Emqx5 版本 修改默认配置文件
  qaXee3gSvBFs 2023年11月02日 40 0
## NOTE:
## Configs in this file might be overridden by:
## 1. Environment variables which start with 'EMQX_' prefix
## 2. File $EMQX_NODE__DATA_DIR/configs/cluster-override.conf
## 3. File $EMQX_NODE__DATA_DIR/configs/local-override.conf
## The *-override.conf files are overwritten at runtime when changes
## are made from EMQX dashboard UI, management HTTP API, or CLI.
## All configuration details can be found in emqx.conf.example

node {
  name = "emqx@"
  cookie = "emqxsecretcookie"
  data_dir = "/var/lib/emqx"

log {
  file_handlers.default {
    level = warning
    file = "/var/log/emqx/emqx.log"

cluster {
  name = emqxcl
  discovery_strategy = manual

listeners.tcp.default {
  bind = ""
  max_connections = 1024000

listeners.ssl.default {
  bind = ""
  max_connections = 512000
  ssl_options {
    keyfile = "/etc/emqx/certs/key.pem"
    certfile = "/etc/emqx/certs/cert.pem"
    cacertfile = "/etc/emqx/certs/cacert.pem"

listeners.ws.default {
  bind = ""
  max_connections = 1024000
  websocket.mqtt_path = "/mqtt"

listeners.wss.default {
  bind = ""
  max_connections = 512000
  websocket.mqtt_path = "/mqtt"
  ssl_options {
    keyfile = "/etc/emqx/certs/key.pem"
    certfile = "/etc/emqx/certs/cert.pem"
    cacertfile = "/etc/emqx/certs/cacert.pem"

# listeners.quic.default {
#  enabled = true
#  bind = ""
#  max_connections = 1024000
#  keyfile = "/etc/emqx/certs/key.pem"
#  certfile = "/etc/emqx/certs/cert.pem"

dashboard {
    listeners.http {
        bind = 18083
    default_username = "admin"
    default_password = "public"

authorization {
  deny_action = ignore
  no_match = allow
  cache = { enable = true }
  sources =  [
      type = file
      enable = true
      # This file is immutable to EMQX.
      # Once new rules are created from dashboard UI or HTTP API,
      # the file 'data/authz/acl.conf' is used instead of this one
      path = "/etc/emqx/acl.conf"


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最后一次编辑于 2023年11月08日 0

