错误代码ERROR ITMS-90096
  TEZNKK3IfmPf 2023年11月14日 23 0

一.ERROR ITMS-90096 image.png 这是最常见的问题,据说是苹果的bug。明明LaunchImage里有iphone5的启动图片,但还是报错。可以按以下方法解决 1.添加一张启动图片到项目的根目录,尺寸为320*568,格式为png,命名为Default-568.png。 image.png 2.使用文本编辑打开info.plist,添加下面代码

<string>{320, 568}</string> 

在xcode打开info.plist,如图 image.png 添加成功 3.shift+command+K clean一下 4.command+B build一下 如果xcode没有报错就可以重新上传了。我之前是图片有问题报错了,上传还是失败,后来重新做了张图片,就成功了 image.png 二. ERROR ITMS-90705: “Launch storyboard not found. Make sure you specify the launch storyboard filename without a filename extension for the key UILaunchStoryboardName in the Info.plist.” 检查info.plist里的LaunchScreen UILaunchStoryboardName LaunchScreen 检查LaunchScreen.storyboard是否存在 也可以使用LaunchImage,将设置里的LaunchScreen File清空 image.png 三.ERROR ITMS-90022: “Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly ‘57x57’ pixels, in .png format for iOS versions < 7.0.” WARNING ITMS-90025: “Missing recommended icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly ‘120x120’ pixels, in .png format for ios versions >= 7.0.” INFO ITMS-90111: “Your app is built with a beta version of Xcode or iOS SDK. Only apps distributed for beta testing may be built with beta software. To submit an app for distribution on the App Store, you will need to build the app with release versions of Xcode and iOS SDK 缺少app icon,在image.xcassets里的添加即可,所有的图标都要按照尺寸添加


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