  ZsFmOipWAcaO 2023年11月02日 36 0



This Document关于本书This is the Pocket Guide to the TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2. It is intended to help architects

focus on the efficient and effective operations of their organization and senior managers understand the basics of the TOGAF standard. It is organized as follows:

本书以 TOGAF 9 企业版为基础,旨在帮助架构师致力于其组织的高效运营,并帮助高级管理人员了解开放群组架构框架(The Open Group Architecture Framework, TOGAF)的基本概念。本书的章节组织如下:

• Chapter 1 provides a high-level view of the TOGAF standard, Enterprise Architecture, and

the contents and key concepts of the standard; it also introduces the TOGAF Library, a

portfolio of guidance material supporting the standard

第 1 章介绍了 TOGAF,企业架构和 TOGAF 内容的高级视图, 并介绍了 TOGAF 的一些关键概念。

• Chapter 2 provides an introduction to the Architecture Development Method (ADM), the

method that the TOGAF standard provides to develop Enterprise Architectures

第 2 章介绍了架构开发方法(Architecture Development Method, ADM), ADM 是TOGAF 提供的用来开发企业架构的方法。

Chapter 3 provides an overview of key techniques and deliverables of the ADM cycle第 3 章总体介绍了与 ADM 过程相关的各种关键技术和交付物。

Chapter 4 provides an overview of the guidelines for adapting the ADM第 4 章总体介绍了对 ADM 过程进行调整的一些指引。

• Chapter 5 provides an introduction to the Architecture Content Framework, a structured

metamodel for architectural artifacts

第 5 章介绍了架构内容框架,即架构制品的一个结构化的元模型。

• Chapter 6 provides an introduction to the Enterprise Continuum, a high-level concept that can

be used with the ADM to develop an Enterprise Architecture

第 6 章介绍了企业连续系列,即可以和 ADM 一起使用的,用 来开发企业架构的一个高级别概念。

• Chapter 7 provides an introduction to the Architecture Capability Framework, a set of

resources provided for establishment and operation of an architecture function within an


第 7 章介绍了架构能力框架,即为建立和运营企业中的架构 职能所需的一系列资源。

• Appendix A provides an overview of the changes between Version 9.1 and Version 9.2 of the

TOGAF standard

附录 A 总体对比了 TOGAF 9.2 和 TOGAF9.1 之间的差异。

The audience for this document is:


• Enterprise Architects, Business Architects, IT architects, data architects, systems architects,

solutions architects, and senior managers seeking a first introduction to the TOGAF standard

企业架构师、业务架构师、 IT 架构师、 数据架构师、系统架构师、解决方案架构师和希望初步了解 TOGAF 的高级管理者。

A prior knowledge of Enterprise Architecture is not required. After reading this document, the reader seeking further information should refer to the TOGAF documentation1 available online at and also available as a hardcopybook.

本书不需要读者具备企业架构的预备知识。阅读本书之后,希望寻求进一步信息的读者可以参考 TOGAF 9 的完整版 1,该文档在 doc/arch 在线阅读, 也支持全书下载。

2) About the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2关于TOGAF9.2标准

The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 is an update to the TOGAF 9.1 standard providing improved guidance, correcting errors, improving the document structure, and removing obsolete content. Key enhancements made in this version include updates to the Business Architecture and the Content Metamodel. All of these changes make the TOGAF framework easier to use and maintain. It retains the major features and structure of the TOGAF 9.1 standard including:

TOGAF 标准 9.2 版是对 TOGAF 9.1 标准的更新,该标准提供了改进的指导,纠正了错误,改进了文档结构,并删除了过时的内容。此版本中的关键增强包括对业务架构和内容元模型的更新。所有这些更改都使 TOGAF 框架更易于使用和维护。它保留了 TOGAF 9.1 标准的主要特征和结构,包括:

Modular Structure: The TOGAF standard has a modular structure. The modular structure supports:

模块化结构: TOGAF 标准具有模块化结构。模块化结构支持:

• Greater usability – defined purpose for each part; can be used in isolation as a standalone set

of guidelines

• 更大的可用性——为每个部分定义了目的;可以单独作为一组独立的指引使用

• Incremental adoption of the TOGAF standard

• 逐步采用 TOGAF 标准

• Accompanying the standard is a portfolio of guidance material, known as the TOGAF

Library, to support the practical application of the TOGAF approach

• 该标准还附带了一套指导材料,称为 TOGAF 库,以支持 TOGAF 方法的实际应用。

Content Framework: The TOGAF standard includes a content framework to drive greater consistency in the outputs that are created when following the Architecture Development Method (ADM). The TOGAF content framework provides a detailed model of architectural work products.

内容框架: TOGAF 标准包括一个内容框架,用于在遵循架构开发方法(ADM)时创建的输出中提高一致性。 TOGAF 内容框架提供了一个详细的架构工作产品模型。

Extended Guidance: The TOGAF standard features an extended set of concepts and guidelines to support the establishment of an integrated hierarchy of architectures being developed by teams within larger organizations that operate within an overarching architectural governance model. In particular, the following concepts are included:

扩展指南: TOGAF 标准的特点是一系列扩展的概念和指引,以支持建立一个集成的架构层次结构,该层次结构由较大的组织内部的团队在一个总体架构治理模型中运作。具体而言,包括以下概念:

• Partitioning – a number of techniques and considerations on how to partition the various

architectures within an enterprise

• 分区——关于如何划分企业中的各种架构的一些技术和注意事项

• Architecture Repository – a logical information model for an Architecture Repository which

can be used as an integrated store for all outputs created by executing the ADM

• 架构存储库——架构存储库的逻辑信息模型,可用作执行 ADM 所创建的所有输出的集


• Capability Framework – a structured definition of the organization, skills, roles, and

responsibilities required to operate an effective Enterprise Architecture Capability; the

TOGAF standard also provides guidance on a process that can be followed to identify and

establish an appropriate Architecture Capability

• 能力框架——组织、技能、角色和职责的结构化定义,以运行有效的企业架构能力;

TOGAF 标准还提供了一个过程的指导,可以遵循该过程来确定和建立适当的架构能力

Architectural Styles: The TOGAF standard is designed to be flexible and it can be used with various architectural styles. Examples are provided both in the TOGAF standard, in Part III: ADM Guidelines and Techniques, and in the TOGAF Library. Together these comprise a set of supporting materials that show in detail how the ADM can be applied to specific situations; for example:

架构风格: TOGAF 标准的设计是灵活的,它可以与各种架构风格一起使用。在 TOGAF 标准的第三部分: ADM 指引和技术,并在 TOGAF 库中提供了例子。这些材料共同组成一组支持材料,详细说明如何将 ADM 应用于特定情况,例如:

• The varying uses of iteration that are possible within the ADM and when each technique

should be applied

• 在 ADM 中可能出现的迭代的不同使用,以及何时应用每种技术

• The various types of architecture development required within an enterprise and howthese

relate to one another

• 企业中所需的不同类型的架构开发,以及它们之间的相互关系

• The use of the TOGAF ADM with Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs), Risk and

Security, etc.

• TOGAF ADM 与面向服务的架构(SOAs),风险管理和安全管理等一齐使用。

Additional ADM Detail: The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 includes additional detailed information over earlier versions of the TOGAF standard for supporting the execution of the ADM. Particular areas of enhancement are:

附加 ADM 细节: TOGAF 标准 9.2 版包含了更多的详细信息,这些详细信息要优于早期版本的 TOGAF 标准,以支持执行 ADM。加强的具体领域是:

• The Architecture Vision and Business Architecture phases feature extended guidanceon

development of the Business Architecture; this includes focus on Business Capabilities, Value

Streams, and Organization Maps

• 架构愿景和业务架构阶段具有业务架构开发的扩展指导,包括业务功能、价值流和组


• The Technology Architecture phase recognizes that emerging technologies areincreasingly leading

to technology-driven change

• 技术架构阶段认识到,新兴技术正日益导致技术驱动的变革

3) Conventions Used in this Document本文档使用约定

The following conventions are used throughout this document in order to help identify important information and avoid confusion over the intended meaning:


• Ellipsis (…) 省略号

Indicates a continuation; such as an incomplete list of example items, or a continuation from preceding text.


• Bold粗体

Used to highlight specific terms.


• Italics斜体字

Used for emphasis. May also refer to other external documents.


4) About The Open Group有关The Open Group

The Open Group is a global consortium that enables the achievement of business objectives through technology standards. Our diverse membership of more than 580 organizations includes customers, systems and solutions suppliers, tools vendors, integrators, academics, and consultants across multiple industries.

The Open Group 是一个全球性的联盟,通过技术标准实现业务目标。我们在超过 580 个组织的不同成员,包括客户、系统和解决方案供应商、工具供应商、集成商、学者和跨多个行业的顾问。

The Open Group aims to: 开放小组的目的是:

• Capture, understand, and address current and emerging requirements, establish policies, and share

best practices

• Facilitate interoperability, develop consensus, and evolve and integrate specifications and open

source technologies

• Operate the industry’s premier certification service

• 捕捉、理解和处理当前和新出现的需求,制定政策,分享最佳实践

• 促进互操作性,形成共识,发展和整合规范和开源技术

• 经营行业一流的认证服务

Further information on The Open Group is available at关于开放小组的更多信息见 www.Open。

The Open Group has over 25 years’ experience in developing and operating certification programs and has extensive experience developing and facilitating industry adoption of test suites used to validate conformance to an open standard or specification.

开放集团在开发和运营认证项目方面拥有超过 25 年的经验,并且在开发和促进行业采用用于验证是否符合开放标准或规范的测试套件方面拥有丰富的经验。

The Open Group publishes a wide range of technical documentation, most of which is focused on development of Open Group Standards and Guides, but which also includes white papers, technical studies, certification and testing documentation, and business titles.


A catalog is available at目录可在 查阅。


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