  uBACcm3oHgm7 2023年11月02日 71 0

Hive Input Formats: A Guide to

Apache Hive is a powerful tool used for data analysis and querying large datasets stored in Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). One of the key features of Hive is its ability to work with different input formats, allowing users to process data in a format that best suits their needs.

In this article, we will explore one of the input formats supported by Hive, namely We will discuss its features, benefits, and provide code examples to demonstrate its usage.

Introduction to Hive Input Formats

Input formats in Hive define how data is read from the underlying storage system, such as HDFS. Hive provides various built-in input formats, including TextInputFormat (default), SequenceFileInputFormat, and OrcInputFormat. These input formats determine how data is split into input splits, which are then processed by individual tasks in a distributed manner.

HiveInputFormat is a special input format in Hive that provides additional functionality over the default TextInputFormat. It offers features like input filtering, column pruning, and predicate pushdown, which can significantly improve query performance.

Benefits of Using HiveInputFormat

1. Input Filtering

HiveInputFormat allows users to specify filters on input data during query execution. These filters help in reducing the amount of data read from HDFS, leading to faster query execution. For example, consider the following code snippet:

set hive.input.format.input.filter=column_name > 100;

In this example, only the rows where the value of the "column_name" is greater than 100 will be read from HDFS.

2. Column Pruning

Column pruning is the process of eliminating unnecessary columns from the query execution plan, reducing both disk I/O and network traffic. HiveInputFormat supports column pruning by allowing users to specify the columns they want to retrieve from the input data. For example:

set hive.input.format.columns=column1,column2,column3;

In this example, only "column1", "column2", and "column3" will be retrieved from the input data.

3. Predicate Pushdown

Predicate pushdown is the process of pushing query predicates to the storage layer for early filtering. HiveInputFormat supports predicate pushdown by allowing users to specify query predicates that can be evaluated at the storage layer. For example:

set hive.input.format.predicate=column_name > 100;

In this example, the query predicate "column_name > 100" will be evaluated at the storage layer, reducing the amount of data transferred to Hive for further processing.

Code Examples

To use HiveInputFormat, you need to set the hive.input.format property to Here's an example of how to set it using Hive's CLI:


You can also set this property in your Hive script or configuration file.

Once the input format is set, you can use other properties to specify input filters, columns, and predicates as discussed earlier.


In this article, we explored, a special input format in Hive that provides advanced features like input filtering, column pruning, and predicate pushdown. We discussed the benefits of using HiveInputFormat and provided code examples to demonstrate its usage.

By leveraging the capabilities of HiveInputFormat, users can optimize their queries, improve performance, and efficiently process large datasets in Hive.


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最后一次编辑于 2023年11月08日 0


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