本文Step by Step 搭建一个由IBM提供的基于Fabric的钻石交易展示平台。


ubuntu 16.04 4.4.0-104-generic

Docker version 17.03.0-ce, build 60ccb22

docker-compose version 1.14.0, build c7bdf9e


0.1 安装git


0.2 安装Go

下载Go for linux


$ sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf /your-download-path/go1.10.linux-amd64.tar.gz

修改.bashrc 添加
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

$ source ~/.bashrc


$ go version

0.3 安装Node.js

Download and install Node.js v6.2.0



$ sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf /your-download-pathnode-v6.9.5-linux-x64.tar.gz

修改.bashrc 添加
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/node-v6.9.5-linux-x64/bin

$ source ~/.bashrc


$ node -v
$ npm -v


$ git clone https://github.com/IBM-Blockchain/marbles.git --depth 1
$ cd marbles/
$ git checkout master


2.1 下载Fabric Sample

$ git clone https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-samples.git
$ cd fabric-samples

$ git checkout v1.1.0

$ curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hyperledger/fabric/master/scripts/bootstrap.sh -o setup_script.sh

2.2 修改setup_script.sh

export VERSION=${1:-1.1.0}


2.3 运行setup_script.sh下载平台相关的二进制文件和images

sudo bash setup_script.sh

2.4 为下载的image建立latest tag

  docker tag  hyperledger/fabric-tools:x86_64-1.1.0 hyperledger/fabric-tools:latest
  docker tag hyperledger/fabric-orderer:x86_64-1.1.0 hyperledger/fabric-orderer:latest
  docker tag hyperledger/fabric-peer:x86_64-1.1.0 hyperledger/fabric-peer:latest
  docker tag hyperledger/fabric-javaenv:x86_64-1.1.0 hyperledger/fabric-javaenv:latest
  docker tag hyperledger/fabric-ccenv:x86_64-1.1.0 hyperledger/fabric-ccenv:latest
  docker tag hyperledger/fabric-couchdb:x86_64-1.0.6 hyperledger/fabric-couchdb:latest
  docker tag hyperledger/fabric-kafka:x86_64-1.0.6 hyperledger/fabric-kafka:latest
  docker tag hyperledger/fabric-zookeeper:x86_64-1.0.6 hyperledger/fabric-zookeeper:latest

2.5 编辑.bashrc把下载的二进制文件加入PATH环境变量

export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH

2.6 执行.bashrc

$ source ~/.bashrc

2.7 启动网络

$ cd ./fabcar
$ ./startFabric.sh

2.8 检查网络,执行docker ps 应该有红框内的5个containers.

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_Fabric

2.9 安装测试所需的软件

$ npm install

2.10 用Fabcar测试网络

    node enrollAdmin.js
    node registerUser.js
    node query.js

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_chain_02


3.1  安装

$ cd /YOUR_PATH/marbles/
$ npm install

3.2 再次执行下面脚本去创建证书


$   node enrollAdmin.js

$  node registerUser.js
$   node query.js

3.3 修改marbles/config/connection_profile_local.json

                "credentialStore": {
                        "path": "/YOUR_FABRIC_SAMPLE_PATH/fabcar/hfc-key-store"
                        "x-adminCert": {
                                "path": "/YOUR_FABRIC_SAMPLE_PATH/basic-network/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.example.com/users/Admin@org1.example.com/msp/admincerts/Admin@org1.example.com-cert.pem"
                        "x-adminKeyStore": {
                                "path": "/YOUR_FABRIC_SAMPLE_PATH/basic-network/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.example.com/users/Admin@org1.example.com/msp/keystore/"

3.4 安装链码

$ ./scripts

$ node install_chaincode.js

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_区块链_03

3.5 实例化链码

$ node instantiate_chaincode.js

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_Fabric _04

4. 托管 Marbles

$ cd ..
$ sudo npm install gulp -g

BTW: 解决“sudo: npm:找不到命令”问题

$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/node-v6.9.5-linux-x64/bin/node /usr/bin/node
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/node-v6.9.5-linux-x64/lib/node /usr/lib/node
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/node-v6.9.5-linux-x64/lib/npm /usr/lib/npm

$ npm install

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_chain_05

4.5 运行钻石交易应用

$ gulp marbles_local

BTW:if you run into the issue like

error: [Client.js]: Failed to load user "admin" from local key value store. Error: TypeError: privateKey.isPublic is not a function
    at _cryptoSuite.importKey.then.then (/home/yan/workspace/marbles/node_modules/fabric-client/lib/User.js:255:45)
error: [Client.js]: Failed to load an instance of requested user "admin" from the state store on this Client instance. Error: TypeError: privateKey.isPublic is not a function
    at _cryptoSuite.importKey.then.then (/home/yan/workspace/marbles/node_modules/fabric-client/lib/User.js:255:45)
error: [fcw] Failed to get enrollment marblesDockerComposeNetworkmychannelOrg1MSPfabricpeerorg1 TypeError: privateKey.isPublic is not a function
    at _cryptoSuite.importKey.then.then (/home/yan/workspace/marbles/node_modules/fabric-client/lib/User.js:255:45)
error: [fcw] could not format error
error: Exhausted all CAs. There are no more CAs to try.
error: could not enroll...
warn: Error enrolling admin

you may need copy hfc-key-store directory to your home directory $HOME/.hfc-key-store, and re-config the client.credentialStore.path of connection_profile_local.json

5 使用 Marbles

5.1 访问http://localhost:3001/login

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_block_06

5.2 点击Login 设置应用

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_Fabric _07


实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_block_08

点击next step

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_Fabric _09

点击next step

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_Fabric _10

点击next step

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_区块链_11

点击 create

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_区块链_12

点击next step

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_Fabric _13


5.3 创建钻石

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_block_14

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_区块链_15


实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_chain_16

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_block_17

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_block_18

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_chain_19

5.4 交易钻石,拖拽Amy的蓝钻给Alice

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_block_20

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_Fabric _21

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_区块链_22

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_block_23

5.5 删除钻石

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_block_24

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_chain_25

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_block_26

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_区块链_27

5.5 故事模式


实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_Fabric _28

实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_Fabric _29


实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 4:基于区块链钻石交易展示平台的搭建_区块链_30

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