neovim python
  HV79tZqZV2eD 2023年12月22日 58 0

Neovim Python

Neovim is a highly extensible text editor built upon the foundation of Vim. It provides a powerful and flexible platform for editing code, writing scripts, and customizing the editor to suit individual needs. One of the key features of Neovim is its support for scripting in multiple languages, including Python.

Why Python for Neovim?

Python is a popular and versatile programming language known for its simplicity and readability. It has a large ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, making it an excellent choice for scripting in Neovim. Python's integration with Neovim allows users to extend the editor's functionality, create custom plugins, and automate repetitive tasks.

Neovim's Python API

Neovim exposes a comprehensive Python API that provides access to various editor functionalities. This API allows developers to interact with the editor, manipulate buffers, insert text, create mappings, and more. To use the Python API, you need to have both Neovim and the pynvim package installed.

To install pynvim, you can use pip:

pip install pynvim

Once installed, you can import the neovim module and create an instance of the neovim.Nvim class to start interacting with Neovim programmatically.

import neovim

# Create an instance of Nvim
nvim = neovim.attach('socket', path='/tmp/nvim')

# Use the Nvim instance to interact with the editor
nvim.command('echo "Hello, Neovim!"')

The above code snippet demonstrates how to create an instance of Nvim and execute a command to display a message in the Neovim editor. You can use various methods and properties of the Nvim class to perform actions such as changing the current buffer, retrieving information about the editor state, and more.

Writing Neovim Plugins in Python

Neovim allows users to write plugins in Python to enhance the editor's functionality. Plugins can add custom commands, mappings, functions, and autocompletion to Neovim. They can be used to automate repetitive tasks, integrate external tools, or provide new features specific to your workflow.

To create a Neovim plugin in Python, you can define a class that inherits from the neovim.Plugin class and implement the desired functionality as methods. Neovim will automatically load and register the plugin when the editor starts.

Here's an example of a simple Neovim plugin written in Python:

import neovim

class MyPlugin(object):
    def __init__(self, nvim):
        self.nvim = nvim

    @neovim.command('Hello', range='', nargs='*')
    def say_hello(self, args, range):
        self.nvim.command('echo "Hello, Neovim!"')

    @neovim.function('Double', sync=True)
    def double(self, args):
        number = int(args[0])
        return number * 2

In the above code, we define a plugin class MyPlugin that has two methods: say_hello and double. The say_hello method is registered as a command :Hello in Neovim, which displays a message when executed. The double method is registered as a function Double() in Neovim, which can be called from within the editor and returns the double of a given number.


Neovim's support for Python scripting allows users to extend the functionality of the editor, create custom plugins, and automate repetitive tasks. The Python API provides a comprehensive set of tools to interact with Neovim programmatically, making it a powerful platform for code editing and customization.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced programmer, Python's simplicity and flexibility combined with Neovim's extensibility make for a compelling combination. So why not give Neovim Python a try and unleash the full potential of your favorite text editor?


  • [Neovim](
  • [pynvim documentation](

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最后一次编辑于 2023年12月22日 0


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