Load Test Statistics 负载测试统计(负载测试计数器)
  TnD0WQEygW8e 2023年11月19日 26 0

Load Test Statistics

Load Tester collects an extensive measurements during a load test. This data is collected in samples. Each sample has multiple measurements associated with it. Depending on the measurement type, some measurements may not ba applicable during each sample and may therefore appear empty in some displays, such as the Statistics View. Unless otherwise noted, the value of each measurement in a sample pertains only to events that completed


While the term sample is used for our data storage units, it is important to understand that Load Tester does not rely on sampled

Test statistics

Test statistics are collected by the Virtual Users as the testcases are executed. The data is collected at four levels: Test Summary, Testcase, Web Page and Transaction. These levels represent narrowing scopes of data - for example: web pages may contain many transactions and a testcase may contain many web pages. In many cases, the higher levels are not simply aggregations of lower levels but measurements tailored specifically for each level.


Average Duration


Average Page Duration


Average Page Wait Time


Average Speed - The average data transfer rate of the item. For testcases, this measurement includes the total bytes transferred for all web pages and transactions and the total duration of the testcase, including think time but not repeat delay. For web pages, this includes the bytes transferred for all transactions and the total duration of the page, not including think time. For transactions, this includes bytes sent and received (the total of the size of the HTTP request and response messages) and the duration of the transaction.


Average Wait Time


Average TTFB - The average TTFB for the transaction. The Time To First Byte




Current Page Users - The number of users working on a web page at the end of the sample period. Note that working on a web page refers to the process of requesting and receiving the contents of a URL. Users that are not working on pages will either be executing think time or the repeat delay.




Hits/sec - The number of transactions completed per second. "Transactions/sec" would be more technically accurate but is not used for two reasons: (1) hits/sec is a standard industry term and (2) the term transaction


Maximum Duration


Maximum Page Duration


Maximum TTFB


Minimum Duration


Minimum Page Duration


Minimum TTFB








Total Size




Load Engine statistics

Load Engine statistics are collected by the load engines in the process of monitoring its own performance.






Memory % - The amount of VM memory that is available. Note that the load testing and/or the load engine, by default, is configured, by default, to use 200M of RAM. There may be more memory available. If so, see the Configuring Memory Usage page for configuration instructions.


Users - The number of VUs running in this load engine.


Total Capacity - The estimated


Engine Status

Server statistics

Server statistics are collected by the Server Agents to help assess the performance of the server OS and application servers during a load test.

Operating System



Memory %


Context Switches / sec


Process Queue Length


Page reads/sec


Page writes/sec


Disk I/O Time %


Avg Disk Service Time


Disk Queue Length


Disk Reads/sec


Disk Writes/sec


Network bytes sent


Network bytes received


Network packets received / sec


Network packets sent / sec


Network Packets Received Errors


Network Packets Sent Errors


Network Collisions


TCP Connections Established


TCP Connection Failures


TCP Segments Retransmitted / sec

ASP.NET (Active Server Pages)

ASP.NET Active Sessions


ASP.NET Application Restarts


ASP.NET Cache Entries


ASP.NET Cache Hit Ratio


ASP.NET Cache Hits


ASP.NET Cache Misses


ASP.NET Cache Turnover Rate


ASP.NET Compilations


ASP.NET Current Requests


ASP.NET Disconnected Requests


ASP.NET Errors/sec


ASP.NET Last Request Execution Time


ASP.NET Pipeline Instance count


ASP.NET Queued Requests


ASP.NET Rejected Requests


ASP.NET Request Wait Time


ASP.NET Requests Executing


ASP.NET Requests Not Found


ASP.NET Requests Not Authorized


ASP.NET Requests Queue Length


ASP.NET Requests Succeeded


ASP.NET Requests Timed Out


ASP.NET Requests/sec


ASP.NET Sessions Timed Out


ASP.NET Sessions Abandoned


ASP.NET Unhandled Execution Errors/sec

.NET CLR (Common Language Runtime)

.NET CLR Class loader Heap Size


.NET CLR Current AppDomains


.NET CLR Current Assemblies


.NET CLR Exceptions / sec


.NET CLR Heap Size


.NET CLR Generation 0 Collections


.NET CLR Generation 1 Collections - The number of times the generation 1 objects are garbage collected. Higher generation GCs include all lower generation GCs.


.NET CLR Generation 2 Collections


.NET CLR Lock Contention Queue Length


.NET CLR Lock Contention / sec


.NET CLR Lock Contentions


.NET CLR Logical Thread Count


.NET CLR Percent Time in GC


.NET CLR Physical Thread Count


.NET CLR Recognized Thread Count

IIS (Internet Information Server)

IIS CGI Requests/sec


IIS Connection Attempts/sec


IIS Current Connections


IIS File Cache Entries


IIS File Cache Hits


IIS File Cache Hit %


IIS File Cache Misses


IIS ISAPI Extension Requests/sec


IIS Kernel URI Cache Entries


IIS Kernel URI Cache Hits


IIS Kernel URI Cache Hit %


IIS Kernel URI Cache Misses


IIS Requests/sec


IIS URI Cache Entries


IIS URI Cache Hits


IIS URI Cache Hit %


IIS URI Cache Misses


These statistics represent the combined processes for IIS (inetinfo), ASP.NET (aspnet_wp) and the Application Pool Process (w3wp).


IIS+App Handle Count


IIS+App Private Bytes


IIS+App Thread Count


IIS+App Virtual Bytes


IIS+App % Processor Time



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最后一次编辑于 2023年11月19日 0

