  IE5LYMWlmdvL 2023年11月02日 53 0


  • Pgcli 是 PostgreSQL 的命令行工具,相比于 PostgreSQL 原生的命令行工具 psql,具有智能提示和语法高亮等功能。
  • Pgcli 是基于 python-prompt-toolkit 编写的。
  • 网站:
  • 以下测试的环境:操作系统版本:CentOS 7.6。数据库版本:PostgreSQL 14.3。Pgcli版本:3.4.1。


1. 安装 Pgcli

  • 需要提前安装 Python 环境,使用 pip 命令安装 Pgcli,建议使用 Python 3 环境,此处忽略 Python 3 的安装方式。
  • 使用 pip 命令安装 Pgcli
[root@pgtest1 ~]# pip3 install -U pgcli
WARNING: Running pip install with root privileges is generally not a good idea. Try `pip3 install --user` instead.
Collecting pgcli
  Downloading (76kB)
    100% |████████████████████████████████| 81kB 348kB/s
Collecting click>=4.1 (from pgcli)
  Downloading (97kB)
    100% |████████████████████████████████| 102kB 577kB/s
Collecting Pygments>=2.0 (from pgcli)
  Downloading (1.1MB)
    100% |████████████████████████████████| 1.1MB 2.1MB/s
Collecting sqlparse<0.5,>=0.3.0 (from pgcli)
  Downloading (42kB)
    100% |████████████████████████████████| 51kB 5.4MB/s
Collecting configobj>=5.0.6 (from pgcli)
Collecting pendulum>=2.1.0 (from pgcli)
  Downloading (154kB)
    100% |████████████████████████████████| 163kB 4.7MB/s
Collecting prompt-toolkit<4.0.0,>=2.0.6 (from pgcli)
  Downloading (381kB)
    100% |████████████████████████████████| 389kB 3.4MB/s
Collecting setproctitle>=1.1.9 (from pgcli)
Collecting cli-helpers[styles]>=2.2.1 (from pgcli)
Collecting psycopg2>=2.8 (from pgcli)
  Downloading (380kB)
    100% |████████████████████████████████| 389kB 3.3MB/s
Collecting pgspecial<2.0.0,>=1.13.1 (from pgcli)
Collecting importlib-metadata; python_version < "3.8" (from click>=4.1->pgcli)
Requirement already up-to-date: six in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from configobj>=5.0.6->pgcli)
Collecting pytzdata>=2020.1 (from pendulum>=2.1.0->pgcli)
  Downloading (489kB)
    100% |████████████████████████████████| 491kB 3.1MB/s
Requirement already up-to-date: python-dateutil<3.0,>=2.6 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from pendulum>=2.1.0->pgcli)
Requirement already up-to-date: wcwidth in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from prompt-toolkit<4.0.0,>=2.0.6->pgcli)
Collecting tabulate[widechars]>=0.8.2 (from cli-helpers[styles]>=2.2.1->pgcli)
Requirement already up-to-date: zipp>=0.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from importlib-metadata; python_version < "3.8"->click>=4.1->pgcli)
Collecting typing-extensions>=3.6.4; python_version < "3.8" (from importlib-metadata; python_version < "3.8"->click>=4.1->pgcli)
Installing collected packages: typing-extensions, importlib-metadata, click, Pygments, sqlparse, configobj, pytzdata, pendulum, prompt-toolkit, setproctitle, tabulate, cli-helpers, psycopg2, pgspecial, pgcli
  Found existing installation: typing-extensions
    Uninstalling typing-extensions-
      Successfully uninstalled typing-extensions-
  Found existing installation: importlib-metadata 4.8.1
    Uninstalling importlib-metadata-4.8.1:
      Successfully uninstalled importlib-metadata-4.8.1
  Found existing installation: click 8.0.3
    Uninstalling click-8.0.3:
      Successfully uninstalled click-8.0.3
  Running install for configobj ... done
  Found existing installation: psycopg2 2.9.1
    Uninstalling psycopg2-2.9.1:
      Successfully uninstalled psycopg2-2.9.1
  Running install for psycopg2 ... done
Successfully installed Pygments-2.12.0 cli-helpers-2.2.1 click-8.0.4 configobj-5.0.6 importlib-metadata-4.8.3 pendulum-2.1.2 pgcli-3.4.1 pgspecial-1.13.1 prompt-toolkit-3.0.29 psycopg2-2.9.3 pytzdata-2020.1 setproctitle-1.2.3 sqlparse-0.4.2 tabulate-0.8.10 typing-extensions-4.1.1
[root@pgtest1 ~]#

2. 使用 Pgcli 登录数据库

  • 指定参数登录数据库
[postgres@pgtest1 ~]$ pgcli -h pgtest1 -p 5432 -U postgres -d postgres
Server: PostgreSQL 14.3
Version: 3.4.1
postgres@pgtest1:postgres> \l
| Name      | Owner    | Encoding | Collate    | Ctype      | Access privileges     |
| orcl      | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | <null>                |
| postgres  | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | <null>                |
| template0 | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | =c/postgres           |
|           |          |          |            |            | postgres=CTc/postgres |
| template1 | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | =c/postgres           |
|           |          |          |            |            | postgres=CTc/postgres |
| test      | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | <null>                |
Time: 0.012s
  • 使用连接串登录数据库,可以配置一些需要的参数
-- 连接串的配置格式:pgcli postgresql://[user[:password]@][netloc][:port][/dbname][?extra=value[&other=other-value]]
[postgres@pgtest1 ~]$ pgcli postgresql://postgres:postgres@pgtest1:5432/postgres
Server: PostgreSQL 14.3
Version: 3.4.1
-- 配置参数示例
pgcli postgres://amjith:pa$$
  • 更多详细参数可以使用帮助命令查看
[postgres@pgtest1 ~]$ pgcli --help

  -h, --host TEXT            Host address of the postgres database.
  -p, --port INTEGER         Port number at which the postgres instance is
  -U, --username TEXT        Username to connect to the postgres database.
  -u, --user TEXT            Username to connect to the postgres database.
  -W, --password             Force password prompt.
  -w, --no-password          Never prompt for password.
  --single-connection        Do not use a separate connection for completions.
  -v, --version              Version of pgcli.
  -d, --dbname TEXT          database name to connect to.
  --pgclirc FILE             Location of pgclirc file.
  -D, --dsn TEXT             Use DSN configured into the [alias_dsn] section
                             of pgclirc file.
  --list-dsn                 list of DSN configured into the [alias_dsn]
                             section of pgclirc file.
  --row-limit INTEGER        Set threshold for row limit prompt. Use 0 to
                             disable prompt.
  --less-chatty              Skip intro on startup and goodbye on exit.
  --prompt TEXT              Prompt format (Default: "\u@\h:\d> ").
  --prompt-dsn TEXT          Prompt format for connections using DSN aliases
                             (Default: "\u@\h:\d> ").
  -l, --list                 list available databases, then exit.
  --auto-vertical-output     Automatically switch to vertical output mode if
                             the result is wider than the terminal width.
  --warn [all|moderate|off]  Warn before running a destructive query.
  --ssh-tunnel TEXT          Open an SSH tunnel to the given address and
                             connect to the database from it.
  --help                     Show this message and exit.
  • pgcli 还支持许多与登录选项相同的环境变量,例如:PGHOST, PGPORT, PGUSER, PGPASSWORD, PGDATABASE
  • pgcli 还支持 SSL 相关的环境变量,所以如果你需要通过 ssl 连接来连接 postgres 数据库,你可以像这样设置
export PGSSLMODE="verify-full"
export PGSSLCERT="/your-path-to-certs/client.crt"
export PGSSLKEY="/your-path-to-keys/client.key"
export PGSSLROOTCERT="/your-path-to-ca/ca.crt"
pgcli -h localhost -p 5432 -U username postgres


3.1. 智能提示

默认开启,一旦你开始输入,REPL 就会弹出一个建议菜单。这些建议是基于光标位置的上下文敏感的。

  • FROM 关键字后会智能提示 schema 和 表名,仅建议来自当前数据库 schema 和 表名。
  • WHERE 关键字后会智能提示来自当前表的列名
  • INSERT INTO 同样会提示列名
  • 别名提示列名
  • 模糊匹配智能提示的内容
3.2. 语法高亮


  • 高亮的颜色可以通过配置文件自定义,使用配置参数 syntax_style 进行修改。

  • 例如 syntax_style = fruity
  • PostgreSQL的命令行工具Pgcli_Pgcli_02

  • 各种参数值的配置后显示示例:

3.3. 支持psql中有限的元命令

  • pgcli 仅支持以下元命令

postgres@/tmp:postgres> \?
| Command                              | Description                                    |
| \! [command]                         | Pass commands to shell.                        |
| \#                                   | Refresh auto-completions.                      |
| \?                                   | Show Commands.                                 |
| \T [format]                          | Change the table format used to output results |
| \c[onnect] database_name             | Change to a new database.                      |
| \conninfo                            | Get connection details                         |
| \copy [tablename] to/from [filename] | Copy data between a file and a table.          |
| \d[+] [pattern]                      | List or describe tables, views and sequences.  |
| \dD[+] [pattern]                     | List or describe domains.                      |
| \dE[+] [pattern]                     | List foreign tables.                           |
| \dF[+] [pattern]                     | List text search configurations.               |
| \dT[S+] [pattern]                    | List data types                                |
| \db[+] [pattern]                     | List tablespaces.                              |
| \ddp [pattern]                       | Lists default access privilege settings.       |
| \df[+] [pattern]                     | List functions.                                |
| \di[+] [pattern]                     | List indexes.                                  |
| \dm[+] [pattern]                     | List materialized views.                       |
| \dn[+] [pattern]                     | List schemas.                                  |
| \dp [pattern]                        | List roles.                                    |
| \ds[+] [pattern]                     | List sequences.                                |
| \dt[+] [pattern]                     | List tables.                                   |
| \du[+] [pattern]                     | List roles.                                    |
| \dv[+] [pattern]                     | List views.                                    |
| \dx[+] [pattern]                     | List extensions.                               |
| \e [file]                            | Edit the query with external editor.           |
| \h                                   | Show SQL syntax and help.                      |
| \i filename                          | Execute commands from file.                    |
| \l[+] [pattern]                      | List databases.                                |
| \n[+] [name] [param1 param2 ...]     | List or execute named queries.                 |
| \nd [name]                           | Delete a named query.                          |
| \np name_pattern                     | Print a named query.                           |
| \ns name query                       | Save a named query.                            |
| \o [filename]                        | Send all query results to file.                |
| \pager [command]                     | Set PAGER. Print the query results via PAGER.  |
| \pset [key] [value]                  | A limited version of traditional \pset         |
| \q                                   | Quit pgcli.                                    |
| \refresh                             | Refresh auto-completions.                      |
| \sf[+] FUNCNAME                      | Show a function's definition.                  |
| \timing                              | Toggle timing of commands.                     |
| \watch [sec=2]                       | Execute query every `sec` seconds.             |
| \x                                   | Toggle expanded output.                        |
| quit                                 | Quit pgcli.                                    |

  • \l 查看数据库信息
  • PostgreSQL的命令行工具Pgcli_python_03

  • \d 查看表的信息
  • PostgreSQL的命令行工具Pgcli_Pgcli_04

  • \du 显示角色信息
  • PostgreSQL的命令行工具Pgcli_Pgcli_05

  • 等等

3.4. 键绑定

有两种类型的键绑定,分别是 Emacs 模式(默认)和 Vi 模式,可以通过配置文件 (~/.config/pgcli/config) 更改或通过 F4 键切换。

在 Emacs 模式下,您可以按 Ctrl-a 转到行首,按 Ctrl-e 转到行尾等等。启用 Vi 模式后,您可以在 REPL 命令行中使用 Vi 提供的模态编辑功能,例如按[Esc]键进入正常模式,您可以使用^转到行首和$行尾,按下i将使您进入插入模式。

这个快捷键一般用在查询显示结果超过一整页的时候,例如输入 /df 命令的输入结果在一页中显示不全(\pager less),此时就可以使用键绑定


3.5. 命名查询

postgres@/tmp:postgres> \n
Named Queries are a way to save frequently used queries
with a short name. Think of them as favorites.

    # Save a new named query.
    > \ns simple select * from abc where a is not Null;

    # List all named queries.
    > \n
    | Name   | Query                                  |
    | simple | SELECT * FROM xyzb where a is not null |

    # Run a named query.
    > \n simple
    |   a |
    |  50 |

    # Delete a named query.
    > \nd simple
    simple: Deleted

  • 位置参数,命名查询支持 shell 样式的参数替换,将带有参数的命名查询保存为占位符,(e.g. $1$2$3, etc.)

# 保存一个新的命名查询
postgres@/tmp:postgres> \ns emp_by_empno select * from emp_range where empno = '$1'
# 查询已保存的命名查询
postgres@/tmp:postgres> \n
| Name         | Query                                      |
| emp_by_empno | select * from emp_range where empno = '$1' |
# 调用命名查询,传入位置参数
postgres@/tmp:postgres> \n emp_by_empno 7902
> select * from emp_range where empno = '$1'
| empno | ename | job     | mgr  | hiredate            | sal     | comm   | deptno |
| 7902  | FORD  | ANALYST | 7566 | 1981-12-03 00:00:00 | 3000.00 | <null> | 20     |
# 如果传入的参数值存在空格,可以使用双引号将参数值引起来
postgres@/tmp:postgres> \n
| Name            | Query                                         |
| emp_by_empno    | select * from emp_range where empno = '$1'    |
| emp_by_hiredate | select * from emp_range where hiredate = '$1' |

postgres@/tmp:postgres> \n emp_by_hiredate 1981-12-03 00:00:00
Bad arguments
query does not have substitution parameter $2:
  select * from emp_range where hiredate = '1981-12-03'
postgres@/tmp:postgres> \n emp_by_hiredate "1981-12-03 00:00:00"
> select * from emp_range where hiredate = '$1'
| empno | ename | job     | mgr  | hiredate            | sal     | comm   | deptno |
| 7900  | JAMES | CLERK   | 7698 | 1981-12-03 00:00:00 | 950.00  | <null> | 30     |
| 7902  | FORD  | ANALYST | 7566 | 1981-12-03 00:00:00 | 3000.00 | <null> | 20     |

  • 参数聚合,命名查询还支持通过两个占位符聚合参数。 $*用于原始聚合,$@用于字符串聚合,前者将使用聚合参数的原始值,后者将引用每个聚合值。
  • 原始聚合

# 删除命名查询
postgres@/tmp:postgres> \nd emp_by_empno
emp_by_empno: Deleted
# 创建一个原始聚合的命名查询
postgres@/tmp:postgres> \ns emp_by_empno select * from emp_range where empno in ($*)
# 调用命名查询,只需在查询名称后添加任何(至少一个)参数
postgres@/tmp:postgres> \n emp_by_empno 7521 7902
> select * from emp_range where empno in ($*)
| empno | ename | job      | mgr  | hiredate            | sal     | comm   | deptno |
| 7521  | WARD  | SALESMAN | 7698 | 1981-02-22 00:00:00 | 1250.00 | 500.00 | 30     |
| 7902  | FORD  | ANALYST  | 7566 | 1981-12-03 00:00:00 | 3000.00 | <null> | 20     |

  • 字符串聚合

# 创建一个字符串聚合的命名查询
postgres@/tmp:postgres> \ns emp_by_ename select * from emp_range where ename in ($@)
# 调用命名查询,只需在查询名称后添加任何(至少一个)参数,同样如果传入的参数值存在空格,可以使用双引号将参数值引起来
postgres@/tmp:postgres> \n emp_by_ename SMITH JONES KING
> select * from emp_range where ename in ($@)
| empno | ename | job       | mgr    | hiredate            | sal     | comm   | deptno |
| 7369  | SMITH | CLERK     | 7902   | 1980-12-17 00:00:00 | 800.00  | <null> | 20     |
| 7566  | JONES | MANAGER   | 7839   | 1981-04-02 00:00:00 | 2975.00 | <null> | 20     |
| 7839  | KING  | PRESIDENT | <null> | 1981-11-17 00:00:00 | 5000.00 | <null> | 10     |

  • 位置参数与参数聚合的结合使用,位置参数替换发生在聚合之前,这意味着位置参数可以放在查询中的参数聚合之后

# 创建一个命名查询,位置参数(empno = $1)在参数聚合(ename in ($@))的后面
postgres@/tmp:postgres> \ns emp_by_ename_and_empno select * from emp_range where ename in ($@) and empno = $1
# 调用命名查询,位置参数值要放在参数聚合值的前面
postgres@/tmp:postgres> \n emp_by_ename_and_empno 7839 SMITH JONES KING
> select * from emp_range where ename in ($@) and empno = $1
| empno | ename | job       | mgr    | hiredate            | sal     | comm   | deptno |
| 7839  | KING  | PRESIDENT | <null> | 1981-11-17 00:00:00 | 5000.00 | <null> | 10     |

3.6. 编辑命令 \e

  • \e 启动一个编辑器来编辑当前查询
  • 编辑当前查询

postgres@/tmp:postgres> select * from emp_range where ename \e
select * from emp_range where ename

# Type your query above this line.

  • 如果当前查询为空,则编辑上一个查询

postgres@/tmp:postgres> select * from emp_range where ename in ('SMITH','JONES','KING') and empno = 7839;
| empno | ename | job       | mgr    | hiredate            | sal     | comm   | deptno |
| 7839  | KING  | PRESIDENT | <null> | 1981-11-17 00:00:00 | 5000.00 | <null> | 10     |
Time: 0.008s

-- 当前查询为空,则编辑上一个查询
postgres@/tmp:postgres> \e
select * from emp_range where ename in ('SMITH','JONES','KING') and empno = 7839;

# Type your query above this line.

  • 在编辑器中打开一个现有文件以及文件的内容

[postgres@pgtest1 ~]$ cat test.sql
select * from emp_range where ename in ('SMITH','JONES','KING') and empno = 7839

postgres@/tmp:postgres> \e test.sql
postgres@/tmp:postgres> select * from emp_range where ename in ('SMITH','JONES','KING') and empno = 7839

3.7. 多行模式

  • pgcli 的默认行为是在按下回车键后立即执行查询,不管是否存在分号(;)结尾。

postgres@/tmp:postgres> select * from emp_range where ename in ('SMITH','JONES','KING') and empno = 7839
| empno | ename | job       | mgr    | hiredate            | sal     | comm   | deptno |
| 7839  | KING  | PRESIDENT | <null> | 1981-11-17 00:00:00 | 5000.00 | <null> | 10     |

  • 可以通过配置文件配置多行模式或者使用<F3>临时启动多行模式,多行模式意味着只有出现分号(;)才会执行查询
  • PostgreSQL的命令行工具Pgcli_Pgcli_07

3.8. 历史命令搜索

  • 向上/向下箭头可用于浏览历史记录。

  • <Ctrl+r> 输入关键词进行搜索
  • PostgreSQL的命令行工具Pgcli_python_08

3.9. 大型结果集的显示

  • 配置查询结果的输出形式,例如lessmore,使您可以一次轻松地查看大型结果集一页。

  • 使用 \pager命令配置

  • postgres@/tmp:postgres> \pager less
    postgres@/tmp:postgres> \pager more

  • 在配置文件中配置参数 pager,以下是一些常用less选项和配置示例

  • # -X     退出时将文件内容留在屏幕上。
    # -Fless 如果整个输出可以显示在一个屏幕上,则退出。
    # -R     以“原始”形式显示 ANSI 颜色转义序列。
    # -S     禁用换行,横向滚动查看长线。
    # 这是 pgcli 用户中流行的选项。
    export LESS="-XFR"
    # 一些 pgcli 用户喜欢禁用换行。
    export LESS="-SRXF"

3.10. 配置提示

  • 在配置文件中配置参数 prompt 修改提示
  • 默认的提示信息:user@localhost:db_name>,即 prompt = '\u@\h:\d> ’

  • 示例,修改提示信息,添加时间的显示

  • [postgres@pgtest1 pgcli]$ vi config
    prompt = "\t \u@\h:\d> "
    [postgres@pgtest1 ~]$ pgcli
    Server: PostgreSQL 14.3
    Version: 3.4.1
    06/28/22 01:25:35 postgres@/tmp:postgres>

3.11. pgcli 集成在 IPython

Pgcli 可以在IPython控制台中运行。在处理查询时,在不离开 IPython 控制台的情况下进入 pgcli 会话,迭代查询,然后退出 pgcli 以在 IPython 工作区中查找查询结果可能会很有用。

  • 安装 IPython

[root@pgtest1 ~]# pip3 install ipython-sql
WARNING: Running pip install with root privileges is generally not a good idea. Try `pip3 install --user` instead.
Collecting ipython-sql
Collecting prettytable<1 (from ipython-sql)
Collecting ipython-genutils>=0.1.0 (from ipython-sql)
Requirement already satisfied: six in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from ipython-sql)
Collecting sqlalchemy>=0.6.7 (from ipython-sql)
  Downloading (1.6MB)
    100% |████████████████████████████████| 1.6MB 611kB/s
Collecting ipython>=1.0 (from ipython-sql)
  Downloading (783kB)
    100% |████████████████████████████████| 788kB 265kB/s
Requirement already satisfied: sqlparse in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from ipython-sql)
Requirement already satisfied: importlib-metadata; python_version < "3.8" in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from sqlalchemy>=0.6.7->ipython-sql)
Collecting greenlet!=0.4.17; python_version >= "3" and (platform_machine == "aarch64" or (platform_machine == "ppc64le" or (platform_machine == "x86_64" or (platform_machine == "amd64" or (platform_machine == "AMD64" or (platform_machine == "win32" or platform_machine == "WIN32")))))) (from sqlalchemy>=0.6.7->ipython-sql)
  Downloading (162kB)
    100% |████████████████████████████████| 163kB 542kB/s
Collecting backcall (from ipython>=1.0->ipython-sql)
Requirement already satisfied: pygments in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from ipython>=1.0->ipython-sql)
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools>=18.5 in /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from ipython>=1.0->ipython-sql)
Requirement already satisfied: prompt-toolkit!=3.0.0,!=3.0.1,<3.1.0,>=2.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from ipython>=1.0->ipython-sql)
Collecting traitlets>=4.2 (from ipython>=1.0->ipython-sql)
  Downloading (75kB)
    100% |████████████████████████████████| 81kB 808kB/s
Collecting jedi<=0.17.2,>=0.10 (from ipython>=1.0->ipython-sql)
  Downloading (1.4MB)
    100% |████████████████████████████████| 1.4MB 214kB/s
Collecting decorator (from ipython>=1.0->ipython-sql)
Collecting pexpect; sys_platform != "win32" (from ipython>=1.0->ipython-sql)
  Downloading (59kB)
    100% |████████████████████████████████| 61kB 75kB/s
Collecting pickleshare (from ipython>=1.0->ipython-sql)
Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions>=3.6.4; python_version < "3.8" in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from importlib-metadata; python_version < "3.8"->sqlalchemy>=0.6.7->ipython-sql)
Requirement already satisfied: zipp>=0.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from importlib-metadata; python_version < "3.8"->sqlalchemy>=0.6.7->ipython-sql)
Requirement already satisfied: wcwidth in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from prompt-toolkit!=3.0.0,!=3.0.1,<3.1.0,>=2.0.0->ipython>=1.0->ipython-sql)
Collecting parso<0.8.0,>=0.7.0 (from jedi<=0.17.2,>=0.10->ipython>=1.0->ipython-sql)
  Downloading (109kB)
    100% |████████████████████████████████| 112kB 226kB/s
Collecting ptyprocess>=0.5 (from pexpect; sys_platform != "win32"->ipython>=1.0->ipython-sql)
Installing collected packages: prettytable, ipython-genutils, greenlet, sqlalchemy, backcall, decorator, traitlets, parso, jedi, ptyprocess, pexpect, pickleshare, ipython, ipython-sql
  Found existing installation: prettytable 2.2.1
    Uninstalling prettytable-2.2.1:
      Successfully uninstalled prettytable-2.2.1
  Running install for prettytable ... done
Successfully installed backcall-0.2.0 decorator-5.1.1 greenlet-1.1.2 ipython-7.16.3 ipython-genutils-0.2.0 ipython-sql-0.4.1 jedi-0.17.2 parso-0.7.1 pexpect-4.8.0 pickleshare-0.7.5 prettytable-0.7.2 ptyprocess-0.7.0 sqlalchemy-1.4.39 traitlets-4.3.3

  • 运行 ipython 并加载pgcli.magic扩展

[postgres@pgtest1 ~]$ ipython
Python 3.6.8 (default, Nov 16 2020, 16:55:22)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.16.3 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: %load_ext pgcli.magic

  • 连接到数据库并构造查询

# 连接串配置格式:postgresql://username:password@hostname/dbname

In [2]: %pgcli postgresql://postgres:postgres@
Connected: postgres@postgres
Server: PostgreSQL 14.3
Version: 3.4.1
06/28/22 01:39:59 postgres@192:postgres> select * from emp_range where ename in ('SMITH','JONES','KING') and empno = 7839;
| empno | ename | job       | mgr    | hiredate            | sal     | comm   | deptno |
| 7839  | KING  | PRESIDENT | <null> | 1981-11-17 00:00:00 | 5000.00 | <null> | 10     |
Time: 0.014s

  • 退出 pgcli 会话Ctrl + D并找到查询结果:

06/28/22 01:40:24 postgres@192:postgres>
1 rows affected.
Out[2]: [(Decimal('7839'), 'KING', 'PRESIDENT', None, '1981-11-17 00:00:00', Decimal('5000.00'), None, Decimal('10'))]

  • 结果存储在特殊的局部变量_中,并且可以分配给您选择的变量:

In [3]: my_result = _

In [4]: print(my_result)
| empno | ename |    job    | mgr  |       hiredate      |   sal   | comm | deptno |
|  7839 |  KING | PRESIDENT | None | 1981-11-17 00:00:00 | 5000.00 | None |   10   |

3.12. SSH隧道

有时,本地计算机无法直接访问您要连接的数据库。例如,只有 SSH 端口可能对外部连接开放,或者数据库可能位于专用网络中,并且只有一台机器可以与之通信。对于这些情况,您可以要求 Pgcli 为您创建到该中间机器的 SSH 隧道。

  • 第一个场景:


-------------+              |     +----------+
    LOCAL    |              |     |  REMOTE  | :22 SSH
    CLIENT   | <== SSH Tunnel ==> |  SERVER  | :5432 Postgres instance
-------------+              |     +----------+
                         FIREWALL (only port 22 is open)



$ pgcli postgresql://user:password@localhost/mydatabase --ssh-tunnel

  • 第二个场景:


-------------+                    +----------+   +---------+
    LOCAL    |                    |  REMOTE  | :1022 SSH       | PRIVATE | :7777 Postgres instance
    CLIENT   | <== SSH Tunnel ==> |  SERVER  | <=============> | SERVER  |
-------------+                    +----------+                 +---------+
                         is the
                                  only server with access



$ pgcli postgresql:// \

  • 配置

在配置文件中,您可以匹配要为其自动打开 SSH 隧道的主机(使用正则表达式)。

  • 注意事项
  1. sshtunnel尚不支持ProxyJump指令, 这是我们用来创建 SSH 隧道的库。一种解决方法是用指令替换ProxyJump指令ProxyCommand。示例:ProxyJump 变成 ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p.
  2. 使用的 Python SSH 实现paramiko尚不支持 包含指令 。解决方法是将所有内容放在主配置文件中。sshtunnel


首次启动 pgcli 时会自动创建一个配置文件,配置文件的路径是 ~/.config/pgcli/config,以下是配置文件的默认配置,有需要可以自定义配置

[postgres@pgtest1 pgcli]$ cat config
# vi: ft=dosini

# Enables context sensitive auto-completion. If this is disabled, all
# possible completions will be listed.
smart_completion = True

# Display the completions in several columns. (More completions will be
# visible.)
wider_completion_menu = False

# Multi-line mode allows breaking up the sql statements into multiple lines. If
# this is set to True, then the end of the statements must have a semi-colon.
# If this is set to False then sql statements can't be split into multiple
# lines. End of line (return) is considered as the end of the statement.
multi_line = False

# If multi_line_mode is set to "psql", in multi-line mode, [Enter] will execute
# the current input if the input ends in a semicolon.
# If multi_line_mode is set to "safe", in multi-line mode, [Enter] will always
# insert a newline, and [Esc] [Enter] or [Alt]-[Enter] must be used to execute
# a command.
multi_line_mode = psql

# Destructive warning mode will alert you before executing a sql statement
# that may cause harm to the database such as "drop table", "drop database",
# "shutdown", "delete", or "update".
# Possible values:
# "all" - warn on data definition statements, server actions such as SHUTDOWN, DELETE or UPDATE
# "moderate" - skip warning on UPDATE statements, except for unconditional updates
# "off" - skip all warnings
destructive_warning = all

# Enables expand mode, which is similar to `\x` in psql.
expand = False

# Enables auto expand mode, which is similar to `\x auto` in psql.
auto_expand = False

# If set to True, table suggestions will include a table alias
generate_aliases = False

# log_file location.
# In Unix/Linux: ~/.config/pgcli/log
# In Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\dbcli\pgcli\log
# %USERPROFILE% is typically C:\Users\{username}
log_file = default

# keyword casing preference. Possible values: "lower", "upper", "auto"
keyword_casing = auto

# casing_file location.
# In Unix/Linux: ~/.config/pgcli/casing
# In Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\dbcli\pgcli\casing
# %USERPROFILE% is typically C:\Users\{username}
casing_file = default

# If generate_casing_file is set to True and there is no file in the above
# location, one will be generated based on usage in SQL/PLPGSQL functions.
generate_casing_file = False

# Casing of column headers based on the casing_file described above
case_column_headers = True

# history_file location.
# In Unix/Linux: ~/.config/pgcli/history
# In Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\dbcli\pgcli\history
# %USERPROFILE% is typically C:\Users\{username}
history_file = default

# Default log level. Possible values: "CRITICAL", "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO"
# and "DEBUG". "NONE" disables logging.
log_level = INFO

# Order of columns when expanding * to column list
# Possible values: "table_order" and "alphabetic"
asterisk_column_order = table_order

# Whether to qualify with table alias/name when suggesting columns
# Possible values: "always", "never" and "if_more_than_one_table"
qualify_columns = if_more_than_one_table

# When no schema is entered, only suggest objects in search_path
search_path_filter = False

# Default pager.
# By default 'PAGER' environment variable is used
# pager = less -SRXF

# Timing of sql statements and table rendering.
timing = True

# Show/hide the informational toolbar with function keymap at the footer.
show_bottom_toolbar = True

# Table format. Possible values: psql, plain, simple, grid, fancy_grid, pipe,
# ascii, double, github, orgtbl, rst, mediawiki, html, latex, latex_booktabs,
# textile, moinmoin, jira, vertical, tsv, csv.
# Recommended: psql, fancy_grid and grid.
table_format = psql

# Syntax Style. Possible values: manni, igor, xcode, vim, autumn, vs, rrt,
# native, perldoc, borland, tango, emacs, friendly, monokai, paraiso-dark,
# colorful, murphy, bw, pastie, paraiso-light, trac, default, fruity
syntax_style = default

# Keybindings:
# When Vi mode is enabled you can use modal editing features offered by Vi in the REPL.
# When Vi mode is disabled emacs keybindings such as Ctrl-A for home and Ctrl-E
# for end are available in the REPL.
vi = False

# Error handling
# When one of multiple SQL statements causes an error, choose to either
# continue executing the remaining statements, or stopping
# Possible values "STOP" or "RESUME"
on_error = STOP

# Set threshold for row limit. Use 0 to disable limiting.
row_limit = 1000

# Truncate long text fields to this value for tabular display (does not apply to csv).
# Leave unset to disable truncation. Example: "max_field_width = "
# Be aware that formatting might get slow with values larger than 500 and tables with
# lots of records.
max_field_width = 500

# Skip intro on startup and goodbye on exit
less_chatty = False

# Postgres prompt
# \t - Current date and time
# \u - Username
# \h - Short hostname of the server (up to first '.')
# \H - Hostname of the server
# \d - Database name
# \p - Database port
# \i - Postgres PID
# \# - "@" sign if logged in as superuser, '>' in other case
# \n - Newline
# \dsn_alias - name of dsn alias if -D option is used (empty otherwise)
# \x1b[...m - insert ANSI escape sequence
# eg: prompt = '\x1b[35m\u@\x1b[32m\h:\x1b[36m\d>'
prompt = '\u@\h:\d> '

# Number of lines to reserve for the suggestion menu
min_num_menu_lines = 4

# Character used to left pad multi-line queries to match the prompt size.
multiline_continuation_char = ''

# The string used in place of a null value.
null_string = '<null>'

# manage pager on startup
enable_pager = True

# Use keyring to automatically save and load password in a secure manner
keyring = True

# Custom colors for the completion menu, toolbar, etc.
completion-menu.completion.current = 'bg:#ffffff #000000'
completion-menu.completion = 'bg:#008888 #ffffff'
completion-menu.meta.completion.current = 'bg:#44aaaa #000000'
completion-menu.meta.completion = 'bg:#448888 #ffffff'
completion-menu.multi-column-meta = 'bg:#aaffff #000000'
scrollbar.arrow = 'bg:#003333'
scrollbar = 'bg:#00aaaa'
selected = '#ffffff bg:#6666aa'
search = '#ffffff bg:#4444aa'
search.current = '#ffffff bg:#44aa44'
bottom-toolbar = 'bg:#222222 #aaaaaa' = 'bg:#222222 #888888'
bottom-toolbar.on = 'bg:#222222 #ffffff'
search-toolbar = 'noinherit bold'
search-toolbar.text = 'nobold'
system-toolbar = 'noinherit bold'
arg-toolbar = 'noinherit bold'
arg-toolbar.text = 'nobold'
bottom-toolbar.transaction.valid = 'bg:#222222 #00ff5f bold'
bottom-toolbar.transaction.failed = 'bg:#222222 #ff005f bold'
# These three values can be used to further refine the syntax highlighting.
# They are commented out by default, since they have priority over the theme set
# with the `syntax_style` setting and overriding its behavior can be confusing.
# literal.string = '#ba2121'
# literal.number = '#666666'
# keyword = 'bold #008000'

# style classes for colored table output
output.header = "#00ff5f bold"
output.odd-row = ""
output.even-row = ""
output.null = "#808080"

# Named queries are queries you can execute by name.
[named queries]

# DSN to call by -D option
# example_dsn = postgresql://[user[:password]@][netloc][:port][/dbname]

# Format for number representation
# for decimal "d" - 12345678, ",d" - 12,345,678
# for float "g" - 123456.78, ",g" - 123,456.78
decimal = ""
float = ""

5. 操作日志

操作日志默认开启,并以 ~/.config/pgcli/log 的形式存储在主文件夹中。


Pgcli 命令行工具提供了一下功能:

  • 智能提示,对于记不住某些命令和表名列名的DBA,提供了友好的帮助。
  • 语法高亮,让命令不再单调。
  • 兼容了psql的一些常用的元命令,让操作更加方便。
  • 键绑定,针对大型的结果集可以灵活处理。
  • \n 命名查询,让重复执行的查询简单化。
  • \e 编辑SQL语句
  • 单行和多行模式灵活切换
  • 历史命令搜索
  • 大型结果集的灵活显示
  • 提示信息
  • pgcli 集成在 IPython
  • 支持SSH隧道远程访问数据库
  • 记录操作命令,方便命令的审计



上一篇: PostgreSQL分区表 下一篇: pg_bulkload数据加载
  1. 分享:
最后一次编辑于 2023年11月08日 0


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