delphi fmx for python
  RPz6kRLDuGTI 2023年11月02日 26 0

Delphi FMX for Python


Delphi FMX for Python is a powerful tool that allows developers to create cross-platform applications using the Python programming language and the FireMonkey framework. With Delphi FMX for Python, developers can build modern and visually appealing user interfaces that run on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android.

Getting Started

To start using Delphi FMX for Python, you first need to install the Delphi IDE and the Python for Delphi library. The Python for Delphi library provides the necessary bindings and integration between Delphi and Python.

Once you have the required software installed, you can create a new Delphi FMX for Python project. Open the Delphi IDE and select "File" -> "New" -> "Other" -> "Python" to create a new Python project.

Creating a Simple Application

Let's create a simple application that displays a button and a label. When the button is clicked, the label will show a message.

First, add a button and a label to the form. Set their properties as desired, such as the button caption and the label text.

Next, double-click on the button to open its OnClick event handler. In the event handler, add the following Python code:

label1.Text = "Button clicked!"

This code updates the label's text property to display the message "Button clicked!" when the button is clicked.

Now, run the application by selecting "Run" -> "Run Without Debugging" from the menu. You should see the form with the button and the label. Clicking the button will update the label with the specified message.

Handling Events

Delphi FMX for Python provides various event handlers that you can use to respond to user actions or system events. For example, you can handle the OnClick event of a button, the OnChange event of an edit box, or the OnResize event of a form.

To handle an event, simply double-click on the component in the designer to open the event handler. Then, add your Python code to handle the event.

Here's an example that demonstrates handling the OnChange event of an edit box:

def edit1Change(Sender):
    label1.Text = edit1.Text

edit1.OnChange = edit1Change

In this example, whenever the text of the edit box changes, the label will be updated with the new text.

State Diagram

Here is a state diagram that illustrates the lifecycle of a Delphi FMX for Python application:

    [*] --> Idle
    Idle --> Running: Run application
    Running --> Paused: Pause application
    Paused --> Running: Resume application
    Paused --> [*]: Stop application
    Running --> [*]: Stop application

In the diagram, the application starts in the Idle state. When the application is run, it transitions to the Running state. The application can be paused and resumed while in the Running state. Finally, the application can be stopped, either from the Running state or the Paused state.


Delphi FMX for Python provides a convenient way to build cross-platform applications using the Python programming language. With its integration with the Delphi IDE and the FireMonkey framework, developers can create visually appealing and feature-rich applications for multiple platforms. By leveraging the power of Python and the flexibility of Delphi, developers can build applications that meet the needs of their users.

Start exploring Delphi FMX for Python and unleash your creativity in building cross-platform applications!


  • [Delphi FMX for Python Documentation](

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最后一次编辑于 2023年11月08日 0


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