yarn app list
  vv2O73UnQfVU 2023年11月12日 30 0

Yarn App List


Yarn is a package manager for JavaScript and Node.js projects. It is an alternative to npm (Node Package Manager) and has gained popularity due to its faster and more reliable dependency management. One of the key features of Yarn is its ability to manage multiple applications or packages within a single project. In this article, we will explore the yarn app list command and how it can help us manage our project dependencies efficiently.

What is yarn app list?

The yarn app list command is used to display the list of installed applications or packages within your project. It provides a detailed overview of all the dependencies, their versions, and other relevant information. This command is particularly useful when you need to check the status of your project dependencies, identify outdated packages, or simply get an understanding of the project structure.

How to Use yarn app list?

To use the yarn app list command, you need to have Yarn installed on your system. If you haven't installed Yarn yet, you can do so by following the instructions on the official Yarn website (

Once you have Yarn installed, navigate to your project directory using the command line or terminal and run the following command:

yarn app list

This will display a tree-like structure of the installed applications or packages, along with their versions and other details. Here's an example output:

$ yarn app list
├─ create-react-app@4.0.3
│  ├─ @pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin@0.4.3
│  ├─ @svgr/webpack@5.4.0
│  ├─ @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@4.0.1
│  ├─ react-dev-utils@11.0.4
│  ├─ react-scripts@4.0.3
│  └─ web-vitals@0.2.4
├─ express@4.17.1
├─ nodemon@2.0.7
└─ react@17.0.1

In this example, we can see that the project has several applications or packages installed, including create-react-app, express, nodemon, and react. Each package is listed along with its version number. The tree-like structure helps visualize the dependencies and their relationships.

Additional Options

The yarn app list command also provides additional options to customize the output and filter the displayed information. Some of the commonly used options include:

  • --depth: Specifies the depth of the dependency tree to be displayed. For example, --depth=1 will only show the top-level dependencies.
  • --pattern: Allows you to filter the displayed packages based on a specific pattern. For example, --pattern=react-* will only display packages starting with "react-".


The yarn app list command is a powerful tool for managing project dependencies in a JavaScript or Node.js project. It provides a clear overview of the installed applications or packages, their versions, and their relationships. By using this command, you can easily identify outdated packages, understand the project structure, and ensure the smooth functioning of your project. Experiment with different options and explore the full potential of yarn app list to enhance your development workflow.

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