Effortlessly Migrate Your Data: A Guide to Converting MS SQL to MySQL(mssql转换mysql)
  iDU31ygkXmx7 2023年11月19日 9 0

Data conversion is an important part of working on different databases, particularly when migrating from one system to another. Moving from MS SQL to MySQL is a popular choice among developers, as MySQL is an open-source database that is easily adapted for use in different applications, including web development. Fortunately, with a few steps, you can seamlessly and effortlessly migrate your data from MS SQL to MySQL.

The first step is to download the software for the data conversion. MySQL Workbench provides a reliable solution for database management, allowing users to easily migrate their data from one system to another. Additionally, open-source software like SSMA (SQL Server Migration Assistant) can also be utilized, providing further assistance with the conversion.

To ensure data is secure during the transfer, backups should be done on each database before the conversion; this will prevent any issues or data loss during the process. After completing a backup, users can configure their database connection, mapping their MS SQL tables to MySQL to ease the transition.

After establishing a connection, the data can be transferred by manually rewriting the SQL statements. For example, MS SQL has the “getdate” function, while MySQL uses the SYSDATE instead. Additionally, the numerical formats of the databases, like date format and number format as well, might need to be adjusted.

Once the data has been properly converted, tested, and examined, it can be successfully integrated into the MySQL database. This process can take a bit of time, as SQL statements have to be recited and the code reorganized for the new database; however, the effort will pay off when the full migration is completed.

To make transitioning data from MS SQL to MySQL easier, research should be done on the differences between the two databases so that the rewrite of the code can be done as efficiently as possible. Additionally, using tools like SSMA and MySQL Workbench can be helpful, as issues and potential complications can be addressed before the conversion happens. Once the migration is complete and the data is correctly converted, users can rest assured that all their data is now fully integrated and securely stored in the MySQL database.

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