jquery filedownload
  Hu7dgzpF3r8x 2023年11月19日 78 0

jQuery File Download


jQuery File Download is a jQuery plugin that allows users to initiate file downloads on the client-side using Ajax requests. It provides a simple and efficient way to trigger file downloads without the need for a full-page reload.

In this article, we will explore how to use the jQuery File Download plugin with code examples and explanations.


To use the jQuery File Download plugin, you need to include the jQuery library and the plugin itself in your HTML file.

<script src="
<script src="jquery.filedownload.js"></script>

Basic Usage

The basic usage of the jQuery File Download plugin involves attaching an event handler to a button or link that triggers the file download.

Here's an example of how to use the plugin to download a file when a button is clicked:

<button id="downloadButton">Download File</button>

  $(document).ready(function() {
    $('#downloadButton').click(function() {

In the example above, the $.fileDownload() function is called when the button with the ID downloadButton is clicked. The function takes the URL of the file to download as its parameter.

Advanced Options

The jQuery File Download plugin provides various options to customize the file download behavior. Here are some commonly used options:

Option Description
httpMethod HTTP method to use for the download request (default: 'GET')
data Data to include in the download request (e.g., query parameters)
successCallback Function to execute after the download is successfully triggered
failCallback Function to execute if the download request fails
preparingMessage Message to display during the preparation of the download

You can set these options by passing an object to the $.fileDownload() function.

<button id="downloadButton">Download File</button>

  $(document).ready(function() {
    $('#downloadButton').click(function() {
      $.fileDownload('/path/to/file.pdf', {
        httpMethod: 'POST',
        data: { param1: 'value1', param2: 'value2' },
        successCallback: function(url) {
          console.log('File download success:', url);
        failCallback: function(responseHtml, url) {
          console.log('File download failed:', responseHtml);
        preparingMessage: 'Preparing file for download...',

In the example above, the HTTP method is set to POST, and additional data is included in the download request. The success and failure callbacks are defined to handle the corresponding events.

Class Diagram

Here is a class diagram representing the main components and relationships of the jQuery File Download plugin:

  class jQuery {
    +fileDownload(url, options)

The jQuery class represents the jQuery library, and the fileDownload method is used to trigger file downloads.


The jQuery File Download plugin is a powerful tool for initiating file downloads on the client-side using Ajax requests. It provides a seamless user experience and allows for customization of the download behavior.

In this article, we covered the basic usage of the plugin and explored some advanced options. We also presented a class diagram to illustrate the main components of the plugin.

By using the jQuery File Download plugin, you can enhance your web applications with efficient file download capabilities. Happy coding!


  • jQuery File Download documentation:
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最后一次编辑于 2023年11月19日 0

