1)  {  *b=i;  *c=d;  }




main( )

{  int  a,b,c;


   {  printf("\nInput a:  ");  scanf("%d",&a); } while(a%2);


   printf("\n\n%d = %d + %d\n",a,b,c);  }


#include <stdio.h>


char fun(char *s,  char *t)  改为:char *fun(char *s,  char *t)

{  int  sl=0,tl=0;    char  *ss, *tt;

   ss=s;    tt=t;


     {  sl++;


       (*ss)++;  改为:ss++;



     {  tl++;


        (*tt)++;  改为:tt++;


   if(tl>sl)    return  t;

   else       return  s;


main( )

{  char  a[80],b[80],*p,*q;    int  i;

   printf("\nEnter a string :  "); gets(a);

   printf("\nEnter a string again :  "); gets(b);

   printf("\nThe longer is :\n\n\"%s\"\n",fun(a,b));  }

71、给定程序中fun函数的功能是:读入一个英文文本行,将其中每个单词的第一个字符改为大写,然后输出次文本行。(这里的“单词”是指由空格隔开的字符串)。例如,若输入“I am a student to take the examination.”,则应输出“I Am A Student To Take The Examination.”。

#include <ctype.h>

#include <string.h>


include  (stdio.a)     改为:# include  “stdio.h”


upfst ( char  p )  改为:upfst ( char  *p )

{  int  k=0;

   for ( ; *p; p++ )

      if ( k )       { if ( *p == ' ' )   k = 0; }

      else  if ( *p != ' ' ) { k = 1;   *p = toupper( *p ); }


main( )

{   char   chrstr[81];

    printf( "\nPlease enter an English text line: " );   gets( chrstr );

    printf( "\n\nBefore changing:\n  %s", chrstr );

    upfst(  chrstr );

    printf( "\nAfter changing:\n  %s\n", chrstr );  }


若输入2,则输出 若输入4,则输出

1 2 1 2 3 4

2 4 2 4 6 8

3 6 9 12

4 8 12 16

#include <conio.h>

#define  M 10

int  a[M][M] = {0} ;


fun(int **a, int m)    改为:void fun(int (*a)[M], int m)

{  int j, k ;

   for (j = 0 ; j < m ; j++ )

        for (k = 0 ; k < m ; k++ )


          a[j][k] = k * j ;  改为:a[j][k] = (k+1) * (j+1);


main ( )

{  int  i, j, n ;

   printf ( " Enter n : " ) ;  scanf ("%d", &n ) ;

   fun ( a, n ) ;

   for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)

   {    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)

          printf ( "%4d", a[i][j] ) ;

        printf ( "\n" ) ;   }



#include <stdio.h>

#include <alloc.h>

#include <string.h>

#define    N  10

typedef  struct  ss

{  char  num[10];

   int  s;

} STU;

STU *fun(STU  a[], int  m)

{  STU  b[N], *t;

   int  i,j,k;


   t=(STU *)calloc(sizeof(STU),m)  改为:t=(STU *)malloc(sizeof(STU));

   for(i=0; i<N; i++)  b[i]=a[i];

      for(k=0; k<m; k++)

      {  for(i=j=0; i<N; i++)

         if(b[i].s > b[j].s)  j=i;


         t(k)=b(j);  改为:t[k]=b[j];

         b[j].s=0; }

      return  t;


outresult(STU  a[], FILE  *pf)

{  int  i;

   for(i=0; i<N; i++)

   fprintf(pf,"No = %s  Mark = %d\n", a[i].num,a[i].s);

   fprintf(pf,"\n\n");  }

main( )

{  STU  a[N]={ {"A01",81},{"A02",89},{"A03",66},{"A04",87},{"A05",77},

               {"A06",90},{"A07",79},{"A08",61},{"A09",80},{"A10",71} };

   STU  *pOrder;

   int  i, m;

   printf("***** The Original data *****\n");

   outresult(a, stdout);

   printf("\nGive the number of the students who have better score:  ");


   while( m>10 )

   { printf("\nGive the number of the students who have better score:  ");

     scanf("%d",&m); }


   printf("***** THE  RESULT *****\n");

   printf("The top  :\n");

   for(i=0; i<m; i++)

      printf("   %s    %d\n",pOrder[i].num , pOrder[i].s);

   free(pOrder);  }


#include <stdio.h>


void fun (long  s, long t)  改为:void fun (long  s, long *t)

{   long   sl=10;

    *t = s % 10;

    while ( s > 0)

    {   s = s/100;

        *t = s%10 * sl + *t;


    sl = sl*100;  改为:sl = sl*10;



main( )

{  long s, t;

   printf("\nPlease enter s:"); scanf("%ld", &s);

   fun(s, &t);

   printf("The result is: %ld\n", t);  }

75、给定程序中fun函数的功能是:从n(形参)个学生的成绩中统计出低于平均分的学生人数,此人数有函数值返回,平均分存放在形参aver所指的存储单元中。例如,若输入8名学生的成绩:80.5  60  72  90.5  98  51.5  88  64,则低于平均分的学生人数为4(平均分为75.5625)。

#include <stdio.h>

#define  N   20

int fun ( float  *s, int n, float *aver )

{  float  ave, t = 0.0 ;

   int  count = 0, k, i ;

   for ( k = 0 ; k < n ; k++ )


      t = s[k] ;  改为: t+= s[k] ;

   ave =  t / n ;

   for (  i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ )

      if ( s[ i ] < ave ) count++ ;


   *aver = Ave ;  改为:*aver = ave ;

   return  count ;


main ( )

{  float  s[30], aver ;

   int  m, i ;

   printf ( "\nPlease enter m:  " ) ; scanf ("%d", &m ) ;

   printf ( "\nPlease enter %d mark :\n ", m ) ;

   for( i = 0 ; i < m ; i++ ) scanf ( "%f", s + i ) ;

   printf( "\nThe number of students : %d \n" , fun ( s, m, &aver ) );

   printf( "Ave = %f\n", aver ) ;  }



#include <stdio.h>


fun ( int   m )                            改为:double  fun ( int   m )

{  double y = 0, d ;

   int    i ;


   for( i = 100, i <= m, i += 100 )  改为:for( i = 100;i <= m; i += 100 )

   {  d = (double)i * (double)i ;

      y += 1.0 / d ;   }

   return( y ) ;


main( )

{  int  n = 2000 ;

   printf( "\nThe result is %lf\n", fun ( n ) ) ;  }


#include <stdio.h>


IsPrime ( int  n );  改为:IsPrime ( int  n )

{   int   i,  m;

    m = 1;

    for ( i = 2;  i < n;  i++  )


      if  !( n%i )  改为:if (!( n%i ))

        { m = 0;  break ;  }

    return ( m );


main( )

{   int  j, k;

printf( "\nPlease enter an integer number between 2 and 10000: " );

scanf(  "%d", &k );

    printf( "\n\nThe prime factor(s) of %d is( are ):", k );

    for( j = 2; j <= k; j++ )

       if( ( !( k%j ) )&&( IsPrime( j ) ) )   printf( "\n %4d", j );

    printf("\n");  }


#include <math.h>

#include <stdio.h>

double fun(double  eps)

{  double  s,t;     int  n=1;



   t=0;  改为:t=1.0;


   while( t>eps)  改为:while( t>=eps)

      {  s+=t;   t=t * n/(2*n+1);  n++;  }


   return(s);  改为:return(s*2);


main( )

{  double  x;

   printf("\nPlease enter a precision: "); scanf("%lf",&x);

   printf("\neps=%lf, Pi=%lf\n\n",x,fun(x));  }

79、给定程序中fun函数的功能是:分别统计字符串中大些字母和小写字母的个数。例如,给字符串s输入:AAaaBBb123CCccccd,则应输出结果:upper – 6, lower -8。

#include <stdio.h>


void fun ( char *s, int a, int b )  改为:void fun ( char *s, int *a, int *b )

{  while ( *s )

    {  if ( *s >= 'A' && *s <= 'Z' )


         *a=a+1 ;  改为:(*a)++;

      if ( *s >= 'a' && *s <= 'z' )


         *b=b+1;  改为:(*b)++;

      s++;   }


main( )

{  char   s[100];  int   upper = 0, lower = 0 ;

   printf( "\nPlease a string :  " );  gets ( s );

   fun ( s,  & upper, &lower );

   printf( "\n upper = %d  lower = %d\n", upper, lower );  }


#include <stdio.h>

#define    N    100

int  fun(int  *s, int  n)

{  int  i,j,k,a,b,c;


   for(i=100; i<n; i++) {


      k=n;  改为:k=i;

a=k%10;  k/=10;


      b=k%10;  k/=10;  改为:b=k%10;  


      c=k%10 改为:c=k/10;

      if( a==b && a==c ) s[j++]=i;  }

   return  j;


main( )

{  int  a[N], n, num=0, i;

   do { printf("\nEnter n( <=1000 ) :  ");  scanf("%d",&n); } while(n > 1000);

   num = fun( a,n );

   printf("\n\nThe result :\n");

   for(i=0; i<num; i++)printf("%5d",a[i]);

   printf("\n\n"); }


#include <stdio.h>

#define   N   10


void fun(int  a[], int  m )  改为:int  fun(int  a[], int  m )

{  int  low=0,high=N-1,mid;


   {  mid=(low+high)/2;

      if(m<a[mid])   high=mid-1;


      else If(m > a[mid])  改为:else if(m > a[mid])


      else  return(mid);





{  int  i,a[N]={-3,4,7,9,13,45,67,89,100,180 },k,m;


   for(i=0;i<N;i++) printf("%d ", a[i]);

   printf("Enter m: ");  scanf("%d",&m);


   if(k>=0) printf("m=%d,index=%d\n",m,k);

   else  printf("Not be found!\n");  }


#include <stdio.h>

int  fun()

{  int  i,j,k,sum=0;

   printf("\nThe result  :\n\n");


   for(i=0; i<=3; i++) 改为:for(i=1; i<=3; i++)

   {  for(j=1; j<=5; j++)

      {  k=8-i-j;


if(K>=0 && K<=6)      改为:if((k>=1&&k<=6)&&(i!=0&&j!=0)||k==0)

        {  sum=sum+1;

            printf("red:%4d white:%4d black:%4d\n",i,j,k); }



   return  sum;


main( )

{  int  sum;

   sum=fun();   printf("sum =%4d\n\n",sum); }



#include <stdio.h>

double fun( int m )

{  double t = 1.0;

   int i;

   for( i = 2; i <= m; i++ )


      t = 1.0-1 /i;  改为:t-=1.0/i;


   _______; 改为:return t;


main( )

{  int m ;

   printf( "\nPlease enter 1 integer numbers:\n" );

   scanf(  "%d", &m);

   printf( "\n\nThe result is %lf\n", fun( m ) ); }


#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

#define    N     80

int  fun(char  *s,  char  *t)

{  int  n;  char  *p , *r;


   while ( *s )

    {  p=s;


       r=p;  改为:r=t;


         if(*r==*p)  {  r++;  p++;  }   else  break;


      if(*r= O)  改为:if(*r== ‘\0’)



      ______; 改为:s++;


   return  n;


main( )

{  char  a[N],b[N];    int   m;

   printf("\nPlease enter string a : "); gets(a);

   printf("\nPlease enter substring b : "); gets( b );

   m=fun(a, b);

   printf("\nThe result is :  m = %d\n",m);  }


#include <stdio.h>

#include <ctype.h>

char  fun(char  c)

{   if( c>='A' && c<='Z')


    C=C+32;  改为:c=c+32;

    if(c>='a' && c<='u')


       c=c-5;  改为:c=c+5;

    else if(c>='v'&&c<='z')  c=c-21;

    return  c;


main( )

{  char  c1,c2;

   printf("\nEnter a letter(A-Z):  "); c1=getchar();

   if( isupper( c1 ) )

   {  c2=fun(c1);

      printf("\n\nThe letter \'%c\' change to \'%c\'\n", c1,c2);   }

   else  printf("\nEnter (A-Z)!\n");  }


#include  <stdio.h>

#include  <string.h>


int fun (char  *s,  char *t1, char *t2 , char *w) 

/* 改为:void fun (char  *s,  char *t1, char *t2 , char *w) */

{ int   i;   char *p , *r, *a;

  strcpy( w, s );

  while ( *w )

  { p = w;   r = t1;


    while ( r )  改为:while ( *r )

      if ( *r == *p )  { r++;  p++; }

      else          break;

    if ( *r == '\0' )

      {   a = w;  r = t2;

          while ( *r ){


            *a = *r; a++; r++ 改为:*a = *r; a++; r++;


          w += strlen(t2) ;  }

    else  w++;



main( )

{  char   s[100], t1[100], t2[100], w[100];

   printf("\nPlease enter string S:"); scanf("%s", s);

   printf("\nPlease enter substring t1:"); scanf("%s", t1);

   printf("\nPlease enter substring t2:"); scanf("%s", t2);

   if ( strlen(t1)==strlen(t2) ) {

     fun( s, t1, t2, w);

    printf("\nThe result is :  %s\n", w); }

  else  printf("Error : strlen(t1) != strlen(t2)\n");  }


#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

void  fun(char *p ,char *q, char *c)



  int k = 1;  改为:int k = 0;


    while( *p != *q )  改为:while( *p ||*q )

    {  if( *p<*q )    c[k]=*q;

       else         c[k]=*p;

       if(*p) p++;

       if(*q) q++;  

       k++;   }


main( )

{   char  a[10]="aBCDeFgH", b[10]="ABcd", c[80]={'\0'};


    printf("The string a:  ");  puts(a);

    printf("The string b:  ");  puts(b);

    printf("The result  :  ");  puts(c);  }

88、给定程序中fun函数的功能是:把主函数中输入的3个数,最大的放在a中,最小的放在c中。例如,输入的数为:55  12  34,输出结果应当是:a-55.0,b-34.0,c-12.0。

#include <stdio.h>

void  fun(float *p,float *q,float *s)



   float   *k;  改为:float k;

   if( *p<*q )  {  k=*p; *p=*q; *q=k; }


   if( *p>*s )  改为:if( *p<*s )

              {  k=*s; *s=*p; *p=k; }

   if( *q<*s )  {  k=*q; *q=*s; *s=k; }


main( )

{  float   a,b,c;

   printf("Input  a  b  c:  ");  scanf("%f%f%f",&a,&b,&c);

   printf("a = %4.1f, b = %4.1f, c = %4.1f\n\n",a,b,c);


   printf("a = %4.1f, b = %4.1f, c = %4.1f\n\n",a,b,c);  }



#include <math.h>

#include <stdio.h>

float fun ( float num )

{   int s ;

    float n, t, pi ;

    t = 1 ; pi = 0 ; n = 1 ;  s = 1 ;


    while(t >= num)  改为:while(fabs(t) >= num)

    {   pi = pi + t ;  n = n + 2 ;    s = -s ;


        t = s % n ;  改为:t = s / n;


    pi = pi * 4 ;  return pi ;


main( )

{   float n1, n2 ;

    printf("Enter a float number: ") ;

    scanf("%f", &n1) ;

    n2 = fun(n1) ;

    printf("%6.4f\n", n2) ;  }


#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>

int fun( int  high )

{ int sum = 0,  n=0,  j,  yes;


  while ((high >= 2) && (n < 10)  改为:while ((high >= 2) && (n < 10))

  {  yes = 1;

     for (j=2; j<=high/2; j++ )

       if (high % j ==0 ){


         yes=0; break 改为:yes=0; break;


     if (yes)   { sum +=high; n++; }

     high--;  }

  return sum ;


main ( )

{  printf("%d\n", fun (100));  }


#include <stdio.h>


fun (char a)  改为:void fun(char *a)

{  if ( *a )

    {  fun(a+1) ;


       printf("%c" *a) ;  改为:printf("%c", *a) ;



main( )

{  char s[10]="abcd";

   printf("处理前字符串=%s\n处理后字符串=", s);

   fun(s); printf("\n") ;  }



#include <stdio.h>


fun (  int  n )  改为:double fun (  int  n )

{   int  a, b, c, k;  double  s;

    s = 0.0;  a = 2;  b = 1;

    for ( k = 1; k <= n; k++ ) {


      s = s + (Double)a / b;  改为:s = s + (double)a / b;

      c = a;  a = a + b; b = c;


    return s;


main( )

{   int   n = 5;

    printf( "\nThe value of  function is: %lf\n",  fun (  n ) );  }


#include <stdio.h>


void fun (long  s, long t)  改为:void fun (long  s, long *t)

{   long  sl=10; 

    s /= 10;  *t = s % 10;


    while ( s < 0)  改为:while ( s > 0)

      {  s = s/100;   *t = s%10*sl + *t;  sl = sl * 10;   }



{  long   s, t;

   printf("\nPlease enter s:"); scanf("%ld", &s);

   fun(s, &t);

   printf("The result is: %ld\n", t); 



#include <stdio.h>

void fun (long  s, long *t) {


int   d;  改为:long d;

  long  sl=1;

    *t = 0;

    while ( s > 0)

    {  d = s%10;


       if (d%2=0)  改为:if (d%2==0)

         {  *t=d* sl+ *t;  sl *= 10; }


       s \= 10;  改为:s /= 10;



main( )

{  long   s, t;

   printf("\nPlease enter s:"); scanf("%ld", &s);

   fun(s, &t);

   printf("The result is: %ld\n", t); }


#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>


int fun (char  *s,  char *t1, char *t2 , char *w) 

/* 改为:void fun (char  *s,  char *t1, char *t2 , char *w) */

{  int   i;      char   *p , *r, *a;

   strcpy( w, s );


   while ( w )  改为:while ( *w )

    {   p = w;   r = t1;

        while ( *r )


        IF ( *r == *p )  改为:if ( *r == *p )

             { r++;  p++; }

        else  break;

        if ( *r == '\0' ) a = w;

        w++;  }

  r = t2;

  while ( *r ){ *a = *r; a++; r++; }



{  char   s[100], t1[100], t2[100], w[100];

  printf("\nPlease enter string S:"); scanf("%s", s);

  printf("\nPlease enter substring t1:"); scanf("%s", t1);

  printf("\nPlease enter substring t2:"); scanf("%s", t2);

  if ( strlen(t1)==strlen(t2) )

  {   fun( s, t1, t2, w); printf("\nThe result is :  %s\n", w);  }

  else  printf("\nError : strlen(t1) != strlen(t2)\n");  }



#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>


double fun(double a, dounle x0)  改为:double fun(double a, double x0)

{   double   x1, y;

    x1=(x0+ a/x0)/2.0;


    if( fabs(x1-xo)>0.00001 )  改为: if( fabs(x1-x0)>=0.00001 )


    else  y=x1;

    return  y;


main( )

{   double  x;

    printf("Enter x: "); scanf("%lf",&x);

    printf("The square root of %lf is %lf\n",x,fun(x,1.0));  }

97、给定程序中fun函数的功能是:统计子字符串substr在字符串str中出现的次数。例如,若字符串为aaas lkaaas,子字符串为as,则应输出2。

#include <stdio.h>


fun( char * str, char * substr) 改为:int fun( char * str, char * substr)

{  int i, j, k, num=0;


   for(i=0,str[i],i++) 改为:for(i=0;str[i];i++)


         if(substr[k+1]== ‘\0’)  {  num++;  break;  }

   return num;



{  char str[80],substr[80];

   printf(“ Input a string:”);  gets(str);

   printf(“ Input a substring:”);  gets(substr);

   printf(“%d\n”, fun(str,substr));  }


#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

#define N  5

#define M  81


fun(char (*sq)[N]) 改为:char * fun(char (*sq)[M])

{  int i;

   char *sp;



     if(strlen(sp)<strlen(sq[i]))  sp=sq[i];


return sq;   改为:return sp;


main( )

{  char str[N][M], * longest; int i;

   printf(“Enter %d lines:\n”, N);

   for(i=0;i<N;i++)   gets(str[i]);

   printf(“\n The string  :\n”,N);

   for(i=0;i<N;i++)   puts(str[i]);


   printf(“\n The longest string :\n”);

   puts(longest);  }


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

typedef  struct  aa

{  int  data;  struct  aa  *next; }NODE;


fun(NODE  *h) 改为:int fun(NODE  *h)

{  int   max = -1 ;

  NODE  *p;



  {  if(p->data>max)  max=p->data;


     p=h->next; 改为:p=p->next;


  return  max;


outresult(int s, FILE *pf)

{  fprintf(pf, “\n The max in link: %s\n”,s);  }

NODE  *creatlink(int  n)

{  NODE  *h, *p, *s, *q;

   int  i, x;

   h=p=(NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE));

   for(i=1; i<=n; i++)

   {  s=(NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE));

      s->data=rand()%16;   s->next=p->next;

      p->next=s;   p=p->next;  }


   return  h;


outlink(NODE  *h, FILE  *pf) 

{  NODE *p;

   p = h->next;

   fprintf(pf ,"\n\nTHE  LIST :\n\n  HEAD " );

   while(p) {  fprintf(pf ,"->%d ",p->data ); p=p->next; }

   fprintf (pf,"\n");  


outresult(int  s, FILE *pf)

{  fprintf(pf,"\nThe sum of even numbers  :  %d\n",s); }

main( )

{  NODE  *head;    int  even;

   head=creatlink(12);  head->data=9000; outlink(head , stdout); even=fun(head);

   printf("\nThe  result  :\n"); outresult(even, stdout);  }


#include <stdio.h>

int fun(int * x,int y)

{ int t;


  t=x; x=y;  改为:t=*x;*x=y;


  return(y); 改为:return(t);


main( )

{  int a=3,b=8;


  printf("%d,  %d\n",a,b);    b=fun(&a,b);  printf("%d,  %d\n",a,b);  


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