A piece of cake
  vwKuDCExiAAC 2023年11月02日 91 0

1. A piece of cake(易事情)
2. Break a leg(祝好运)
3. Don't count your chickens before they hatch(不要过早乐观)
4. Don't put all your eggs in one basket(不要孤注一掷)
5. Every cloud has a silver lining(黑暗中总有一线希望)
6. Face the music(勇敢面对现实)
7. Fit as a fiddle(身体非常好)
8. Give the cold shoulder(冷淡对待)
9. Hit the books(用功读书)
10. In the same boat(同舟共济)
11. Kick the bucket(死亡)
12. Let the cat out of the bag(泄露秘密)
13. Miss the boat(错过机会)
14. Once in a blue moon(千载难逢)
15. Run out of steam(失去动力)
16. Save the best for last(好戏在后头)
17. Take the bull by the horns(勇敢面对困难)
18. Take the cake(真了不起)
19. The ball is in your court(由你决定)
20. The best of both worlds(两全其美)


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最后一次编辑于 2023年11月08日 0
