  7nR2g7mlPvjr 2023年11月02日 35 0



  • 默认命令
 Flutter create  -t plugin --platforms <platforms> -i swift -a java plugin_name
  • 命令分解
No option specified for the output directory.
Create a new Flutter project.

If run on a project that already exists, this will repair the project, recreating any files that are missing.

Global options:
-h, --help Print this usage information.
-v, --verbose Noisy logging, including all shell commands executed.
If used with "--help", shows hidden options. If used with "flutter doctor", shows additional diagnostic information. (Use "-vv" to force verbose logging in those cases.)
-d, --device-id Target device id or name (prefixes allowed).
--version Reports the version of this tool.
--suppress-analytics Suppress analytics reporting when this command runs.

Usage: flutter create <output directory>
-h, --help Print this usage information.
--[no-]pub Whether to run "flutter pub get" after the project has been created.
(defaults to on)
--[no-]offline When "flutter pub get" is run by the create command, this indicates whether to run it in offline mode or not. In offline mode, it will need to have all dependencies already
available in the pub cache to succeed.
--[no-]overwrite When performing operations, overwrite existing files.
--description The description to use for your new Flutter project. This string ends up in the pubspec.yaml file.
(defaults to "A new Flutter project.")
--org The organization responsible for your new Flutter project, in reverse domain name notation. This string is used in Java package names and as prefix in the iOS bundle identifier.
(defaults to "com.example")
--project-name The project name for this new Flutter project. This must be a valid dart package name.
-i, --ios-language The language to use for iOS-specific code, either Objective-C (legacy) or Swift (recommended).
[objc, swift (default)]
-a, --android-language The language to use for Android-specific code, either Java (legacy) or Kotlin (recommended).
[java, kotlin (default)]
--platforms The platforms supported by this project. Platform folders (e.g. android/) will be generated in the target project. This argument only works when "--template" is set to app or
plugin. When adding platforms to a plugin project, the pubspec.yaml will be updated with the requested platform. Adding desktop platforms requires the corresponding desktop
config setting to be enabled.
[ios (default), android (default), windows (default), linux (default), macos (default), web (default)]
-t, --template=<type> Specify the type of project to create.

[app] (default) Generate a Flutter application.
[module] Generate a project to add a Flutter module to an existing Android or iOS application.
[package] Generate a shareable Flutter project containing modular Dart code.
[plugin] Generate a shareable Flutter project containing an API in Dart code with a platform-specific implementation through method channels for Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows, web,
or any combination of these.
[plugin_ffi] Generate a shareable Flutter project containing an API in Dart code with a platform-specific implementation through dart:ffi for Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows, or any
combination of these.
[skeleton] Generate a List View / Detail View Flutter application that follows community best practices.

-s, --sample=<id> Specifies the Flutter code sample to use as the "main.dart" for an application. Implies "--template=app". The value should be the sample ID of the desired sample from the API
documentation website (http://docs.flutter.dev/). An example can be found at: https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/widgets/SingleChildScrollView-class.html
--list-samples=<path> Specifies a JSON output file for a listing of Flutter code samples that can be created with "--sample".

Run "flutter help" to see global options.
  • -t, --template (模版)
  • [app] 默认类型,创建一个flutter app
  • [module] flutter 模块开发
  • [package] 纯Dart库
  • [plugin]针对Android、iOS、Web、MacOS、Windows或Linux,或者把它们组合到一起的库
  • -i, --ios-language
  • 从字面意上,我们可以知道这是来指定iOS平台开发语言,swift(默认)或objc,
  • eg: -i swift
  • -a, --android-language
  • 和👆一样.java或kotlin(默认)
  • eg: -a java
  • --platforms
  • 指定平台组合
  • eg:--platforms=android,ios,web,MacOS,Windows,Linux,
  • --org
  • 指定包名
  • eg: --org com.example.hello


  • 默认命令
flutter create --org com.example.hello -t plugin --platforms=ios,android -i swift -a java hello


  • 创建plugin
  • 打开命令面板


  • 选择Plugin


  • 创建plugin


  • 创建完成,但默认是没有指定平台





  • iOS弥补
 flutter create -t plugin --platforms=ios -i swift .
  • 安卓弥补
 flutter create -t plugin --platforms=android -a java .
  • web弥补
 flutter create --template=plugin --platforms=web .


  • 通过pubspec.yaml来添加指定平台
package: com.example.hello
pluginClass: HelloPlugin
pluginClass: HelloPlugin
  • 通过flutter create .即可创建添加的平台



flutter create -a jave -i objc .


​flutter Packages的插件​

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最后一次编辑于 2023年11月08日 0


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