● kubelet.service - kubelet: The Kubernetes Node Agent Loaded: loaded (/usr
  ZsqcNNv7vC3L 2023年11月02日 19 0

Kubernetes Node Agent - kubelet

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that helps manage containerized applications across a cluster of machines. The kubelet is a critical component of a Kubernetes node and acts as an agent that runs on each node in the cluster. In this article, we will explore the kubelet service, its role, and its configuration.

What is the kubelet service?

The kubelet service is responsible for managing the state of a node in a Kubernetes cluster. It ensures that containers are running and healthy on each node by interacting with the container runtime, such as Docker or Containerd. The kubelet takes care of starting, stopping, and monitoring containers based on the instructions it receives from the Kubernetes control plane.

The kubelet service is loaded when the node starts up and is responsible for communicating with the Kubernetes API server to receive instructions and report the status of the node. It ensures that the containers specified in the pod manifest are running and maintains the desired state of the node.

Configuration of kubelet

The kubelet can be configured using command-line flags or a configuration file. Let's take a look at an example of a kubelet configuration file (kubelet.conf):

kind: KubeletConfiguration
apiVersion: kubelet.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
port: 10250

In this example, we have set the address to to bind the kubelet to all available network interfaces. The port is set to 10250, which is the default port for the kubelet API server.

To start the kubelet service with this configuration, you can pass the --config flag followed by the path to the configuration file:

kubelet --config=kubelet.conf

Interacting with the kubelet API server

The kubelet API server provides a RESTful API that allows external components to interact with the kubelet service running on a node. This API can be used to retrieve metrics, get the status of containers, and perform other actions on the node.

Let's see an example of how to retrieve the node status using the kubelet API server in Python:

import requests

def get_node_status(address, port):
    url = f"http://{address}:{port}/v1/status"
    response = requests.get(url)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        return response.json()
        return None

node_status = get_node_status("localhost", 10250)
if node_status:
    print(f"Node: {node_status['node']} is {node_status['status']}")
    print("Failed to retrieve node status")

In this example, we make a GET request to the /v1/status endpoint of the kubelet API server running on localhost and 10250 port. We parse the JSON response to retrieve the node status.


The kubelet service is a crucial component of a Kubernetes node that manages the state of containers and ensures they are running as expected. It interacts with the container runtime and the Kubernetes control plane to maintain the desired state of the node. The kubelet API server allows external components to retrieve information and perform actions on the kubelet service running on a node.

Understanding the kubelet and its configuration options is essential for effectively managing a Kubernetes cluster.

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