  Xo0hY81kMjIm 2023年11月25日 27 0

摘  要







Nowadays, all walks of life in society like to work with their own industry-specific software. At this point in the development of the Internet, people have found that they cannot do without the Internet. The emergence of new technologies can often solve the drawbacks of some old technologies. Because traditional restaurant ordering information management is difficult, the fault tolerance rate is low, and the management personnel is labor-intensive and time-consuming to process data, a restaurant ordering system has been specially developed to solve this problem, which can solve many problems.

The functions implemented by the restaurant ordering system include dish type management, dish information management, carousel image management, and management of completed, unpaid, cancelled, paid, refunded and other orders. The system uses Mysql database, Python language and other technologies for programming.

The restaurant ordering system can improve the efficiency of solving restaurant ordering information management problems, optimize the restaurant ordering information processing process, and ensure the safety of restaurant ordering information data. It is a very reliable and very safe application.

Key Words:Restaurant ordering system; Mysql database; Python language


目  录

摘  要 I


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.2 课题意义 1

1.3 研究内容 1

第2章 开发环境与技术 3

2.1 PYTHON语言 3

2.2 MYSQL数据库 3

第3章 系统分析 4

3.1 可行性分析 4

3.1.1 技术可行性 4

3.1.2 经济可行性 4

3.1.3 操作可行性 4

3.2 系统流程 4

3.2.1 操作流程 5

3.2.2 登录流程 5

3.2.3 删除信息流程 6

3.2.4 添加信息流程 6

3.3 性能需求 7

3.4 功能需求 8

第4章 系统设计 10

4.1 系统设计思想 10

4.2 功能结构设计 11

4.3 数据库设计 12

4.3.1 数据库概念设计 12

4.3.2 数据库物理设计 15

第5章 系统实现 20

5.1 管理员功能实现 20

5.1.1 菜品信息管理 20

5.1.2 会员管理 20

5.1.3 已完成订单 21

5.1.4 已支付订单 21

5.1.5 已退款订单 22

5.2 会员功能实现 22

5.2.1 菜品信息 22

5.2.2 确认下单 23

5.2.3 我的订单 23

5.2.4 购物车 24

第6章 系统测试 25

6.1 测试任务 25

6.2 测试目标 25

6.3 功能测试 26

6.3.1 登录功能测试 26

6.3.2 修改密码功能测试 27

6.4 系统测试结果 27

结  论 28

参考文献 29

致  谢 30








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最后一次编辑于 2023年11月25日 0


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