  Xo0hY81kMjIm 2023年11月02日 59 0



关键字:B/S模式 、 个性化服装搭配系统的设计与实现、 软件架构


First of all, at the beginning of the paper is a clear discussion of the system of research content. Secondly, analyze the system requirements analysis to understand "what to do". The analysis includes business analysis, business process analysis and use case analysis to further clarify the requirements of the system. Then on the basis of understanding the requirements of the system need to further design the system, mainly including software architecture pattern, overall functional modules, database design. The software architecture of this project chooses B/S mode, and the overall functional module adopts the top-down hierarchical idea. And then is to implement the system and code to achieve the function. The last chapter of the paper summarizes the experience and summary of completing this paper and developing this project. Through the teaching personalized clothing collocation system design and implementation of this paper will make the personalized clothing collocation system design and implementation of all aspects of the work efficiency of the system to bring substantial improvement.

Key words: B/S mode, design and implementation of personalized clothing matching system, software architecture


1绪论 4

1.1项目研究的背景 4

1.2开发意义 4

1.3项目研究内容与结构 4

2开发技术介绍 5

2.1B/S架构 5

2.2 Android平台 5

2.3 Java语言简介 5

2.4 MySQL 介绍 6

2.5 MySQL环境配置 8

2.6 SSM框架 8

3系统分析 9

3.1可行性分析 9

3.1.1技术可行性 9

3.1.2经济可行性 9

3.1.3操作可行性 9

3.2 app性能需求分析 10

3.3 app设计规则与运行环境 10

3.4 app功能分析 10

3.5 app流程的分析 11

3.5.1 个性穿搭管理的流程 12

3.5.2 用户管理管理流程 13

3.5.3 登录流程 13

4系统设计 14

4.1 软件功能模块设计 14

4.2 数据库设计 14

4.2.1 概念模型设计 14

4.2.2 物理模型设计 15

5系统详细设计 18

5.1 APP端 18

5.2管理员功能模块 20

6系统测试 23

7总结与心得体会 24

7.1 总结 24

7.2 心得体会 24

参考文献 25

致谢 26



(a) 管理员;管理员使用本系统涉到的功能主要有个人中心、用户管理、个性穿搭管理、我的衣橱管理、服饰分类管理、我的收藏管理、系统管理等功能。

(b) 用户;用户进入app可以实现首页、我的等,在我的页面可以对报修信息、维修处理、故障反馈、留言反馈等功能进行操作。





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