  ZklfkKGn8hpZ 2023年11月02日 44 0







struct yaffs_DeviceStruct

struct  yaffs_ObjectStruct

Struct yaffs_ObjectHeader

//Struct yaffs_blockinfo

Struct yaffs_spare

Struct yaffs_tags

//Struct yaffs_chunkcache


Struct  yaffsfs_Handle
因此可以这么来说实际和nandflash的硬件相关的结构体有三个,其他的结构体都是只是为了维护yaffs的组织目录而在内存中形成的。所以,yaffs的整个目录是可以通过遍历整个yaffs的结构,读取spare区和object headler来得到yaffs中的所有逻辑结构。这部分工作是在yaffs_mount这个函数来实现的,这个我们以后会继续讲到。

**************************NO 1*************************************
struct yaffs_DeviceStruct
       int   nBytesPerChunk;  // Should be a power of 2 >= 512
       int   nChunksPerBlock;    // does not need to be a power of 2
       int   startBlock;         // Start block we're allowed to use
       int   endBlock;                 // End block we're allowed to use
       int   nReservedBlocks;     // We want this tuneable so that we can reduce
                                                  // reserved blocks on NOR and RAM.
       int   useNANDECC;              // Flag to decide whether or not to use NANDECC
       int   nShortOpCaches;     // If <= 0, then short op caching is disabled, else
                                                 // the number of short op caches (don't use too many).
       void *genericDevice; // Pointer to device context
                                           // On an mtd this holds the mtd pointer.

       // 以下是nandflash的操作函数,这些是直接和硬件相关,需要我们根据不          同的处理器进行特定的处理,包括读,写,擦除,初始化
       int (*writeChunkToNAND)(struct yaffs_DeviceStruct *dev,int chunkInNAND, const __u8 *data, yaffs_Spare *spare);
       int (*readChunkFromNAND)(struct yaffs_DeviceStruct *dev,int chunkInNAND, __u8 *data, yaffs_Spare *spare);
       int (*eraseBlockInNAND)(struct yaffs_DeviceStruct *dev,int blockInNAND);
       int (*initialiseNAND)(struct yaffs_DeviceStruct *dev);
       // Runtime parameters. Set up by YAFFS.
       int   internalStartBlock;            // Internal version of startBlock
       int   internalEndBlock;                    // End block we're allowed to use
       int   blockOffset;
       int   chunkOffset;
       __u16 chunkGroupBits; // 0 for devices <= 32MB. else log2(nchunks) - 16
       __u16 chunkGroupSize; // == 2^^chunkGroupBits
       int isMounted;

       yaffs_BlockInfo *blockInfo;
       //chunkbits 和 chunkBitmapStride是两个很有意思的东西,正是它们组成了整个nandflash的位图架构,对于一块有32页的nandflash,这里的chunkBitmapStride是4,而chunkbits是8位的,这样刚好4*8=32,也就是每一个位对应了nandflash中一个page,当然在系统挂载初始化的时候会为每一个块都分配,也就是说在首地址是chunkbits中的每一个位都对应了nandflash的一页,当然一个地址对应8页。
       __u8 *chunkBits;   // bitmap of chunks in use
       int   chunkBitmapStride; // Number of bytes of chunkBits per block.
                                                  //   Must be consistent with nChunksPerBlock.
       int   nErasedBlocks;//记录着器件内所有可供分配的block的数量
       int   allocationBlock;               // 当前分配的block号
       __u32 allocationPage;//记录着上次分配的chunk在block中的序号,每分配一次加1
       int   allocationBlockFinder;      // Used to search for next allocation block
       // Runtime state
       int   nTnodesCreated;     
       yaffs_Tnode *freeTnodes;
       int  nFreeTnodes;
       yaffs_TnodeList *allocatedTnodeList;
       int   nObjectsCreated;
       yaffs_Object *freeObjects;
       int   nFreeObjects;
       yaffs_ObjectList *allocatedObjectList;
       yaffs_ObjectBucket objectBucket[YAFFS_NOBJECT_BUCKETS];
       int      nFreeChunks;
       int   currentDirtyChecker; // Used to find current dirtiest block
       // Operations since mount
       int nPageWrites;
       int nPageReads;
       int nBlockErasures;
       int nGCCopies;
       int garbageCollections;
       int passiveGarbageCollections;
       int nRetriedWrites;
       int nRetiredBlocks;
       int eccFixed;
       int eccUnfixed;
       int tagsEccFixed;
       int tagsEccUnfixed;
       int nDeletions;
       int nUnmarkedDeletions;
       yaffs_Object *rootDir;
       yaffs_Object *lostNFoundDir;
       // Buffer areas for storing data to recover from write failures
//     __u8            bufferedData[YAFFS_CHUNKS_PER_BLOCK][YAFFS_BYTES_PER_CHUNK];
//     yaffs_Spare bufferedSpare[YAFFS_CHUNKS_PER_BLOCK];
       int bufferedBlock; // Which block is buffered here?
       int doingBufferedBlockRewrite;
       //系统使用的缓冲区,我们刚刚定义了nShortOpCaches,这里会开设nShortOpCaches* YAFFS_BYTES_PER_CHUNK这么大的缓冲区
       yaffs_ChunkCache *srCache;
       int srLastUse;
       int cacheHits;
       // Stuff for background deletion and unlinked files.
       yaffs_Object *unlinkedDir;        // Directory where unlinked and deleted files live.
       yaffs_Object *unlinkedDeletion; // Current file being background deleted.
       int nDeletedFiles;                       // Count of files awaiting deletion;
       int nUnlinkedFiles;                            // Count of unlinked files.
       int nBackgroundDeletions;                // Count of background deletions.     
       __u8 *localBuffer;
typedef struct yaffs_DeviceStruct yaffs_Device;
**************************NO 2*************************************
struct  yaffs_ObjectStruct            //逻辑文件的具体信息靠这个结构体
__u8 deleted: 1;           // This should only apply to unlinked files.
       __u8 softDeleted: 1;    // it has also been soft deleted
       __u8 unlinked: 1;         // An unlinked file. The file should be in the unlinked pseudo directory.
       __u8 fake:1;                // A fake object has no presence on NAND.
       __u8 renameAllowed:1;
       __u8 unlinkAllowed:1;
       __u8 dirty:1;                // the object needs to be written to flash
       __u8 valid:1;                // When the file system is being loaded up, this
                                                 // object might be created before the data
                                                 // is available (ie. file data records appear before the header).
       __u8 serial;                  // serial number of chunk in NAND. Store here so we don't have to
                                                 // read back the old one to update.
       __u16 sum;                        // sum of the name to speed searching
       struct yaffs_DeviceStruct *myDev; // The device I'm on
       struct list_head hashLink;    // list of objects in this hash bucket
       struct list_head hardLinks; // all the equivalent hard linked objects
                                                        // live on this list
       // directory structure stuff
       struct yaffs_ObjectStruct  *parent;  //my parent directory
       struct list_head siblings;       // siblings in a directory
                                                        // also used for linking up the free list
       // chunk number in file, 0代表是yaffs_ObjectHeader,非零是文件数据
       int chunkId;          // where it lives
       int nDataChunks; 
       //objectId非常重要,一个文件对应一个objcetId,文件可能会很大,分属在   不同的页(chunk)上,但是每个chunk的最好16个字节中定义了这个页        的objectId,也就是说明了这个页是属于哪个文件的,系统也是通过扫描每  页的objectId来组织文件的。
__u32 objectId;           // the object id value
       __u32 yst_mode;       // protection
       char shortName[YAFFS_SHORT_NAME_LENGTH+1];
       __u32 inUse;
       __u32 yst_uid;          // user ID of owner
       __u32 yst_gid;         // group ID of owner
       __u32 yst_atime;        // time of last access
       __u32 yst_mtime;       // time of last modification
       __u32 yst_ctime;        // time of last change
       __u32 yst_rdev;     // device stuff for block and char devices
       yaffs_ObjectType variantType;//表示该对象的类型,是目录、普通文件还是链接文件
       yaffs_ObjectVariant variant;//是一个联合体,根据对象类型的不同有不同的解释。
这里需要注明的是,无论你是文件,还是目录,还是链接在yaffs中都是一个objct,只是它的type不同,当然不同的type的部分属性也是不同的,这部分的处理是通过yaffs_ObjectType variantType; yaffs_ObjectVariant variant;这两个成员来处理的。
**************************NO 3*************************************
typedef struct
       yaffs_ObjectType type;
       // Apply to everything  
       int   parentObjectId;
       __u16 sum__NoLongerUsed;    // checksum of name. Calc this off the name to prevent inconsistencies
       char  name[YAFFS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
       // Thes following apply to directories, files, symlinks - not hard links
       __u32 yst_mode;  // protection
       __u32 yst_uid;   // user ID of owner
       __u32 yst_gid;    // group ID of owner
       __u32 yst_atime; // time of last access
       __u32 yst_mtime; // time of last modification
       __u32 yst_ctime; // time of last change
       // File size  applies to files only
       int fileSize;
       // Equivalent object id applies to hard links only.
       int  equivalentObjectId;
       // Alias is for symlinks only.
       char alias[YAFFS_MAX_ALIAS_LENGTH + 1];
       __u32 yst_rdev;  // device stuff for block and char devices (maj/min)
       __u32 roomToGrow[12];
} yaffs_ObjectHeader;
**************************NO 4*************************************
typedef struct
    __u8  tagByte0;
    __u8  tagByte1;
    __u8  tagByte2;
    __u8  tagByte3;
    __u8  pageStatus;    // set to 0 to delete the chunk
    __u8  blockStatus;
    __u8  tagByte4;
    __u8  tagByte5;
    __u8  ecc1[3];
    __u8  tagByte6;
    __u8  tagByte7;
    __u8  ecc2[3];
} yaffs_Spare;
typedef struct
    unsigned chunkId:20;
    unsigned serialNumber:2;
    unsigned byteCount:10;
    unsigned objectId:18;
    unsigned ecc:12;
    unsigned unusedStuff:2;
} yaffs_Tags;


SPARE和TAGS这两个结构体比较简单,从这两个结构体的对应上可以很清楚的看到,其实Tags就是Spare的一部分,Spare是整个OOB区的信息,当中的8个字节的tagbyte就是yaffs使用的,可以说yaffs和其他文件系统不同的就是它针对nandflash这种oob区的特点有效的利用了这种特性。因此我们说yaffs是Flash-Specific File System.



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