  H8JL71oPfEM5 2023年11月02日 50 0


Low-code and no code software development solutions have emerged as viable and convenient alternatives to the traditional development process. Low-code is a rapid application development (RAD) approach that enables automated code generation through(71)building blocks like drag-and-drop and pull-down menu interfaces. This(72) allows low-code users to focus on the differentiator rather than the common denominator of programming. Low-code is a balanced middle ground between manual coding and no-code as its users can still add code over auto-generated code. No-code is also a RAD approach and is often treated as a subset of the modular plug-and-play, lowcode development approach. While in low-code there is some handholding done by developers in the form of scripting or manual coding, no-code has a completely (73) approach, with 100% dependence on visual tools. A low-code application platform (LCAP) — also called a low-code development platform (LCDP) — contains an integrated development environment (IDE) with (74)features like APIs, code templates, reusable plug-in modules and graphical connectors to automate a significant percentage of the application development process. LCAPs are typically available as cloud-based Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solutions. A low-code platform works on the principle of lowering complexity by using visual tools and techniques like process modeling, where users employ visual tools to define workflows, business rules, user interfaces and the like. Behind the scenes, the complete workflow is automatically converted into code. LCAPs are used predominantly by professional developers to automate the generic aspects of coding to redirect effort on the last mile of (75).

(71) A. visual B. component-based C. object-oriented D. structural

(72) A. block B. automation C. function D. method

(73) A. medern B. hands-off C. generic D. labor-free

(74) A. reusable B. built-in C. existed D. well-konwn

(75) A. delivery B. automation C. development D. success












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