使用代码读取SAP CRM product的所有属性
  TEZNKK3IfmPf 2024年08月02日 31 0
Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Jun 02, 2016
  • content
  • content management
  • attribute
    You can use the following code to retrieve attachment attributes:
DATA: lt_ios                TYPE skwf_ios,
           ios_properties_result TYPE crm_kw_propst.
DATA(ls_ios) = VALUE skwf_io( objtype = 'P' class = 'BDS_POC22' objid = '0090FA0D8DC21EE398905A1611087AC8' ).
APPEND ls_ios TO lt_ios.
    ios                   = lt_ios
    ios_properties_result = ios_properties_result.

for objid just pass the guid of attachment physical instance, not logical instance.
The returned attributes could be classified as two types: the header attribute and the table attribute.
使用代码读取SAP CRM product的所有属性
使用代码读取SAP CRM product的所有属性

Those attributes could be found tcode DMWB:
使用代码读取SAP CRM product的所有属性
使用代码读取SAP CRM product的所有属性

The header attribute for product is stored in table BDSPHIO22
使用代码读取SAP CRM product的所有属性
the table attribute for product is stored in table BDSPHPR22.
使用代码读取SAP CRM product的所有属性

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最后一次编辑于 2024年08月02日 0


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