使用attribute + 扩展方法完成 enum中field的信息映射
  TEZNKK3IfmPf 2024年03月29日 66 0

1. 创建field attribute


    public class JobActionMetadatAttribute : Attribute
        public JobActionUIType UIType { get; private set; }
        public string Label { get; private set; }

        public JobActionMetadatAttribute(JobActionUIType uiType, string label)
            UIType = uiType;
            Label = label;
2.准备一个extension 方法
  public static class JobActionExtenssion
        public static JobActionMetadata GetMetaData(this JobAction jobAction)
            var attr = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(jobAction.GetType().GetMember(jobAction.ToString())[0],

            if (attr != null)
                var props = attr.GetType().GetProperties();
                JobActionUIType uiType;
                var uiTypeObj = props.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PropertyType == typeof(JobActionUIType));

                if (uiTypeObj == null)
                    throw new InvalidDataException(string.Format("Failed to find JobActionUIType Property in JobActionMetadataAttribute"));

                var uiTypeStr = uiTypeObj.GetValue(attr, null).ToString();

                if (!Enum.TryParse(uiTypeStr, true, out uiType))
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(string.Format("Enum Parsing failed. string : {0}", uiTypeStr));

                var label = props.First(p => p.Name == "Label").GetValue(attr, null).ToString();

                return new JobActionMetadata(jobAction, uiType, label, "");
            throw new InvalidDataException(string.Format("Failed to find JobActionMetadatAttribute for Action : {0}", jobAction));

3. 在enum的field上应用特性
 public enum JobAction
        [JobActionMetadatAttribute(JobActionUIType.Success, "Paypal Payment")]
        MakePayPalSimplePayment = 0,

        [JobActionMetadatAttribute(JobActionUIType.Success, "Pay by Free Pass")]
        MakeFreePassPayment = 1,

        [JobActionMetadatAttribute(JobActionUIType.Success, "Pay by Company Credit")]
        MakeCompanyCreditPayment = 2,
4. 使用
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最后一次编辑于 2024年03月29日 0


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