32位WIN7家庭版安装mysql只有mysql router
  NLcs1gy52P40 2023年11月25日 20 0

在WIN7家庭版上安装MySQL Router的步骤和代码示例


在WIN7家庭版上安装MySQL Router需要以下步骤:

  1. 下载MySQL Router安装包
  2. 安装MySQL Router
  3. 配置MySQL Router
  4. 启动MySQL Router


步骤一:下载MySQL Router安装包

首先你需要从MySQL官方网站下载MySQL Router的安装包。你可以访问[MySQL官方网站]( Router版本。

步骤二:安装MySQL Router

下载完成后,你需要运行安装包进行安装。安装过程通常是点击“下一步”直到完成。选择安装目录时,你可以选择一个你喜欢的路径,比如C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Router

步骤三:配置MySQL Router

安装完成后,你需要配置MySQL Router。打开命令行工具(如CMD或PowerShell),输入以下命令来进行配置:

cd C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Router
mysqlrouter --bootstrap your_mysql_server_host:your_mysql_server_port --user your_mysql_username --password your_mysql_password


运行以上命令后,MySQL Router会连接到MySQL服务器,并获取相关配置信息。如果连接成功,你将看到类似以下的输出:

MySQL Router 8.0.23 - MySQL Router Configuration Utility
Derivative work based on the 1.4.4 GPL'd source
Copyright (c) 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2
or later. The documentation is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, version 2 or later.

MySQL Router configuration program.

This is the MySQL Router configuration wizard, and will guide you through the
process of configuring a new MySQL Router instance. You will be prompted for
information regarding your MySQL InnoDB Cluster and/or Replication setup, and
the wizard will generate a configuration file that can be used with MySQL Router.

The configuration wizard is now ready to begin the process of creating
your MySQL Router configuration file. Press the ENTER key to continue, or
CTRL+C to cancel.

按照提示按下回车键,MySQL Router会生成一个配置文件,通常位于C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Router

步骤四:启动MySQL Router

配置完成后,你可以启动MySQL Router。在命令行工具中输入以下命令:

cd C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Router
mysqlrouter --config C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Router\mysqlrouter.conf

其中,C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Router\mysqlrouter.conf是你的MySQL Router配置文件的路径。

MySQL Router启动成功后,你将看到类似以下的输出:

MySQL Router 8.0.23 - MySQL router daemon
Derivative work based on the 1.4.4 GPL'd source
Copyright (c) 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2
or later. The documentation is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, version 2 or later.

Logging to file 'C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Router\mysqlrouter.log', verbosity of 2

Server listening on with protocol MySQL Client / MySQL Server 8.0.23 / MySQL Protocol 10

至此,你已经成功在WIN7家庭版上安装了MySQL Router,并启动了它。



    [*] --> 下载MySQL Router安装包
    下载MySQL Router安装包 --> 安装MySQL Router
    安装MySQL Router --> 配置MySQL Router
    配置MySQL Router --> 启动MySQL Router
    启动MySQL Router --> [*]

以上就是在WIN7家庭版上安装MySQL Router的完整步骤和代码示例。希望对你有所帮助!

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最后一次编辑于 2023年11月25日 0


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