ios uinavigationbar background
  rvP2pqm8fEoB 2023年11月30日 99 0

iOS UINavigationBar Background

UINavigationBar is a standard component in iOS development that provides a navigation interface for users. It is commonly used in apps to display titles, buttons, and other navigation items. One important aspect of customizing UINavigationBar is changing its background appearance. In this article, we will explore different ways to customize the background of UINavigationBar in iOS apps with code examples.

Approach 1: Using UIImage

The simplest way to customize the background of UINavigationBar is by using a UIImage. We can create a new UIImage object with the desired background image and set it as the background image for the navigation bar.

// Create a UIImage with the desired background image
let backgroundImage = UIImage(named: "navbar_background")

// Set the background image for the navigation bar
navigationBar.setBackgroundImage(backgroundImage, for: .default)

In the above code, we create a UIImage object named "backgroundImage" with the desired background image. Then, we use the setBackgroundImage(_:for:) method of UINavigationBar to set the backgroundImage as the background image for the navigation bar. The .default parameter indicates that the background image should be used for the default appearance of the navigation bar.

Approach 2: Using UIColor

Another way to customize the background of UINavigationBar is by using a UIColor. We can create a new UIColor object with the desired background color and set it as the background color for the navigation bar.

// Create a UIColor with the desired background color
let backgroundColor = UIColor(red: 0.2, green: 0.4, blue: 0.6, alpha: 1.0)

// Set the background color for the navigation bar
navigationBar.barTintColor = backgroundColor

In the above code, we create a UIColor object named "backgroundColor" with the desired background color. Then, we use the barTintColor property of UINavigationBar to set the backgroundColor as the background color for the navigation bar.

Approach 3: Customizing Appearance

We can also customize the appearance of UINavigationBar globally using the UINavigationBar.appearance() method. This allows us to set a default background image or color for all navigation bars in our app.

// Customize the appearance of UINavigationBar globally
let backgroundImage = UIImage(named: "navbar_background")
UINavigationBar.appearance().setBackgroundImage(backgroundImage, for: .default)

In the above code, we use the setBackgroundImage(_:for:) method of the UINavigationBar.appearance() to set the backgroundImage as the default background image for all navigation bars in our app.


Customizing the background of UINavigationBar is a common task in iOS app development. In this article, we explored different approaches to achieve this customization. We learned how to use UIImage and UIColor to set custom background images and colors for the navigation bar. We also saw how to customize the appearance of UINavigationBar globally using the UINavigationBar.appearance() method. By using these techniques, we can create visually appealing navigation bars that match the overall design of our iOS app.

Note: The code examples provided in this article are written in Swift, but similar approaches can be used in Objective-C for iOS development.

    dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
    title UINavigationBar Background Development Process

    section Research
    Initial Research      : 2022-04-01, 3d
    Gather Requirements   : 2022-04-04, 2d

    section Implementation
    Create UIImage        : 2022-04-06, 2d
    Set Background Image  : 2022-04-08, 1d
    Create UIColor        : 2022-04-09, 2d
    Set Background Color  : 2022-04-11, 1d
    Customize Appearance  : 2022-04-12, 2d

    section Documentation
    Write Article         : 2022-04-14, 2d
    Review and Edit       : 2022-04-16, 1d
    Finalize Article      : 2022-04-17, 1d


  • [UINavigationBar - Apple Developer Documentation](
  • [UIImage - Apple Developer Documentation](
  • [UIColor - Apple Developer Documentation](

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最后一次编辑于 2023年11月30日 0

