flink hive outputformant
  ePD73KOpGJZI 2023年12月23日 21 0

Flink Hive OutputFormat

Apache Flink is a powerful stream processing framework that provides support for various data sources and sinks. One of the popular sinks often used in Flink applications is Apache Hive, a data warehouse infrastructure built on top of Apache Hadoop.

In this article, we will explore the concept of Flink Hive OutputFormat and how it can be used to write data from a Flink application to a Hive table.

Hive OutputFormat

In Hive, an OutputFormat is responsible for writing data to a target storage system. It defines the format in which the data is written and the actions required to persist the data. Flink provides a Hive OutputFormat implementation that can be used to write Flink's internal data structures to Hive.

To use the Hive OutputFormat in Flink, we need to first configure the Hive catalog and register the table schema. Let's assume we have a Hive table named "sales" with the following schema:

    id INT,
    product STRING,
    amount DOUBLE

We can define the corresponding Flink table schema using the Table API or SQL API:

// Table API
TableSchema schema = TableSchema.builder()
    .field("id", DataTypes.INT())
    .field("product", DataTypes.STRING())
    .field("amount", DataTypes.DOUBLE())

String ddl = "CREATE TABLE sales (id INT, product STRING, amount DOUBLE)";

Once we have the table schema defined, we can create a Flink table from a data source and write it to the Hive table using the Hive OutputFormat:

Table salesTable = tableEnv.from("sales_source"); // Assuming "sales_source" is a registered table

TableSchema schema = ...
HiveTableSink hiveTableSink = new HiveTableSink("default", "sales", schema);


The above code creates a HiveTableSink with the Hive database name "default", table name "sales", and the provided schema. It then calls executeInsert on the Flink table to trigger the data write operation using the Hive OutputFormat.


Let's consider a simple example where we have a Flink table named "orders" that contains order details such as order ID, customer name, and total amount. We want to write this table to the Hive table "sales" using the Hive OutputFormat.

Table ordersTable = tableEnv.from("orders");

TableSchema schema = TableSchema.builder()
    .field("order_id", DataTypes.INT())
    .field("customer", DataTypes.STRING())
    .field("amount", DataTypes.DOUBLE())

HiveTableSink hiveTableSink = new HiveTableSink("default", "sales", schema);


In this example, we assume that the "orders" table is already registered in the table environment. We define the schema for the "sales" table with three fields: "order_id" of type INT, "customer" of type STRING, and "amount" of type DOUBLE. We then create a HiveTableSink and pass it the database name, table name, and schema.

When we call executeInsert on the "ordersTable" with the HiveTableSink, Flink will use the Hive OutputFormat to write the data from the "orders" table to the "sales" table in Hive.

Sequence Diagram

Here is a sequence diagram that illustrates the flow of data from a Flink application to a Hive table using the Hive OutputFormat:

    participant FlinkApp
    participant HiveOutputFormat
    participant Hive

    FlinkApp->>HiveOutputFormat: Open
    activate HiveOutputFormat
    HiveOutputFormat->>Hive: Create table
    HiveOutputFormat-->>FlinkApp: Acknowledge
    deactivate HiveOutputFormat

    FlinkApp->>HiveOutputFormat: Write record
    activate HiveOutputFormat
    HiveOutputFormat->>Hive: Insert record
    HiveOutputFormat-->>FlinkApp: Acknowledge
    deactivate HiveOutputFormat

    FlinkApp->>HiveOutputFormat: Close
    activate HiveOutputFormat
    HiveOutputFormat->>Hive: Commit transaction
    HiveOutputFormat-->>FlinkApp: Acknowledge
    deactivate HiveOutputFormat

The sequence diagram shows the steps involved in writing data from a Flink application to a Hive table using the Hive OutputFormat. The Flink application opens the HiveOutputFormat, which in turn creates the Hive table. Then, for each record, the Flink application writes the record to the HiveOutputFormat, which inserts the record into the Hive table. Finally, the Flink application closes the HiveOutputFormat, which commits the transaction in Hive.


In this article, we explored the concept of Flink Hive OutputFormat and how it can be used to write data from a Flink application to a Hive table. We learned about the Hive OutputFormat and how to configure the Hive catalog and register the table schema in Flink. We also saw an example code snippet and a sequence diagram that illustrated the flow of data from a Flink application to a Hive table using the Hive OutputFormat.

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最后一次编辑于 2023年12月23日 0
