  0eGysyk4Lrwg 2023年11月02日 46 0

  1. 安装
yum install
  1. 命令选项
iptraf-ng -h
usage: iptraf-ng [options]
or: iptraf-ng [options] -B [-i <iface> | -d <iface> | -s <iface> | -z <iface> | -l <iface> | -g]

-h, --help show this help message

-i <iface> start the IP traffic monitor (use '-i all' for all interfaces)
-d <iface> start the detailed statistics facility on an interface
-s <iface> start the TCP and UDP monitor on an interface
-z <iface> shows the packet size counts on an interface
-l <iface> start the LAN station monitor (use '-l all' for all LAN interfaces)
-g start the general interface statistics

-B run in background (use only with one of the above parameters
-f clear all locks and counters
-t <n> run only for the specified <n> number of minutes
-L <logfile> specifies an alternate log file
  1. 使用方法
# 查看每一块网卡上的流量
iptraf-ng -g
# 显示指定网卡上的流量统计,总体流量、流入量、流出量、以及按协议分类的流量统计
iptraf-ng -d eth0
# 统计各port的流量
iptraf-ng -s eth0
# 查看远程主机端口及报文(含抓包信息)

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  1. 分享:
最后一次编辑于 2023年11月08日 0


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