  Df52AP3Rb9XJ 2023年11月02日 51 0

现在XWiKi已经一行命令支持安装​​java -jar xwiki-enterprise-installer-generic-9.4-standard.jar​​​。
war安装我搞了三天都没有搞定,参考了​​​《CentOS 7上安装XWiki 8.2.1 详解》​​​和​​《开源框架XWIKI搭建介绍》​​​。我直接怀疑XWiKi是否还支持web安装(xwiki一代),写哪些web安装的文章是否亲自安装过。
XWiki 要求

Java 8 或更高版本

支持 Servlet 3.0.1 的 Servlet 容器

用于支持数据库的 JDBC 4 驱动程序

至少 2GB RAM(对于较小的 wiki 是 1GB)

你可以从阿里云等云服务商购买一个 VPS,可以使用一键部署的 Java 环境


我们将在本教程中使用 CentOS 7 服务器。
1.安装前准备,安装 CentOS系统,安装yum, 安装nano 和 wget。

[root@localhost gitlab]# yum install -y patch
已加载插件:fastestmirror, langpacks
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: mirrors.163.com
* extras: mirrors.aliyun.com
* updates: mirrors.163.com

patch.x86_64 0:2.7.1-10.el7_5

安装 nano 和 wget:​​yum install nano wget​​​。
2.安装 Java。见​​​《CentOS上安装openjdk》​​​ 如java都没有安装成功,那么以后都免谈了。

[root@localhost XWiki]# wget http://download.forge.ow2.org/xwiki/xwiki-enterprise-installer-generic-9.4-standard.jar




[root@localhost jre]# cd /usr/local/XWiki
[root@localhost XWiki]# cd ..
[root@localhost local]# ls
apache-tomcat-9.0.13.zip bin etc games git got include lib lib64 libexec sbin share src xwiki XWiki xwiki_tomcat
[root@localhost local]# wget http://download.forge.ow2.org/xwiki/xwiki-enterprise-installer-generic-9.4-standard.jar
--2018-12-13 11:45:27-- http://download.forge.ow2.org/xwiki/xwiki-enterprise-installer-generic-9.4-standard.jar
正在解析主机 download.forge.ow2.org (download.forge.ow2.org)...
正在连接 download.forge.ow2.org (download.forge.ow2.org)||:80... 已连接。
已发出 HTTP 请求,正在等待回应... 200 OK
长度:279542819 (267M) [application/java-archive]
正在保存至: “xwiki-enterprise-installer-generic-9.4-standard.jar”

100%[======================================================================================================================================================>] 279,542,819 10.6MB/s 用时 31s

2018-12-13 11:46:01 (8.65 MB/s) - 已保存 “xwiki-enterprise-installer-generic-9.4-standard.jar” [279542819/279542819])

[root@localhost local]# ls
apache-tomcat-9.0.13.zip bin etc games git got include lib lib64 libexec sbin share src xwiki XWiki xwiki-enterprise-installer-generic-9.4-standard.jar xwiki_tomcat

4.建立xwiki文件夹​​mkdir xwiki​​​。
java -jar xwiki-enterprise-installer-generic-9.4-standard.jar
在​​​Select the installation path: [/usr/local/XWiki Enterprise 9.4]​​​输入你想安装的目录​​/usr/local/xwiki​​​并回车。遇到​​Press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay​​​都选1,回车,遇到​​Enter Y for Yes, N for No:​​​输入Y并回车。需要你选择目录时,若不想指定目录,直接回车就可以,如​​Select the installation script (path must be absolute)[/usr/local/xwiki/auto-install.xml]​​。

[root@localhost local]# java -jar xwiki-enterprise-installer-generic-9.4-standard.jar
2018-12-13 11:48:29 信息: Logging initialized at level 'INFO'
2018-12-13 11:48:29 信息: Commandline arguments:
2018-12-13 11:48:30 信息: Detected platform: linux,version=3.10.0-514.el7.x86_64,arch=x64,symbolicName=null,javaVersion=1.8.0_191
Welcome to the installation of XWiki Enterprise 9.4!
The homepage is at: http://xwiki.org/

Press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay
Please read the following information:

XWiki Enterprise - Readme

XWiki Enterprise Overview
XWiki Enterprise is a second generation Wiki engine, features professional features like
Wiki, Blog, Comments, User Rights, LDAP Authentication, PDF Export, and a lot more.
XWiki Enterprise also includes an advanced form and scripting engine which makes it an ideal
development environment for constructing data-based intranet applications. It has powerful
extensibility features, supports scripting, extensions and is based on a highly modular
architecture. The scripting engine allows to access a powerful API for accessing the XWiki
repository in read and write mode.
XWiki Enterprise is used by major companies around the world and has strong
Support for a professional usage of XWiki.
Here are some pointers to get you started with XWiki once you have finished installing it:

The documentation can be found on the XWiki.org web site
If you notice any issue please file a an issue in our issue tracker
If you wish to talk to XWiki users or developers please use our
Mailing lists & Forum
You can also access XWiki's
source code
If you need commercial support please visit the
Support page

Press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay
See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.

Press 1 to accept, 2 to reject, 3 to redisplay
Select the installation path: [/usr/local/XWiki Enterprise 9.4]

Press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay

[x] Pack 'Core' required
[x] Include optional pack 'Default Wiki'
Enter Y for Yes, N for No:

Press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay
[ Starting to unpack ]
[ Processing package: Core (1/2) ]
[ Processing package: Default Wiki (2/2) ]
[ Unpacking finished ]
Create shortcuts in the Start-Menu
Enter Y for Yes, N for No:
Create additional shortcuts on the desktop
Enter Y for Yes, N for No:
create shortcut for: all users
Enter Y for Yes, N for No:
2018-12-13 11:53:30 警告: Shortcut 'Go to my wiki' has URL but type ('Application') is not 'Link'
2018-12-13 11:53:30 警告: Shortcut 'Go to my wiki' has URL but type ('Application') is not 'Link'
2018-12-13 11:53:30 警告: Shortcut 'Documentation' has URL but type ('Application') is not 'Link'
2018-12-13 11:53:30 警告: Shortcut 'Documentation' has URL but type ('Application') is not 'Link'
Generate an automatic installation script
Enter Y for Yes, N for No:
Select the installation script (path must be absolute)[/usr/local/xwiki/auto-install.xml]

Installation was successful
application installed on /usr/local/xwiki
[ Writing the uninstaller data ... ]
[ Console installation done ]

4.切换到xwiki目录​​cd /usr/local/xwiki​​​。运行XWiKi:​​bash start_xwiki.sh​​​或​​./start_xwiki.sh​​​。

[root@localhost xwiki]# netstat  -anp  |grep 8080
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 64199/unicorn worke
tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT -

制定端口启动xwiki:​​bash start_xwiki.sh -p 8180​

5.当启动到这一句日志​​2018-12-13 14:47:32.461:INFO:oxtjl.NotifyListener:main: Server started, you can now open http://localhost:8180/ in your browser to access your wiki.​​​时,可以在浏览器打开你的xwiki主页地址:​​​​​,其中192.168.1.156是你服务器主机的ip。若你不打开主页地址它就会停在哪里了​​2018-12-13 14:47:32.461:INFO:oxtjl.NotifyListener:main: ----------------------------------​​​。
如打不开请另起一个客户端查看你的防火墙是否开通了8180端口的访问权限​​​irewall-cmd --zone=public --list-ports​​​。
若没有开通该端口的访问权限请使用​​​firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8180/tcp --permanent​​​开通它该端口。然后重启防火墙​​firewall-cmd --reload​​。然后再查看防火墙开放的端口。

[root@localhost ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-ports
8180/tcp 8888/tcp

若你加错端口或感觉开放的端口需要收回权限可以删除防火墙开放的端口​​firewall-cmd --zone=public --remove-port=8088/tcp --permanent​​​,然后重启防火墙​​firewall-cmd --reload​​。





[root@localhost xwiki]# bash start_xwiki.sh -p 8180
An XWiki lock file exists at /var/tmp/xwiki-8180.lck but no XWiki is executing. Removing lock file...
Starting Jetty on port 8180, please wait...
2018-12-13 14:45:41.534:INFO::main: Logging initialized @624ms
2018-12-13 14:45:41.953:INFO:oejs.Server:main: jetty-9.2.13.v20150730
2018-12-13 14:45:41.983:INFO:oejs.AbstractNCSARequestLog:main: Opened /usr/local/xwiki/data/logs/2018_12_13.request.log
2018-12-13 14:45:41.986:INFO:oejdp.ScanningAppProvider:main: Deployment monitor [file:/usr/local/xwiki/jetty/contexts/] at interval 0
2018-12-13 14:45:42.352:INFO:oejsh.ContextHandler:main: Started o.e.j.w.WebAppContext@47f6473{/,file:/usr/local/xwiki/webapps/root/,AVAILABLE}{/root}
2018-12-13 14:45:43.436:WARN:oeja.AnnotationConfiguration:main: ServletContainerInitializers: detected. Class hierarchy: empty
2018-12-13 14:47:23,470 [main] INFO o.x.s.s.i.EmbeddedSolrInstance - Starting embedded Solr server...
2018-12-13 14:47:23,508 [main] INFO o.x.s.s.i.EmbeddedSolrInstance - Using Solr home directory: [data/solr]
2018-12-13 14:47:26,403 [coreLoadExecutor-6-thread-1] WARN o.a.s.c.SolrResourceLoader - Solr loaded a deprecated plugin/analysis class [solr.SynonymFilterFactory]. Please consult documentation how to replace it accordingly.
2018-12-13 14:47:30,364 [main] INFO o.x.s.s.i.EmbeddedSolrInstance - Started embedded Solr server.
2018-12-13 14:47:32.423:INFO:oejsh.ContextHandler:main: Started o.e.j.w.WebAppContext@5383967b{/xwiki,file:/usr/local/xwiki/webapps/xwiki/,AVAILABLE}{/xwiki}
2018-12-13 14:47:32.459:INFO:oejs.ServerConnector:main: Started ServerConnector@32f45e15{HTTP/1.1}{}
2018-12-13 14:47:32.459:INFO:oejs.Server:main: Started @111550ms
2018-12-13 14:47:32.459:INFO:oxtjl.NotifyListener:main: ----------------------------------
2018-12-13 14:47:32.461:INFO:oxtjl.NotifyListener:main: Server started, you can now open http://localhost:8180/ in your browser to access your wiki.
2018-12-13 14:47:32.461:INFO:oxtjl.NotifyListener:main: ----------------------------------
2018-12-13 14:59:19,738 [XWiki initialization] INFO .HibernateDataMigrationManager - Storage schema updates and data migrations are enabled
2018-12-13 14:59:20,065 [XWiki initialization] INFO .HibernateDataMigrationManager - No data migration to apply for wiki [xwiki] currently in version [93000]
2018-12-13 14:59:20,065 [XWiki initialization] INFO .HibernateDataMigrationManager - Checking Hibernate mapping and updating schema if needed for wiki [xwiki]
2018-12-13 14:59:28,597 [solr/indexer job group daemon thread - org.xwiki.search.solr.internal.job.IndexerJob@41e8dcdf] INFO o.x.s.s.i.j.IndexerJob - Starting job of type [solr.indexer] with identifier [[solr, indexer]]
2018-12-13 14:59:32,639 [solr/indexer job group daemon thread - org.xwiki.search.solr.internal.job.IndexerJob@41e8dcdf] INFO o.x.s.s.i.j.IndexerJob - 904 documents added, 0 deleted and 0 updated during the synchronization of the Solr index.
2018-12-13 14:59:32,639 [solr/indexer job group daemon thread - org.xwiki.search.solr.internal.job.IndexerJob@41e8dcdf] INFO o.x.s.s.i.j.IndexerJob - Finished job of type [solr.indexer] with identifier [[solr, indexer]]

客户端看到​​- Finished job of type [solr.indexer] with identifier [[solr, indexer]]​​说明XWiKi启动完毕。注意千万别关闭客户端。若关闭客户端或客户端断连那么XWiKi服务器就关了。若想不关闭客户端就关闭XWiKi服务器,只需要按control键和c键就可以关闭XWiKi服务器。

^C2018-12-13 15:20:51.803:INFO:oxtjl.NotifyListener:Thread-1: ----------------------------------
2018-12-13 15:20:51.803:INFO:oxtjl.NotifyListener:Thread-1: Server stopping, please wait while all resources are closed...
2018-12-13 15:20:51.844:INFO:oejs.ServerConnector:Thread-1: Stopped ServerConnector@32f45e15{HTTP/1.1}{}
2018-12-13 15:21:22.389:INFO:oejsh.ContextHandler:Thread-1: Stopped o.e.j.w.WebAppContext@5383967b{/xwiki,file:/usr/local/xwiki/webapps/xwiki/,UNAVAILABLE}{/xwiki}
2018-12-13 15:21:22.414:INFO:oejsh.ContextHandler:Thread-1: Stopped o.e.j.w.WebAppContext@47f6473{/,file:/usr/local/xwiki/webapps/root/,UNAVAILABLE}{/root}
2018-12-13 15:21:22.417:INFO:oxtjl.NotifyListener:Thread-1: Done!












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