docker build FROM
  bu2HLcsjqHbl 2023年11月02日 51 0

Docker Build FROM

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Docker is an open-source platform that allows developers to automate the deployment and management of applications within lightweight, portable containers. These containers offer a consistent and reproducible environment, making it easier to package and deploy applications across different systems. One of the fundamental components of Docker is the Dockerfile, a text file that contains a set of instructions for building a Docker image.

In this article, we will explore the FROM instruction in Dockerfile and how it is used to specify the base image for building Docker images.

Understanding Docker Images

Before diving into the details of the FROM instruction, it's essential to understand what Docker images are and how they are created.

A Docker image is a self-contained package that includes everything needed to run an application, such as the code, runtime, libraries, and system tools. It is built from a set of instructions defined in a Dockerfile. Each instruction in the Dockerfile represents a layer in the final Docker image. Each layer is immutable, meaning it cannot be modified after it is created. This immutability enables Docker to efficiently cache layers and reuse them if no changes have been made, resulting in faster builds.

The FROM Instruction

The FROM instruction is used to specify the base image for building Docker images. It defines the starting point for the Dockerfile and sets the environment in which subsequent instructions will be executed. The FROM instruction is always the first instruction in a Dockerfile.

Here is the syntax for the FROM instruction:

FROM <image>[:<tag>] [AS <alias>]
  • <image>: Specifies the base image to be used. It can be an official Docker image from the Docker Hub registry or a custom image.
  • <tag>: (optional) Specifies a version or tag for the image. If not specified, the latest tag is used by default.
  • <alias>: (optional) Assigns an alias to the image. This alias can be used in subsequent instructions to refer to this image.

Building Docker Images with FROM

Let's walk through an example to illustrate how the FROM instruction is used in practice. Suppose we have a Python application that we want to containerize using Docker. We will create a Dockerfile to build an image for our application.

First, we need to decide on a base image. We can search for an appropriate base image on the Docker Hub registry. In this case, we will use the official Python image, which provides a pre-configured environment for running Python applications.

Our Dockerfile may look like this:

FROM python:3.9

Here, we specify python:3.9 as our base image. This means our resulting Docker image will have Python 3.9 installed and ready to use. We can now add more instructions to our Dockerfile to install any additional dependencies and copy our application code into the image.

Let's say our Python application requires some external libraries. We can use the RUN instruction to execute commands inside the Docker image during the build process. Here's an example:

FROM python:3.9

RUN pip install numpy pandas

In this example, we install the numpy and pandas libraries using the pip package manager. The RUN instruction ensures that these libraries are installed in the Docker image.

Next, we can copy our application code into the Docker image using the COPY instruction. Here's an example:

FROM python:3.9

RUN pip install numpy pandas

COPY . /app

In this example, we copy all the files and directories from the current directory (.) into the /app directory in the Docker image. We then set the working directory to /app using the WORKDIR instruction. This allows us to specify the default location for running commands inside the Docker image.

Finally, we can specify the command that should be executed when a container is launched from the image using the CMD instruction. Here's an example:

FROM python:3.9

RUN pip install numpy pandas

COPY . /app

CMD ["python", ""]

In this example, we set the default command to python, assuming that is the main entry point of our application. This means that when a container is created from this image, it will automatically execute the specified command.


The FROM instruction is a crucial part of building Docker images. It allows us to specify the base image and set the environment for subsequent instructions. By leveraging the power of Docker, developers can create reproducible and portable application environments that can be easily deployed across different systems.

In this article, we explored the FROM instruction in Dockerfile and saw how it is used to build Docker images. We also walked through an example of containerizing a Python application using the FROM instruction along with other Dockerfile instructions.

Remember, Docker provides a rich set of instructions that can be combined to create complex Dockerfiles. Understanding and mastering these instructions will enable you to build efficient and reliable Docker


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