Kafka Partition分发策略
  TEZNKK3IfmPf 2023年11月13日 60 0


通过查看kafka源码,发现Kafka Java客户端有默认的partition分配机制。


     * Compute the partition for the given record.
     * @param topic The topic name
     * @param key The key to partition on (or null if no key)
     * @param keyBytes serialized key to partition on (or null if no key)
     * @param value The value to partition on or null
     * @param valueBytes serialized value to partition on or null
     * @param cluster The current cluster metadata
    public int partition(String topic, Object key, byte[] keyBytes, Object value, byte[] valueBytes, Cluster cluster) {
        List<PartitionInfo> partitions = cluster.partitionsForTopic(topic);
        int numPartitions = partitions.size();
        if (keyBytes == null) {
            int nextValue = nextValue(topic);
            List<PartitionInfo> availablePartitions = cluster.availablePartitionsForTopic(topic);
            if (availablePartitions.size() > 0) {
                int part = Utils.toPositive(nextValue) % availablePartitions.size();
                return availablePartitions.get(part).partition();
            } else {
                // no partitions are available, give a non-available partition
                return Utils.toPositive(nextValue) % numPartitions;
        } else {
            // hash the keyBytes to choose a partition
            return Utils.toPositive(Utils.murmur2(keyBytes)) % numPartitions;

    private int nextValue(String topic) {
        AtomicInteger counter = topicCounterMap.get(topic);
        if (null == counter) {
            counter = new AtomicInteger(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt());
            AtomicInteger currentCounter = topicCounterMap.putIfAbsent(topic, counter);
            if (currentCounter != null) {
                counter = currentCounter;
        return counter.getAndIncrement();



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最后一次编辑于 2023年11月13日 0


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