How to make a simple snooker game with Cocos Creator (1)

桌球小游戏是 BigBear 老师设计、撰写的中英双语的 Cocos Creator 入门教程,面向 Cocos Creator 初学者,但不论你技术如何,相信你会在 BigBear 老师的文章中有所收获。

Shawn 昨天推送了完整的中文版本,为了让大家有一个好的学习体验,我将《Cocos Creator入门实战:桌球小游戏》一文拆分成若干篇中英双语的教程,我们一起学习游戏、学习英语(看我公众号的名字就知道Shawn的英语有多low)!

开始之前 Before Start



Before start things with Cocos Creator to make our game, you should have a familiarity understanding with Cocos Creator and JavaScript. if there are any questions in the production, pls check those Cocos's offical document:


  • 物理系统

  • UI系统

  • 监听和发射事件

  • 动作列表

  • 预制体Prefab

  • 图集资源

  • Physics

  • UI System


  • Listen to and launch events

  • Actions and Action Lists

  • Prefab

  • Atlas Asset

ps:本项目所使用的Cocos Creator版本为 v2.0.10

ps: this tutorial is based with Cocos Creator v2.0.10

开启物理系统  Use physics system

为了尽量达到真实的效果,我们对于桌球的运动均采用物理模拟来实现。在Cocos Creator中物理系统是默认关闭的,我们可以通过下面的代码来开启物理系统:

We use physical simulation to acheieve the movement of the balls, so the balls can move as much as reality movement. Physics system is closed by default in Cocos Creator, we can open it with those code:

let physicsManager = cc.director.getPhysicsManager();
physicsManager.enabled = true;


also we can set physics system to a debug mode that we can see more debug info in preview:

cc.director.getPhysicsManager().debugDrawFlags =

cc.PhysicsManager.DrawBits.e_aabbBit |

    cc.PhysicsManager.DrawBits.e_pairBit |
cc.PhysicsManager.DrawBits.e_centerOfMassBit |
cc.PhysicsManager.DrawBits.e_jointBit |


you can copy those code in your script to open the physics system, but usually I suggest that we can create a 'physicsManager' component to implement those setting features. Like:

 * physics manager component script

extends: cc.Component,

    properties: {
       active: {
default: true,
           tooltip: 'open physics system on component enabled',
default: true,
           tooltip: 'drawing AABB rect debug info',
       pair: {
default: true,
       centerOfMass: {
default: true,
           tooltip: 'drawing collider's center of mass'
       joint: {
default: true,
           tooltip: 'drawing joint info between colliders'
       shape: {
default: true,
           tooltip: 'drawing shape info of colliders'
       gravity: {
default: cc.v2(0,-960),
           tooltip: 'the physics worl gravity, default is -960 y-axis'

    onEnable() {
//open or close physics system
        let physicsManager = cc.director.getPhysicsManager();
if (physicsManager.enabled && {
            cc.warn('The physical system is enabled!');
        physicsManager.enabled =;

if (! {
//set gravity value
        physicsManager.gravity = this.gravity;

//set physics debug flag info
        let drawBits = cc.PhysicsManager.DrawBits;
            physicsManager.debugDrawFlags =
            (this.aabb && drawBits.e_aabbBit) |
            (this.pair && drawBits.e_pairBit) |
            (this.centerOfMass && drawBits.e_centerOfMassBit) |
            (this.joint && drawBits.e_jointBit) |
            (this.shape && drawBits.e_shapeBit);
        } else {
            physicsManager.debugDrawFlags = 0;

    onDisable() {
//close physics system when this component is disabled
        let physicsManager = cc.director.getPhysicsManager();
        physicsManager.debugDrawFlags = 0;
        physicsManager.enabled = false;


when you completed this script, you can add it to 'Canvas' node, then you can see its proprty setting panel like:


make sure that you had set gravity to 0,0 and opened physics system. for a good preview, selected Shape option. why we set the gravity to 0,0 ? because our game is a top view game, if we use defalut gavity 0,-960 , then the balls will fall down influence by gravity.we do not want it happend, so we use 0,0






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