  I7JaHrFMuDsU 2024年08月02日 60 0
    (1)对System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button button3控件
        this.Button3.Attributes.Add("onclick","return confirm('aa')");
    (2)对protected Infragistics.WebUI.WebDataInput.WebImageButton WebImageButton2;
        function WebImageButton2_Click(oButton, oEvent)
        { //Add code to handle your event here. 
2,对该protected Infragistics.WebUI.WebDataInput.WebDateTimeEdit idteDateTime;  控件的使用
        效果就是在单击右侧按钮后,出现protected Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule.WebCalendar SharedCalendar;控件,即下拉的时间表;这主要是客户端的代码,如下:
        //建立一个protected Infragistics.WebUI.WebDataInput.WebDateTimeEdit idteDateTime; 控件
         <igtxt:webdatetimeedit id="idteDateTime" runat="server" EditModeFormat="D" DisplayModeFormat="D" Width="128px" Fields="2005-7-14-0-0-0-0">
<ButtonsAppearance CustomButtonDisplay="OnRight"></ButtonsAppearance>
<SpinButtons Display="OnRight"></SpinButtons></igtxt:webdatetimeedit>
        //建立一个protected Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule.WebCalendar SharedCalendar;控件 
        <igsch1:webcalendar id="SharedCalendar" style="DISPLAY: none; Z-INDEX: 101; LEFT: 456px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 720px"  runat="server" Width="274px" Height="196px">
<Layout FooterFormat="Today: {0:d}" PrevMonthImageUrl="ig_cal_blueP0.gif" showtitle="false"
<FooterStyle Height="16pt" Font-Size="8pt" ForeColor="#505080" BackgroundImage="ig_cal_blue1.gif">
 <BorderDetails ColorTop="LightSteelBlue" WidthTop="1px" StyleTop="Solid"></BorderDetails> </FooterStyle>
<SelectedDayStyle BackColor="SteelBlue"></SelectedDayStyle>
<OtherMonthDayStyle ForeColor="SlateGray"></OtherMonthDayStyle>
<NextPrevStyle BackgroundImage="ig_cal_blue2.gif"></NextPrevStyle>
<CalendarStyle BorderWidth="1px" Font-Size="9pt" Font-Names="Verdana" BorderColor="SteelBlue" BorderStyle="Solid"  BackColor="#CCDDFF"></CalendarStyle>
<TodayDayStyle BackColor="#E0EEFF"></TodayDayStyle>
 <DayHeaderStyle Height="1pt" Font-Size="8pt" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#8080A0" BackColor="#E0EEFF">
 <BorderDetails StyleBottom="Solid" ColorBottom="LightSteelBlue" WidthBottom="1px"></BorderDetails>
<TitleStyle Height="18pt" Font-Size="10pt" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#505080" BackgroundImage="ig_cal_blue2.gif"
        //调用 javascript 语句
  ig_initDropCalendar("SharedCalendar idteDateTime");
  // This file allows to link drop-down WebCalendar with WebDateTimeEdit
// reference to drop-down calendar
var ig_calToDrop;
// reference to transparent iframe used to get around bugs in IE related to <select>
var ig_frameUnderCal;
// event fired by WebDateTimeEdit on CustomButton
function ig_openCalEvent(oEdit)
 // if it belongs to another oEdit, then close ig_calToDrop
 if(ig_calToDrop.oEdit != oEdit)
  ig_showHideCal(null, false);
  // set reference in ig_calToDrop to this oEdit
  ig_calToDrop.oEdit = oEdit;
 // show calendar with date from editor
 ig_showHideCal(oEdit.getDate(), true, true, true);
// synchronize dates in DateEdit and calendar, and show/close calendar
function ig_showHideCal(date, show, update, toggle)
 if(update != true) update = false;
 var oEdit = ig_calToDrop.oEdit;
 if(toggle == true && ig_calToDrop.isDisplayed == true)
  show = update = false;
 // update editor with latest date
 if(update && oEdit != null)
  if(ig_calToDrop.isDisplayed) oEdit.setDate(date);
  else ig_calToDrop.setSelectedDate(oEdit.getDate());
 // check current state of calendar
 if(ig_calToDrop.isDisplayed == show)
 // show/hide calendar = show ? "block" : "none"; = show ? "visible" : "hidden";
 ig_calToDrop.isDisplayed = show;
  if(ig_frameUnderCal != null)
  ig_calToDrop.oEdit = null;
// set position of calendar below DateEdit
function ig_setCalPosition()
 var edit = ig_calToDrop.oEdit.Element;
 var pan = ig_calToDrop.element; = "visible"; = "";
 if(ig_frameUnderCal == null && ig_csom.IsIEWin)
  ig_frameUnderCal = ig_csom.createTransparentPanel();
  if(ig_frameUnderCal != null) = 10001;
 var editH = edit.offsetHeight, editW = edit.offsetWidth;
 if(editH == null) editH = 0;
 var z, x = 0, y = editH, elem = edit, body = window.document.body;
 while(elem != null)
  if(elem.offsetLeft != null) x += elem.offsetLeft;
  if(elem.offsetTop != null) y += elem.offsetTop;
  if(elem.nodeName == "HTML" && elem.clientHeight > body.clientHeight)
   body = elem;
  elem = elem.offsetParent;
 var panH = pan.offsetHeight, panW = pan.offsetWidth;
 if((y - body.scrollTop) * 2 > body.clientHeight + editH)
  y -= (panH + editH);
 z = body.scrollLeft;
 if(x < z) x = z;
 else if(x + panW > (z += body.clientWidth)) x = z - panW; = x;
  = y;
 if(ig_frameUnderCal != null)
  ig_frameUnderCal.setPosition(y - 1, x - 1, panW + 2, panH + 2);;
// process mouse click events for page: close drop-down
function ig_globalMouseDown(evt)
 // find source element
 if(evt == null) evt = window.event;
 if(evt != null)
  var elem = evt.srcElement;
  if(elem == null) if((elem = == null) elem = this;
  while(elem != null)
   // ignore events that belong to calendar
   if(elem == ig_calToDrop.element) return;
   elem = elem.offsetParent;
 // close calendar
 ig_showHideCal(null, false, false);
function ig_closeCalEvent(oEdit){ig_showHideCal(null, false);}
function ig_initDropCalendar(calendarAndDates)
 var ids = calendarAndDates.split(" ");
 ig_frameUnderCal = null;
 ig_calToDrop = igcal_getCalendarById(ids[0]);
 if(ig_calToDrop == null)
  alert("WebCalendar with id=" + ids[0] + " was not found");
 } = 10002; = "absolute";
 ig_calToDrop.isDisplayed = true;
 // hide drop-down calendar
 ig_showHideCal(null, false);
 // it is called by date click events of WebCalendar
 // Note: that name should match with the ClientSideEvents.DateClicked property
 //  which is set in aspx for WebCalendar
 ig_calToDrop.onValueChanged = function(cal, date)
  // update editor with latest date and hide calendar
  ig_showHideCal(date, false, true);
 // add listener to mouse click events for page
 ig_csom.addEventListener(window.document, "mousedown", ig_globalMouseDown);
 for(var i = 1; i < ids.length; i++)
  var edit = igedit_getById(ids[i]);
  if(edit == null)
   alert("WebDateTimeEdit with id=" + ids[i] + " was not found");
  edit.addEventListener("focus", ig_closeCalEvent, edit);
  edit.addEventListener("spin", ig_closeCalEvent, edit);
  edit.addEventListener("keydown", ig_closeCalEvent, edit);
  edit.addEventListener("custombutton", ig_openCalEvent, edit);

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最后一次编辑于 2024年08月02日 0
